
Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
ExtraMod Template Extension

ExtraMod is a new template extension that piggybacks off of Sby's currently popular Template Extension, and by extension the vanilla template.

ExtraMod seeks to bring simplicity to complex modding elements, allowing modding of previously unavailable objects, and create wholly new modding containers - all the while making it very simple and easy to mod.

This template extension is separated into two parts: The primary ExtraMod (for modding HER and the game environment) and ExtraModHim (modding HIM only).

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Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
ExtraMod Documentation (For ExtraModCore and Mods)

Link to mod:

**EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Legacy EM mods WILL break ExtraModCore.
PLEASE be sure to destroy or quarantine any old EM mods (anything that says ExtraMod 0.99 or lower when it loads in). If you get errors or failures with EM Core this is very likely the cause**

Part 1: ExtraMod for Users
What is ExtraMod?

ExtraMod (EM) is a mod for Loader and is a branch of the ExtraMod Template Extension.
The ExtraModCore mod requires Sby’s Template Extension to function. This, and the loader, are the only requirements to run.

ExtraMod opens up SDT like never before.
The whole point of EM is to allow modding of nearly every single visible asset in the game (outside of the game menus -- for now) without the necessity of messing with any code. EM also gives modders access to features such as skin registration, asset states, and some completely new modding elements!

However, right out of the box it might seem that EM doesn't do much for players. That's because it really doesn't offer many player-facing tools and features. EM is a framework that works in the background to power-up modding! This means modding that was previously too difficult or lacked consistency can be made simply and within an eco-system that allows for iterative improvements without needing to refactor mods.

How to Install ExtraMod?
EM can be loaded manually through the game’s built-in SWF mod loader, however it is recommended to load it on start-up via Loader’s $INIT$ load sequence.

For further information on how to load mods through $INIT$ refer to Tickle’s Guide Here.

It is recommended to put EM early in the load order after Template Extension, but BEFORE Animtools, MoreClothing, and other such script mods.

What can ExtraMod do?
ExtraMod introduces a few new ModTypes to SDT. These ModTypes include the following:
  • NOSE_PIERCING - transforms to face/nose but not affected by skin HSL. Can be used for static head piercings.BROW_PIERCING - tweens with eyebrows but not affected by skin HSL
  • HEAD - all head parts (except for eye), jaw, upper lip, lipstick, neck, face, nose, ear, etc
  • BODY_EXPANDED - skin reg, hand states, missing elements from vanilla template, full body replacement
  • EYE - HER eye, upper eyelid, lower eyelid, static eye replacer, masks, iris, sclera, eye makeup
  • OVERLAY - Foreground and Screen Effects
  • DIALOGUE_BOX - Font, Font size, Font color, Dialogue box art
  • FUTA - HER Futa Penis
ExtraMod also adds the following new Moddable Containers and Elements to the game:
  • Alternate Thigh Art (For Animtools over-rotation) [animRightThigh, animLeftThigh]
  • Left Hand Thumb (For Left Handjobmode) [Left Thumb]
  • Static Art layer over SD Chan's Jaw [Overjaw]
ExtraMod also makes previously unmoddable areas of the already moddable zones accessible:
  • Left Shoulder on Body
  • Right Hand Behind the Back Hand
  • Finger Nail Polish
  • Underboob
  • Hand Job Mode Hands (for body)
  • Hip
  • Chest Under
ExtraMod also adds new feautres and makes it so modders have access to:
  • Skin Registration
  • Skin Tan Modding
  • Mood set art states (Frame states can be switch via her mood)
  • Toggling of Vanilla Assets' visibility
  • Change Dialogue fonts, colors, and font size (can be done by users in Settings)
  • Options to use SkinPalette or not
  • Access to all the Vanilla game Asset Frame States (aka Hand open or closed)
Lastly, ExtraMod includes built-in various templates from alternate body types and script frameworks:
  • Inclusion of Dynamic Hair Extender (DHE) library and templates
  • Templates for Feet4Heels, TAF, Thicker Thighs, and Skinny Bitch
Using ExtraModSettings
EM has a few variables that are settable by the user. To use the settings file copy the following into a .txt file with the name ExtraModSettings.txt and and place that file into your Loader’s Settings folder.

The file should have the following by default:
;;---- ExtraMod Settings -----
;;Note that generally 0 = false, 1 = true

;;Use rotated thigh in animtools with all mods.

;;Use included rotated vanilla thigh replacer

;;Angle offset at which the rotated thigh will actuate
;;Acceptable values should be between 1 and 2. Default is 1.885

;;Allow mods that include the HandJob Left Thumb to load
;;0 = false, 1 = true

;;Default Custom Font. Font must be available on system
;;Use text string without quotes to identify font by name. Comment (semi-colon) out if unused.
;;Fonts can be identified by their system number as well, e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
;dialogueFontName=adobe gothic std

;;Enable the built in debugger
;;0 = false, 1 = true

Variables following an “=” can be changed. Statements following a “;” are comments that are ignored by the code.
‘useRotatedThigh’ tells the mod whether or not to use rotatedthigh mods if available. Some mods can include rotated thigh art (for animtools), but may break clothing. Use this setting to disable rotated thighs.

'useEMRotatedThigh' there is a built in rotated thigh alternate art to replace the vanilla art once a the angle of rotation has passed the 'rotatedThighAngleOffset'. Toggle this off (set to 0) and EM will never use the default rotated thigh.

'rotatedThighAngleOffset' this is the angle offset at which the rotated thigh will actuate. Acceptable values should be between 1 and 2. Default is 1.885

'useLeftHandThumb' tells EM whether or not to use left hand thumbs mods during handjob mod if available.

' dialogueFontName' is a fun setting where you can load in any font you have on your system to replace the in-game dialogue font. Not all font have acceptable sizes.

‘useDebug’ enables debug logs. Safe to say most users will never ever need to set this to 1. It's also ok to just delete it.

Part 2: ExtraMod for Modders
TO-DO: Add details regarding template

Part 3: Using other Mods with EM
TO-DO: Using the MoreClothing, Animtools, SuperBelly, etc. List of incompatibilities and mod conflicts
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Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
ExtraModHim Documentation

Link to mod:

Part 1: ExtraModHim for Users
What is ExtraModHim

ExtraModHim (EMH) is a mod for Loader and is a branch of the ExtraMod Template Extension. All the ExtraMod Core mods require Sby’s Template Extension to function. This is the only requirement to run.

This mod was conceived around three needs: to make HIM modding more streamlined and simple, to create default mod containers for HIM that aren’t present in the vanilla game, and to make HIM mods available for use with Sby’s MoreClothing mod.

How to Install ExtraModHim
EMH can be loaded manually through the game’s built-in SWF mod loader, however it is recommended to load it on start-up via Loader’s $INIT$ load sequence.

For further information on how to load mods through $INIT$ refer to Tickle’s Guide Here.

It is recommended to put EMH early in the load order after Template Extension and ExtraModCore, but BEFORE Animtools and MoreClothing, etc.

What can ExtraModHim do
EMH introduces new Mod Types to SDT. These Mod Types include the following:

  • HIM_HEAD - A persisting customizable dynamic default head for him.
  • HIM_HAIR - Hair elements for the proprietary head container.
  • HIM_BODY - His body, as defined by KONA.
  • HIM_PENIS - His penis, as defined by KONA.
  • HIM_BOTTOMS - His Bottoms, as defined by KONA. RGB Shiftable.
  • HIM_TOP - His Top, as defined by KONA. RGB Shiftable.
  • HIM_FOOTWEAR - His Footwear, as defined by KONA. RGB Shiftable.
  • HIM_LARM - A replacement of Modguy’s Loader arm. This arm is moddable and codable.

EMH also gives the user the ability to soft unload HIM mods, pair other HIM mods together (such as accessories), and adds a customizable dynamic HIM head. However, the paramount benefit of EMH is the ease of HIM modding.

The ExtraModHim Default Head
A major feature of EMH is the persistent (and toggle-enabled) customizable dynamic HIM head.

This head comes with two default styles - him and the female futa.

The head is completely adjustable and allows modders to add custom parts such as noses, jaws, head shapes, hair, and eyes.

The head, neck, eyes, and eyebrows, are all responsive to action in game.

Using ExtraModHimSettings
EMH has a few variables that are settable by the user. To use the settings file copy the following into a .txt file with the name ExtraModHimSettings.txt and and place that file into your Loader’s Settings folder.

The file should have the following by default:
;;---- ExtraModHim Settings -----
;;Use Default Head. 1 = true, 0 = false

;;Select Default Head Type. 0 = Standard, 1 = Anime, 2 = Faceless

;;Make Head Static or Dynamic
;;0 is static

;;Always remove HIM vanilla clothing
;;0 = false, 1 = true

;;Remove FUTA heels.
;;0 = false, 1 = true, 2 = false persists

;;Auto-remove Left Arm when using Loader Arm
;;0 = false, 1 = true

Variables following an “=” can be changed. Statements following a “;” are comments that are ignored by the code.

useDynamicHead’ tells the mod whether or not to hide the dynamic head. Examples of times in which you’d want to hide the head would be to replace the head with a static head mod, the head doesn’t work with that specific HIM mod, or if you just don’t like his ugly mug.

'himHeadSelection' changes the default HIM (non-futa) head between a number of available options. Currently only two included heads are built in: 0 being the default and 1 being an Anime head (based off the Shinji body mod).

'headDynamics' when set to 0 will make the dynamic head static. All other values will maintain dynamics.

' alwaysClearVanillaClothes' makes it so the vanilla HIM clothes unload on body change. Recommended to set to 1 (true). '0' sets it so vanilla clothes load in as normal. '1' sets it so vanilla clothes always unload on body change.

removeHeels’ removes the heels from FUTA model in the vanilla game. These heels are by default always visible when using the FUTA heels footwear selection. However, some mods may want to take advantage of the model’s heels position and vanilla body and this setting removes the vanilla one’s to make way for such a mod.

'autoHideLeftArm' automatically hide the vanilla left arm whenever the loader arm is activated. Default is off, however I recommended setting it to '1' (true).

Part 2: ExtraModHim for Modders
What is ExtraModHim_Template.fla

This is a mod template that includes all the vanilla mod types, sby’s template extension mod types, and all the EMH template mod types. As such, this FLA requires the included SDTMods package folder to be in the same location to export correctly. This included SDTMods package has the updated needed to package Template Extension and EMH mods.

The template itself has 8 new mod templates, and various helper templates.

As per the new modTypes (above) the new templates correspond accordingly: His head, His hair, His body, His Penis, His Bottoms, His Top, His Footwear, and the Loader Arm.

Almost all of the templates include two or more frames for each included mod instance.
Generally, these frames will be labeled “him” and “futa”. The programming that controls the EMH requires these labels to be present on all mod instances. This is very important. Do not delete the labels layer or frames unless you absolutely know what you’re doing.


This separation of him and futa reflects how the vanilla system handles the bodies objects. There are two bodies, 0 and 1 - 0 is the male body while 1 is the female body. To simplify this for modders, and since Faceless’s template has used this method up until now, I opted to make the first frame of all mod instances for the male and the second for the female. Some outliers to this organization are the hands and feet which have additional frame information.

Drawing art on both the male and female frames is not required. Any unused frame will load the vanilla art in its stead (unless the boolean for overwriting vanilla art has been ticked).

Using the Art Templates
Because the Futa layers are on frame 2 it's not easy to visually design Futa mods using the publishable mod template. To alleviate that, I have provided Art Templates. These Futa art templates are not for publishing mods - and they do not have Settings/Actions layers. They are for drawing and designing the Futa art only.


Once you have your art drawn and positioned, then you should copy and paste that art to the actual mod templates part by part on the F frame (generally frame 2).
Hint: use Ctrl+Shift+V to paste in place.

How edit the Loader Arm
The loader arm is a Loader-specific object instance generated by ModGuy’s Loader. EMH replaces this with its own version of the grabbing left arm. This replaced version is moddable unlike the original. However, it is unattached from either the body or top template. As such, the modder will need to let the game know what that mod will be using an additional variable: ‘loaderArmAssignment’. This parameter only accepts two inputs: “body” or “costume”, anything else will default to “costume”. The difference between the two is that the body changes with the HIM body HSL slider and the costume can be linked to the top RGB slider.

If your mod calls for a loader arm Body mod and Costume mod, just copy the template and change the ‘loaderArmAssignment’ respectively.

RGB Sliders
Similar to HER mods, adding RGB control via the menu character controls is possible by creating a movie clip symbol with the instance name of ‘rgbFill’ inside of the mod element. At the moment there is no ‘rgbFill2’ built-in. Using other methods to bind rgbFills to other character controls is possible.

The mods that accept RGB are Top, Bottoms, Footwear, and the Loader Arm.

The HIM head
This modding area is only really visible if you use one of two mods in conjunction with EMH: Sby’s Animtools or Stuntcock’s AnySizeHim.

All elements are moddable (except the eyes as that’s currently a WIP), including the neck.

While it’s possible to add hair to the head template itself, it’s recommended to add hair via the hair mod template which provides mod containers for a Hair Top (above all), Hair Between (Under the ear), and Hair Back (Behind all).

Part 3: Using ExtraModHim with other Mods
Is EMH compatible with animtools?

Yes, in nearly every capacity EMH works with AnimtoolsV35+. I am expecting future versions of animtools to have native support for EMH.

Is EMH compatible with MoreClothing?
Yes and no. Currently EMH is only semi-compatible with moreclothing at the time being. While I've discussed support for EMH in the future with Sby, the current version (MoreClothingV13) only fully supports non-body HIM mods, and partially supports body mods through a quirk in MC's autoconsolidate feature.

In order to register EMH mods with MC you'll need to formulate your settings as such:
My_EMH_Mod.swf=My Mod Name+autoconsolidate

e.g. EMH-Mohawk_Hair.swf=Hair Mohawk+autoconsolidate

Apparently with the next version of MC you may have to structure is as
My_EMH_Mod.swf=My Mod Name+autoconsolidate>Body
This will put automatically put the HIM mod into the 'Body1' mod section.

Word of warning: As mentioned, MC doesn't natively support EMH yet so expect there to be issues. Especially issues with body and head mods. These mods will not work if you change the him body type (aka change from the male him to the futa him). Also, RGB on the loader arm doesn't carry over. Lastly, special parameters such as overwriting the HIM body or removing vanilla elements doesn't work when loaded via MC.

Stuntcock’s Dynamic Hair Extender [DHE]
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Potential Patron
Nov 26, 2022
hi there i saw a few assets for ExtramodHER out there...
does that mean it's ready ?
and if so... did you post it anywhere ?
cause i sure can't seem to find it

nice going dude


Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
hi there i saw a few assets for ExtramodHER out there...
does that mean it's ready ?
and if so... did you post it anywhere ?
cause i sure can't seem to find it

nice going dude
Thanks! Those are test mods I'm publishing with ExtraModHer baked into the mod themselves, so you don't need anything else to run them. I really shouldn't publish too many as I'm going to have to manually replace each and every one once I publish the ExtraModCore.


Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
Mod is finished. Will be publishing tonight.

EDIT: Found a bug......again. Still delayed.
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Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
Identified a few bugs with the initial upload of EMHv1 and will be pushing a day 1 patch asap.

List of bugs:
  • Dynamic Hair not loading/unloading correctly
  • RGB not working with hands
  • Failure to load with using the FUTA body to load.
I believe I have solutions for all of the above and will post an update as soon as I make the changes.


Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
Added a new EMH mod: Alien Penis.

Discovered there is a issue with mod restart that requires a RESET to reload mods with EMH penis mods. Will look into later.



Mod Download Page:

don kloot

Content Creator
Aug 16, 2019
Howdy! I've encountered a graphical bug that appears to be linked to EMH Core and HIS Skin tone. Whenever I swap back and forth between skin tones I get the following graphical bug...

This seems to be linked to the EMH mods I have downloaded as I don't get this issue when I remove them from my MoreClothing settings. I made sure to purge all the old EM mods and start fresh. Any idea what may be the issue?


Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
Howdy! I've encountered a graphical bug that appears to be linked to EMH Core and HIS Skin tone. Whenever I swap back and forth between skin tones I get the following graphical bug...

This seems to be linked to the EMH mods I have downloaded as I don't get this issue when I remove them from my MoreClothing settings. I made sure to purge all the old EM mods and start fresh. Any idea what may be the issue?

This is a really old issue with older versions of EMH. I havent seen this problem in a long time and can't remember exactly what the cause was back then.
I thought I had patched it however, so please check to make sure you're using the latest EMH version and that EM and EMH are early in the Mods.txt load order (before MC, Animtools, etc)

If I had to guess, the issue appears to be a error in the game itself and it has aborted the EMH code altogether thus the cycling between frame states.

If it's not a version issue, could you send me your mods.txt and moreclothing settings file?

don kloot

Content Creator
Aug 16, 2019
This is a really old issue with older versions of EMH. I havent seen this problem in a long time and can't remember exactly what the cause was back then.
I thought I had patched it however, so please check to make sure you're using the latest EMH version and that EM and EMH are early in the Mods.txt load order (before MC, Animtools, etc)

If I had to guess, the issue appears to be a error in the game itself and it has aborted the EMH code altogether thus the cycling between frame states.

If it's not a version issue, could you send me your mods.txt and moreclothing settings file?
Hey so I've attached the two things you asked for. It seems to be something specifically with AthleticHimV1. When I remove it from Moreclothing all other EMH mods work as intended.


28.3 KB · Views: 136

3.4 KB · Views: 126


Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
Hey so I've attached the two things you asked for. It seems to be something specifically with AthleticHimV1. When I remove it from Moreclothing all other EMH mods work as intended.
I think you might be on to something. I don't believe AthleticHim is currently compatible with MC.

don kloot

Content Creator
Aug 16, 2019
I think you might be on to something. I don't believe AthleticHim is currently compatible with MC.
I sure hope so! I'm very much hoping that this isn't me doing something wrong as your install guides seem dummy proof. I guess we'll see.


Content Creator
Nov 29, 2012
I sure hope so! I'm very much hoping that this isn't me doing something wrong as your install guides seem dummy proof. I guess we'll see.
Thanks for the heads up btw. I just tested further. Current version of MC and EMH do not have compatibility for HIM body mods due to the switch between FUTA and HIM. Only clothing is compatible. I'll continue to explore some possible solutions.

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