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Superb, this should be the standard template for hair modding. However, we need a version of the template for vector graphics
The instructions say to download the loader from "", but the link doesn't lead to anywhere, so where can I find the loader?
this would be excellent if her mouth looked like the vanilla version when she is not sucking, looks like a duck,and the line doesn't appear in certain moods,for example when i click on horny mood or angry mood the line is non existent,only appears in certain moods.
Excellent work, especially with the Hentai Milf voice, the JAV voice actress one, and the Listentomythroat voice. However, I'm wondering, how did you create these mods? Did you decompile the game, then just switch out the sounds?
There no hair image no png hair just a image of the character with the hair.. there's nothing here to download
Love the re-scale! RGB works flawlessly. Awesome work to both of you.
not bad but needs some refinement. a rework on the lips to be closer to vanilla when off the cock and fading/movement in the curve as she goes up and down the shaft and off the tip would be big improvements for me
Sorry how do I add this? I don't understand where I am supposed to write the code
I can't seem to get the suction line despite using ExtraModCore 1.51... any advice/help would be appreciated, because this looks great!

The lips do take the shape tho... so it's partially working.
It was a problem for the p width, when is not too wide the line wont appear, because I was using a frame that was dependant of having a wider size, but with some code it was solved
Once again, a very good mod ! Can you make a version with RGB on Slider 2 ? The bangles and pearl bracelets are also on RGB Slider 1 :)
Good aesthetic. I appreciate that there is both a left hand and right hand variant.
I place the files in the right folders and posted the right name file and file path in settings. I made sure that the mods.txt. in $INIT$ is pathing to the sby_default > loadingscreensV2 folder and to the right swf file. I loaded the loadingscreens.swf file in the loader, and i get a pop up that the image file was not found.I'm not sure what's wrong.
Brilliant! Works just as expected, we can now use widescreen backgrounds loaded through char folders.

Thanks SBY!
Thank you for filling the request! this is absolutely perfect.
Hello, may I ask if you could share the link for the red hair clip?
its part of this mod
i am working on a mod that is just the hairclip to add overtop of other hairs
Amazing mod, thank you so much. Can we get a glitter version for the regular fuller lips?
Thanks, they'll come around eventually.
For Resorep in Other
You can run Resorep via latest java version by this command:

java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar resorep.jar
With BreastExpPlus_v3_7 she will keep moving her arms without the stomach growing while holding stomach as if the stomach is growing from 0 to max and once her arms reaches max she will reset back down to 0 and move them max and repeat forever.
Using Sby loader pack 16, did proper install, tried with animtools V39, tried installing into a fresh Sby loader but it persists no matter what.
mod doesn't work for me, getting an error 'lipstickRingSmearV2 settings file not found'
crazy good, please keep up making hairs in the future!!

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