More Triggers for DialogueActions (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
STICKY: MoreTriggers: MoreTriggers - HuniePopAudioTriggers: HuniePopAudioTriggers

HPAT UPDATE: Nothing new here, I just corrected the name Jesse -> Jessie.

In the notes, in the filenames and of course in the Triggers.
No backward compatibility (you can hate me and insult me for that, I'm sorry)

So all your JESSE triggers will have to be re-written JESSIE.

You still have the option to not download this update, but keep in mind that any future update will be built on this correction...

MT UPDATE: MoreTriggers is v2.22 after all these years ! Can you believe it ? (Calm down, very small update :wink:):

Corrected a bug in [HIDE_HER]/[SHOW_HER] which kept the legs visible when using an Animtools position with the "behindleg" option. Thanks to Rudgar Rudgar for pointing this out, and sby sby to tell me in which layer he sent those legs :tongue:

Added Triggers [GROW_HIS_BALLS_BY_<value>] and [SHRINK_HIS_BALLS_BY_<value>] as per jawbreaker jawbreaker 's request

MT UPDATE: MoreTriggers goes v2.2. Here's what's new:

Added Triggers [LOAD_FOLDER_<folderPathname>], [WINCE_<time_ms>], [GROW_BREASTS_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_BREASTS_BY_<value>], [GROW_BODY_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_BODY_BY_<value>], [GROW_HIS_PENIS_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_HIS_PENIS_BY_<value>], [GROW_HER_PENIS_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_HER_PENIS_BY_<value>], [SHOW_HER_PENIS_<selection>] & [HIDE_HER_PENIS_<selection>]

Minor change for $INIT$ and $RESET$ folders to be usable as real charfolders. (Before this, you could not use any triggers which use image files, settings file or anything that needed to be provided in the charfolder).

Corrected a bug in [KILL_OVERLAY] which prevented to reload any other overlays after having killed one.

Corrected a bug in [SHOW_CREDITS] when you did not provide a logo image. You can now really use the noImage value or delete the line :smile:

Thanks to all of my beloved users who pointed thoes bugs out to me :smile:

MT UPDATE: MoreTriggers goes v2.1. Here's what you'll find inside:

Added Triggers [SET_OVERLAY_<filename>_<EFFECT>_<0-100>], [HIDE_OVERLAY], [SHOW_OVERLAY], [KILL_OVERLAY] & [BIND_VARIABLES_<var1>_<var2>]

Added Variable "mt.vigour" requested by @Sass

Corrected a bug on [SHOCK_<time_ms>] which made the dialogue break and could potentially crash the flash player (nice ! :grin:)

Please read this: This version does not rely on specific features added in new versions of DialogueActions or DialoguePatch, and will still load & work with previous required versions, but since these mods have been recently updated (I hope @Pim_gd and sby sby will upload them soon) to correct the "check" problem with variables, I highly recommend the use of DialogActions > v4.06 and DialogPatchV4 from now on, especially if you're using the mt.<whatever> or da.<whatever> variables. In this case, please also note that you'll now need to have your Mods.txt loading order like this: SDTDialogueActionsv4.06+.swf -> dialogpatchV4.swf -> MoreTriggersv2.1.mod

MT UPDATE: MoreTriggers goes v2.01. I just corrected some minor bugs like:

- Corrected a bug which made the dialogue crash if you called SHOW, HIDE or KILL PROGRESSBAR when no Progress bar has ever been set. (But why would you do that anyway ? :tongue:)

- Correction on the Effects Reminder.jpg file. SUBSTRACT does not exist and will make the dialogue crash. It is SUBTRACT. Sorry for that !

- Minor correction in the JSON file for Dialogue Checker.

HPAT UPDATE: HuniePopAudioTriggers goes v1.1. With all 12 girls now included ! Enjoy :smile:

HPAT UPDATE: I uploaded a new Mod which add triggers to DA for playing different moaning sounds from the girls of HuniePop. More details below.

MT UPDATE: I finally found a way to make the Timed Triggers have a lesser impact on FPS and performances. And by cleaning my shit after me, even if they have an impact, it should be only during the time of the trigger. So I merged those triggers in the MoreTriggers Mod and TimedTriggers will now disappear.

The triggers are exactly the same so you won't have to change anything in your dialogues. Just download the MoreTriggers 2.0 and delete the TimedTriggers v1.0, you won't need it anymore.
(Ok not exactly the same, I've added some little things to the [LOOK_ trigger.
The description below is updated accordingly.

MT UPDATE: Added some more triggers like [PENIS_ALPHA_<EFFECT>_<0-100>], [HIM_ALPHA_<EFFECT>_<0-100>], [HER_ALPHA_<EFFECT>_<0-100>], [SET_PROGRESSBAR_<X>_<Y>_<MINVALUE>_<MAXVALUE>_<STARTING-VALUE>_<HEXCOLOR>_<BOUND-VARIABLE>], [HIDE_PROGRESSBAR_<BOUND-VARIABLE>], [SHOW_PROGRESSBAR_<BOUND-VARIABLE>], [KILL_PROGRESSBAR_<BOUND-VARIABLE>], [SHOW_CREDITS] & [SHOW_SPLASHSCREEN_<filename>_<TIME>] and a variable "mt.cuminmouth". Details about how to use them are added to the description below.

Of course, all sources are included in the download and the JSON file for Dialogue Checker has been updated as well.

I'd like to give a special thanks to @Pim_gd for his support when I needed modifications to DialogueActions, and an even bigger special thanks to @ModGuy who took a lot of time to answer my questions and who gave me some little but critical parts of code that I needed for the progress bars and the credits rotation and perspective. You rock guys !


UPDATE: Added a new mod: TimedTriggers v1.0
These are the Triggers requested by Slingerbult Slingerbult that I put in a separate mod because of the loss of FPS incured by the process needed for the timers to work. This way, you can continue to use MoreTriggers with no impact on performances by loading it in your $INIT$ folrder and load TimedTriggers only when needed. From now on, I'll post the mods in the download section of the site. The details of those new triggers have been added after the description below.


Hi community,

I made a mod which uses the DialogueActions API to add some more triggers for your dynamic dialogues.
I hope it will help dialogue writers to build what they want !
And for those of you who had already give a try to my modified version of DialogueActions, this mod is meant to totally replace it, so that you can continue to download the next upgrades of DA without loosing my added triggers.

First of all, please note that this mod is an extension of Pim_gd and WeeWillie's DialogueActions. THE MOD WON'T WORK if you do not load DialogueActions before you try to load it. So always make sure you have DA loaded. Personnally, I put the 2 of them in my $INIT$ folder and add them to the Mods.txt file in the same folder.
DialogueActions can be found here: Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.04 (25 Aug 2016)

So I added some little extras to DialogueActions and even though it's little things, I wanted to share them with all the SDT community.
I'd like to point out that some of them are just the work of Colin that I copied/adapted.
His CustomAutomation Mod can be found here for those who may not know about it yet:
Colin's Loader Mods
His work on extending DialogueActions is very impressive but unfortunately, when loading his mod I had a strange grab-bug on the [AUTO_SELF] mode which I need to keep as it is in the current version of Dialogue Actions.
That's why I copied part of his work instead of just load his mod. But I don't want anybody to think that I've stolen his code or that I'm trying to take credit for things that I did not do myself.
I just want to give the tools that I developed for my own dialogues to everyone who could benefit from it too.

So, here we are in the development of this mod:

MoreTriggers v2.2:
Added Triggers [LOAD_FOLDER_<folderPathname>], [WINCE_<time_ms>], [GROW_BREASTS_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_BREASTS_BY_<value>], [GROW_BODY_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_BODY_BY_<value>], [GROW_HIS_PENIS_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_HIS_PENIS_BY_<value>], [GROW_HER_PENIS_BY_<value>], [SHRINK_HER_PENIS_BY_<value>], [SHOW_HER_PENIS_<selection>] & [HIDE_HER_PENIS_<selection>]

Minor change for $INIT$ and $RESET$ folders to be usable as real charfolders. (Before this, you could not use any triggers which use image files, settings file or anything that needed to be provided in the charfolder).

Corrected a bug in [KILL_OVERLAY] which prevented to reload any other overlays after having killed one.

Corrected a bug in [SHOW_CREDITS] when you did not provide a logo image. You can now really use the noImage value or delete the line :smile:

Please read this: This version does not rely on specific features added in new versions of DialogueActions or DialoguePatch, and will still load & work with previous required versions, but since these mods have been recently updated to correct the "check" problem with variables, I highly recommend the use of DialogActions > v4.06 and DialogPatchV4 from now on, especially if you're using the mt.<whatever> or da.<whatever> variables. In this case, please also note that you'll now need to have your Mods.txt loading order like this: SDTDialogueActionsv4.06+.swf -> dialogpatchV4.swf -> MoreTriggersv2.1.mod

This version will (still) require the version 4.06 or higher of DialogueActions (but 4.06+ and DialogPatchV4 highly recommended) and version 5.45d of the Loader.

And here is the list of the new triggers that you can use once the mod is loaded:

Ticks or Unticks the Tongue Option (can be necessary because the tongue tends to bug some times so I found it useful to be able to automatically "reboot" it at the beginning of my dialogues :) ).
This code is totally stolen from Colin's Mod

A way to get around the SDT bug which does not permit anyone to modify the resistance value outside of the GUI. So you can now use this trigger to change the resistance of the girl.
The value can only be between 0 and 100. If you try to use another value it will be set to 0 or 100 instead.
Please note that you'll still need to put a [RESET_RESIST] after it if you want to... Reset the Resistance of the girl to the new value you just set :)
This code is also adapted from Colin's Mode

Let you Show/Hide the left arm of the guy which you may want or not depending on your dialogue.

Requested by @aztlan, a convenient way for dialogue writers to show or hide the Loader Hacked Arm.
(It's the other Left Arm that can be enabled in the Loader page and which can grab her head too, alongside the right arm).
Please note that showing or hiding the Loader Arm will not automatically hide or show the normal left arm. They are totally independents.

These triggers allow the dialogue writer to simulate a click on the Nipple button which is added by sby's allalphaslidersV5.swf mod.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, it is a button at the left of the Bra selection box and it gives you the ability to hide the nipples which can be drawn over the clothes sometimes, and especially if you use custom nipple mods:

Nipple Button.png
But be aware that changing clothes will redraw the girl and the nipples may re-appear. You can try this behavior via the GUI if you wanna see what I'm talking about... So you may have to use these triggers after each da.charcode.load if you use custom nipples. But hey ! You've got a trigger for this now :)
For this one, the credit goes to sby, because thanks to him I did not have to dig into the game variables to find out how to show/hide the nipples :)

Same Effect as clicking on the arrow button near the "Modding -> Hair..." Button. It unloads Custom Hairs. Can be useful when you provide several character folders and you have one with a girl who is using default hairs.
If you load a folder with a CustomHair and then load a folder with no CustomHair, the girl will keep the old CustomHair and won't delete it to reverse to the Vanilla SDT Hairs that you may have chosen in your charcode.

Pretty simple, it just does what it says by making her visible/invisible. Please note that CustomHairs will remain untouched. This is done on purpose because some creative people have created girl replacers as Hair Mods (search the forum for Tentacles if you're interested). If you want to make her disappear totally, see triggers below.

These triggers control the visibility of the CustomHairs that you may have loaded. Use this trigger if you want to make the hairs disappear when you want them to re-appear later and hence [CLEAR_HAIR] is not
an option.

[PENIS_ALPHA_<EFFECT>_<0-100>], [HIM_ALPHA_<EFFECT>_<0-100>] & [HER_ALPHA_<EFFECT>_<0-100>]:
These Triggers will add transparency special effects to the penis, to him (including penis) or to her. The "EFFECT" parameter must be a flash BlendMode value in upper case (I'll give you some below). The next value is the alpha channel percentage for the penis, him or her. At 100, it is fully visible and becomes more transparent as you decrease this number. The BlendMode that you will use to manage how transparency is applied can be chosen from this list provided by @al1enh0mIn1d:

@al1enh0mIn1d also provided these visuals to better understand the different blend modes:

Effects Reminder.jpg

Important Note: These effects tend to kill FPS a bit (A lot for HER) Really ! And like the original mods on which the HER_ALPHA is based, it also has the downside of killing the game sometimes... Now you know it ! (PENIS and HIM are fine for what I've tested, because I used a much simpler version of mine (which of course does not work very well with HER due to the multiple layers which the girl is made of)).

Important Note: The additional work which is done over the hood for the girl transparency is totally the work of @al1enh0mIn1d. I just adapted his code to the trigger system of DialogueActions so that dialogue writers can easily play with it. But that's entirely his mods. If you want to find his original Effects Mods, I think they're not on the forum anymore, except in the Archives: Imports archive (RAR) + cleaned archive (folder)

This trigger will add a ProgressBar to the interface. To set it, here are the values that I want you to provide:
<X> & <Y>: The position of the ProgressBar on the screen. You should know that X and Y origins are located at the top left of the Flash window :)
<MINVALUE>, <MAXVALUE> & <STARTING-VALUE>: The numbered values which makes the boundaries of this ProgressBar. It is empty at MINVALUE, full at MAXVALUE and will be created with a first value of STARTING-VALUE.
<HEXCOLOR>: The color of your ProgressBar as an Hex RGB Color Code (like FF0000 for RED or FFFFFF for WHITE, etc...)
<BOUND-VARIABLE>: The name of the variable that you want the ProgressBar to be bound with. For example if you choose ghostPower and then YOU DON'T FORGET to create the "ghostPower" variable in the initial settings of your dialogue. Your progressbar will auto-update its value when you "set":{"ghostPower":<numeric value>}

Note: If you provide a <myName>Bar.png file with the name of your bound variable in your character folder (ghostPowerBar.png for example), it will be put over the ProgressBar to "wrap it" (dress it? I dunno...). You'll find some "ProgressBar Template.pdn" files to create easily your own png wrappers. Just replace the design on the topmost layer with yours, delete the helping black bar layer which represents the full progress bar and save as a .png with transparency.
Oh! In case you don't know, .pdn format is It's a free photoshop-like program :)

For now, the size of the progressbar is fixed, but if there is a real demand for it, I may think about giving you a more complex trigger where you can set the height and width yourself and do much prettier big things with the wrappers.

NoteoftheNote: The X and Y values are the position of the ProgresBar itself, so if you want to provide a wrapper, please do not forget to leave some space at the left (17) and top (3) because the position of the wrapper is ProgresBarX - 17 and ProgressBarY - 3

Pretty logical, these triggers will let you show/hide/kill each progress bar independently. A kill means that you want to dispose of the progressbar and won't try to make it re-appear, while a hidden progress bar can still be re-shown when you want :)

Note: You can also use [HIDE_PROGRESSBAR_ALL], [SHOW_PROGRESSBAR_ALL] & [KILL_PROGRESSBAR_ALL]. Do I really need to explain them ? :)

This trigger will launch the rolling of some credits. You can use it at the start or at the end of your dialogue (or whenever you want, I don't care :tongue:). All the necessary information about the credits are to be setted in a "credits-settings.txt" file which should be placed in your character folder. The file contains all comments necessary to understand which option controls what, and where and how to set the credits text and optional logo.

When the credits rolling ends, the mod will trigger a "credits_ended" line if you defined one in your dialogue.

You'll find an example of this settings file shipped with this mod, filled with the default settings. You can also find 2 working examples in my pre-packaged dialogues. An ending credits, pretty standard at the end of the Ghostbusters dialogue (when you win), and one more complex example, showing you how you can use the settings file to create a Star Wars crawling text style intro at the start of the Star Wars dialogue.

This trigger will simply display the given image as a Splashscreen (over everything else on the SDT screen), so you don't have to bother with background, and hiding everything to just display an image as an introduction or title for example.

The splashscreen file will be searched in the character folder and will be displayed for the parameter <TIME> that you'll define in milliseconds. When the time has elapsed, the mod will trigger a "splashscreen_unloaded" line if you defined one in your dialogue.

[CLOSE_MOUTH] & [CLOSE_MOUTH_<time(ms)>]:
[CLOSE_MOUTH] will force the mouth to stay closed until you put an [OPEN_MOUTH] to release it. Be aware that this is not a [CLENCH_TEETH], even with the mouth closed, the penis can still enter in her mouth, with some strange behaviors and visuals. Unfortunately, it seems that ANIMTOOLS does disable the [CLENCH_TEETH] trigger, so if you want a closed mouth to not be able to suck the dick, you'll have to find a way to make [CLENCH_TEETH] work again and/or ask something to sby :)

[CLOSE_MOUTH_2500] (for example), will make the mouth close for 2500 ms (2,5 s), after that it will re-open by itself.

[OPEN_MOUTH], [OPEN_MOUTH_<time(ms)>] & [OPEN_MOUTH_<time(ms)>_<power>]:
[OPEN_MOUTH] has the only effect of releasing a closed mouth.

[OPEN_MOUTH_2500_2] will force the mouth to stay opened at 2 for 2500 ms. Note that the power of opening can escalade quickly, so try little numbers only if you don't want to tear her face apart :)

[OPEN_MOUTH_2500] will force the mouth to stay opened at a default value of 1 for 2500 ms.

[SHOCK_<time(ms)] & [SHOCK_<time(ms)_<power>]:
[SHOCK_2500_150] will make her eyes have the shocked look for 2500 ms with a "shock power" of 150. For what I have seen, the shock power can be any value but if you go too high (above 1000 for example) she will have all black eyes which will not revert to normal even after the time has passed (but you can recover normal eyes with another [SHOCK_10_20] for example).

[SHOCK_2500] will make her eyes have the shocked look for 2500 ms with a default shock power of 85.

[LOOK_UP_<time(ms)>], [LOOK_DOWN_<time(ms)>] & [LOOK_STRAIGHTFORWARD_<time(ms)>]:
These will force her to look up, down or straight forward for at least the time desired. After the time has elapsed, she will do whatever she wants again (and will change where she looks or not).

This trigger will force her to look at the desired X,Y position on the screen but be aware that due to some internal routines of SDT, you won't be able to apply exotic positions (like rolling her eyes back as if she was looking behind her for example).

This trigger is adapted from @ModGuy 's code and lets you set up an overlay that will be displayed on a layer above the game (but under the game menu and dialogue box). You'll need to give these parameters to the trigger:
<filename>: Put an image file (JPG, PNG or GIF) in your character folder and just give the filename to the trigger. The overlay should be 700x600, the size of the screen.
<EFFECT>_<1-100>: You will also be able to define an effect and transparency to apply to the overlay. The "EFFECT" parameter must be a flash BlendMode value in upper case. The next value is the alpha channel percentage for the overlay. At 100, it is fully visible and becomes more transparent as you decrease this number. The BlendMode that you will use to manage how transparency is applied can be chosen from this list: BlendMode - Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3 ) API Reference

Note: The overlay is covering the SDT WINDOW, not the "scene" itself nor the background. What I mean is that if you put something on this layer, it will stay at the sameplace in the window, even when you zoom-in or zoom-out the scene. Be aware of this when putting something over the scene cause it won't move with the background.

Temporarily hides, show back or definitely dispose of the overlay you set previously.

When you write dialogues, you may want to double check some variables on a same line to create ranges.
For example I defined "myVariable":5 and I have some lines like these:

myLine:"Blah blah" {"check"{"myVariable":">=1","myVariable":"<=3"}}
myLine:"Blah blah" {"check"{"myVariable":">=4","myVariable":"<=7"}}
myLine:"Blah blah" {"check"{"myVariable":">=8","myVariable":"<=10"}}

Basically, it would not work, because you can't check the same variable multiple times on one line. I think it's sby sby who reported this, or at least I've been aware of this by reading the notes of one of his mods where he explains that he created var1 and var2 which are always populated with the exact same values so that you can use var1 and var2 to check for ranges of values for the "same" variable.

So if you want to do this in your own dialogue, you have to make sure that you always "set":{} var1 and var2 with the same values at the same time. Maybe you won't find this difficult, at least if you think about ranges from the beginning of your writing (adding it in an already 500 lines dialogue is a pain in the ass, trust me), but it can still be a source of errors if you forget this somehwere and your vars loose synchronization.

Anyway, since I'm just a lazy ass, I created this trigger so that you can bind var2's value to var1's value. So you just have to create your var1 and var2 in the initial settings and then you fire this trigger and voila ! Every time you will "set":{} the value of var1, var2 will be synchronized automatically. It's magic ! :tongue:

Note: The binding works only in one way; var1 -> var2. So if you "set":{} var2, var1 won't be updated as well. That's your problem :smile:

Note2: Only a "set":{} operation will trigger the update of var2's value. This means that you can only use this trigger to bind together variables that you defined and will manage yourself through your dialogue. But IT WON'T WORK with variables like da.breathPercentage or mt.cuminmouth, because these variables exist only to let you access the value of variables already managed by the game and over which you don't have full control.
Well, in fact, the binding would work in the sense that with each time you "set":{} mt.<whatever>, var2 will also be updated, but every other time that anything which is not you will make the value of mt.<whatever> change, var2 won't be updated. Be aware of that !

This trigger will immediately load the specified charfolder. The trigger assumes that your charfolder is located in Mods/ so you just need to provide the relative path from this point. For example, if you have a path like this: myBundle/Loader/Mods/Bonus/ClaraLoft, just provide "Bonus/ClaraLoft".

Please note that your folder path can't hold any spaces as the parsing mechanism of DialogueActions does not recognize spaces in Triggers. Also keep in mind that this charfolder is now your new location for every trigger which require to load some files.

[WINCE_2500] will make her wince for 2500 ms.

[GROW_BREASTS_BY_<value>] & [SHRINK_BREASTS_BY_<value>]:
Adapted from ModGuy's Pill mod. This trigger smoothly grows/shrinks her breasts by the exact value you give (1 point per frame).

[GROW_BODY_BY_<value>] & [SHRINK_BODY_BY_<value>]:
Adapted from ModGuy's Pill mod. This trigger smoothly grows/shrinks her body by the value you give /1000 (0.001 point per frame).

[GROW_HIS_PENIS_BY_<value>] & [SHRINK_HIS_PENIS_BY_<value>]:
This trigger smoothly grows/shrinks his penis by the value you give * ~0.005 (~0.005 per frame). So using a [SHRINK_HIS_PENIS_BY_20] will really shrink it by 20 * 0.005 = 0.1 over 20 frames. (In fact, you'll go from 1.2 to 1.0999999999999992, and not 1.1 but I found the error margin acceptable :rolleyes:)

[GROW_HER_PENIS_BY_<value>] & [SHRINK_HER_PENIS_BY_<value>]:
Adapted from ModGuy's Pill mod. This trigger smoothly grows/shrinks her futa penis by the exact value (% of the slider) you give (1% of the slider per frame).

[SHOW_HER_PENIS_<selection>] & [HIDE_HER_PENIS_<selection>]:
Let you show/hide her futa penis.

[GROW_HIS_BALLS_BY_<value>] & [SHRINK_HIS_BALLS_BY_<value>]:
This trigger smoothly grows/shrinks his balls in the same manner than the Triggers for the Penis does. (I can't remember how the calculation were done but it works, so... :cool:)

And here is the list of the new variables that you can use once the mod is loaded:

mt.cuminmouth: The amount of cum she has in mouth. It's a percentage, like what you see on the counter top right, so the range should be 0-100.

mt.vigour: The current value of the SDT vigour variable (the second top counter from the left). Also to be treated as a percentage. I don't really know how it works but it has been requested so if you want to use it...

Important Note on variables: You can "set" and "check" them or use them in ** expressions like any other DA variable (and hence, like any other DA variable, DO NOT forget to set some value to the variable before trying any check on it, or it won't work (its value will be == undefined). Thanks to @Pim_gd for pointing this out, knowing this saved me a lot of time on dialogue debugging !).

NoteoftheNote: This previous note about setting before checking does not concern mt.cuminmouth and mt.vigour which are already initialized and updated continuously by SDT itself (but I leave the previous note alive because knowing this is still important !)

Bonus: During the development of these variables, I found a bug affecting the "check" attribute which impacted both DialogueActions and DialoguePatch. Although it should now be corrected with new versions of DA and DP, I wrote a little dialogue workaround in the meantime, and for it not to be lost, I'll put it here for future reference, you never know when you could need this :smile:
(Maybe when you'll need to check a range with a variable unboundable like this one, who knows :wink:)

(not)Dirty(anymore) checks workaround:


start:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth set to *mt.cuminmouth*..." {"style":"Thought","set":{"mt.cuminmouth":95}}

intro:"[intro*mt.cuminmouth \ 30**mt.cuminmouth % 30 != 0*]" {"style":"Thought"}

intro00:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now equals 0, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}
intro01:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now between 0-30, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}
intro10:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now equals 30, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}
intro11:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now between 30-60, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}
intro20:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now equals 60, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}
intro21:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now between 60-90, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}
intro30:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now equals 90, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}
intro31:"[intro]mt.cuminmouth now over 90, cuminmouth%3A *mt.cuminmouth*" {"style":"Thought"}


First of all, please note that this mod is an extension of Pim_gd and WeeWillie's DialogueActions. THE MOD WON'T WORK if you do not load DialogueActions before you try to load it. So always make sure
you have DA loaded. Personnally, I put the 2 of them in my $INIT$ folder and add them to the Mods.txt file in the same folder.
DialogueActions can be found here: Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.08 (15 Jan 2017)

This mod has been requested by @AdrianWhite404 and is solely meant to provide you with triggers which play moaning sounds from the HuniePop girls.
If you don't know HuniePop, you can buy it here: HuniePot or directly in Steam but it will the be slightly censored :(
I recommend it, it's fun, beautiful and even the sounds & bgm are well done. A professional puzzle erogame :)

So, here we are in the development of this mod:

HuniePopAudioTriggers v1.11: All the other girls are now available alongside Aiko and Audrey ! Enjoy ! :smile:

This version has been tested with the version 4.06 of DialogueActions.

And here is the list of the new triggers that you can use once the mod is loaded:

The trigger will just randomize and play one of the sounds of the "soundtype" of the "girl". Exactly as you would expect from the DialogueActions [OH_SOFT], [OH_HARD], [AH_HARD], etc...

The HuniePop girls available so far:


The Soundtypes being:


So for example, you can trigger [AIKO_SOFT] or [AUDREY_CLIMAX]. Every sound type has at least 4 different sounds except for the climax which is unique.

There are also a MoreTriggers2.22DC.json and a HuniePopAudioTriggers1.11DC.json files in the archive. They are meant to let DialogueChecker know about these new triggers and not bother you with unexisting lines.

This is a new functionnality of DialogueChecker 3.04, so do not try it with an older version, it just won't do anything.
Everything is explained in this post of the DialogueChecker thread: DialogueChecker (Latest version: V3.04, 24 August 2016)

Basically, you just have to put these files in your DialogueChecker folder and add its complete name to the includes.txt which ships with DialogueChecker, just like you would do with a mod that you would want to add to a folder by adding it to the Mods.txt file.


I also provided a syntax coloration file for Notepad++ which is (of course) aware of my triggers:
A Little help for new Dialogue Writers


Do not hesitate to share your thoughts and give your feedback on this mod.
You can also try to ask for some more triggers that you may need, and if I am able to implement them, I'll do it. (But please note that I'm a total beginner with Flash and that I won't be able to do complex things).
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Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Awesome work! I especially appreciate the checker support and improved ease of use.

I assume this is the same as the starting resistance in Colin's mod? In the Options menu, there are two resistance sliders, but in the charcode, there is only one value and I never found it did much of anything. I take it these set the OTHER slider, the one that makes it take different lengths of time to achieve a first deepthroat? If you'd care to elaborate on this, I'd be much obliged.

You can also try to ask for some more triggers that you may need, and if I am able to implement them, I'll do it.

I'm gonna bite hard on this one, haha! Okay, I would really like some more dialogue control over facial expressions.
1) OPEN_MOUTH/CLOSE_MOUTH. This is basic, yet we don't have it. No need for any new animations, we just need a way to tell her via triggers. Compatibility with sby's autoclosemouth would be great.
2) Adding timers to facial expression triggers, using frames or milliseconds. Rather than [LOOK_UP] or [SHOCK] which reverts to normal rather quickly, why not [SHOCK_5000] for 5 seconds etc. This would also apply to the new open/close mouth triggers if possible.
3) A [SLAP] trigger. This is at the bottom of my list since one can already emulate it fairly easy with [HOLD][RELEASE][WINCE] etc, but those sound effects are not fit for purpose, it's only somewhat compatible with non-oral positions (anyone for slapping the ass in doggy style? I wouldn't mind...) and you could most likely get an animation that's 10 times better by doing it in a dedicated way. I don't think anything new needs to be drawn, just needs a clever way to put together what we already have. If you're interested, I can go hunting for slap sounds.

A tall list, but a man can dream. :)


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Awesome work! I especially appreciate the checker support and improved ease of use.

Thank you ! It's good to see that the mod is useful to at least one other person :)

I assume this is the same as the starting resistance in Colin's mod? In the Options menu, there are two resistance sliders, but in the charcode, there is only one value and I never found it did much of anything. I take it these set the OTHER slider, the one that makes it take different lengths of time to achieve a first deepthroat? If you'd care to elaborate on this, I'd be much obliged.

You got it right by yourself, it IS the code of Colin so this trigger is exactly the same as the one you already have in his CustomAutomation mod, AND it does set the resistance slider. Like you, I did not really find what the throat slider stands for. So with this trigger you can change the resistance value of the girl. But if you want it to be taken into account you'll have to [RESET_RESIST]. It is really useful if you have to change characters in a unique dialogue. In any other cases, a Settings.txt file in your character folder with introResistance=x in it will do.

You can also try to ask for some more triggers that you may need, and if I am able to implement them, I'll do it.
I'm gonna bite hard on this one, haha! Okay, I would really like some more dialogue control over facial expressions.
1) OPEN_MOUTH/CLOSE_MOUTH. This is basic, yet we don't have it. No need for any new animations, we just need a way to tell her via triggers. Compatibility with sby's autoclosemouth would be great.
2) Adding timers to facial expression triggers, using frames or milliseconds. Rather than [LOOK_UP] or [SHOCK] which reverts to normal rather quickly, why not [SHOCK_5000] for 5 seconds etc. This would also apply to the new open/close mouth triggers if possible.
3) A [SLAP] trigger. This is at the bottom of my list since one can already emulate it fairly easy with [HOLD][RELEASE][WINCE] etc, but those sound effects are not fit for purpose, it's only somewhat compatible with non-oral positions (anyone for slapping the ass in doggy style? I wouldn't mind...) and you could most likely get an animation that's 10 times better by doing it in a dedicated way. I don't think anything new needs to be drawn, just needs a clever way to put together what we already have. If you're interested, I can go hunting for slap sounds.

A tall list, but a man can dream. :)

As for those requests, it seems a little bit hard for me but I like challenge so I will probably have a try on it but don't expect something soon because before I work on this, I'd like to finish my own first dialogue and publish it here. I have a first complete version of the dialogue which is somewhat useable but I still have to translate it in english which will require some undefined amount of time :-/


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Hi Slingerbult Slingerbult ,

Against all odds, I did work on your requests before i have finished to translate my dialogue (~50% done, yes!), AND, I did manage to produce something which seems to work as you wanted it to work :tongue:

I've done the basic technical testing but I would be very thankful if you could test the compatibility with autoclosemouth yourself (I don't use this mod). I'll post a v1.1 beta here for you to test it, and if everything's fine for you, I'll put it in the OP with detailed explanations for each trigger like I did with the others, the extension for DialogueChecker, etc...

To be short, you have to know that I copied the work of sby to integrate the timers, and so, my mod, like autoclosemouth, will execute some tests at each frame to check the time elapsed. It WILL impact performance. I dropped from 27 fps to 24-25 myself during my tests. This is not very violent but worth to be noted, because this impact will be added to those of all other mods.
And because I do my tests and modifications on the mouth exactly in the same way as sby with autoclosemouth, I do not know at all how the 2 mods will behave when loaded together. There is one of our functions which will be ran after the other, thus, overwriting what has been done on the mouth by the first one. My guess and my hope is that the order will stay the same during a same playthrough, and that the order will be the same as the order in which you load the mods. Since my mod is designed to force the mouth to be shut or opened, I think that my mod should be loaded after autoclosemouth (if this has any impact). When my mouth triggers are inactive, autoclosemouth should behave like usual. Again, I'll let you try & test this and tell me if everything works fine for you.

So here are the triggers you requested:

[CLOSE_MOUTH] & [CLOSE_MOUTH_<time(ms)>]: [CLOSE_MOUTH] will force the mouth to stay closed until you put an [OPEN_MOUTH] to release it. Be aware that this is not a [CLENCH_TEETH], even with the mouth closed, the penis can still enter in her mouth, with some strange behaviors and visuals. Unfortunately, it seems that ANIMTOOLS does disable the [CLENCH_TEETH] trigger, so if you want a closed mouth to not be able to suck the dick, you'll have to find a way to make [CLENCH_TEETH] work again and/or ask something to sby :)
[CLOSE_MOUTH_2500] (for example), will make the mouth close for 2500 ms (2,5 s), after that it will re-open by herself.

[OPEN_MOUTH], [OPEN_MOUTH_<time(ms)>] & [OPEN_MOUTH_<time(ms)>_<power>]: [OPEN_MOUTH] has the only effect of releasing a closed mouth.
[OPEN_MOUTH_2500_2] will force the mouth to stay opened at 2 for 2500 ms. Note that the power of opening can escalade quickly, so try little numbers only if you don't want to tear her face apart :)
[OPEN_MOUTH_2500] will force the mouth to stay opened at a default value of 1 for 2500 ms.

[SHOCK_<time(ms)] & [SHOCK_<time(ms)_<power>]: [SHOCK_2500_150] will make her eyes have the shocked look for 2500 ms with a "shock power" of 150. For what I have seen, the shock power can be any value but if you go too high (above 1000 for example) she will have all black eyes which will not revert to normal even after the fime has passed (but you can recover normal eyes with another [SHOCK_10_20] for example).
[SHOCK_2500] will make her eyes have the shocked look for 2500 ms with a default shock power of 85.

[LOOK_UP_<time(ms)] & [LOOK_DOWN_<time(ms)]: These will force her to look up or down for at least the time desired. After the time has elapsed, she will do whatever she wants again (and will change where she looks or not).

I think this is all you need to know to begin. If you have some questions, do not hesitate, I'll modify these explanations for the official release depending on your feedback. And of course, if you find some bugs or unwanted behavior, this is stil la beta so just describe your use case as much as possible and I'll try to correct :)

And if you want me to add timers to other triggers, give me your list in preference order and I'll see if I can add them (but remember that the more triggers, the more tests, the more FPS drop) So we should probably not add too much of those if they're not really needed, or maybe in another separate mod ?

P.S: As for the SLAP, there is already a [SLAP] trigger in DialogueActions which plays a slap sound. But if you want to slap her ass, you'll have to ask those kind of mods to more experienced modders for it will have to deal with arm animations.


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Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Kudos to you Sir! That was a lot more than I had hoped for. :) I have a lot on my to-do list for my dialogue project, but rest assured I will try all these new triggers out as soon as I have use for them. And report back here of course.


Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
So, did some testing with autoclosemouth!

This is with the mod at close distance to penis with power argument of OPEN_MOUTH set to 8. As you can see, her jaw drops almost unnaturally far down:
This is the SAME power argument (8) but at far range! She still opens her mouth a bit, and the difference is not that big between power 2 and 8, for example. Maybe it's capped? Or a percentage? I don't know.
This next picture is the same power argument without any mod at all, at a far distance from the penis. As you can see almost more unnatural than the first example.
So all in all, the two mods don't "break" anything, but sort of moderate each other. Combined with precise positioning from colin's mod, this leads to many different potential mouth states!

I also played around with the other triggers. The power argument of the SHOCK trigger is really cool. High values seem to extend the duration - it takes longer for her to reverse somehow. However, I also found low values to be really useful. Consider this shocked reaction, brought about by these triggers at close range to penis with autoclosemouth enabled:
intro:"[OPEN_MOUTH_5000_2][TONGUE_IN][TONGUE_REMOVE][LOOK_UP_5000][SHOCK_5000_30]I just had a shocking thought!" {"style":"Thought"}
The tongue control is snappy, as she opens wide they first tend to fall out but get pulled in almost immediately.

Also, I'm not entirely sure but I think some eye movements may be hard coded in the game. Like sometimes she still looks down when sucking, even under a LOOK_UP time constraint. But it's much better than what we had before! I'm gonna bundle this mod with my next release, very nice work DrZombi!


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Thank you for the detailed answer ! I'm happy that the mod is good enough for you to add it to your bundle :)
Concerning the FPS drop, I divided the mod in 2 mods, so that you can load TimedTriggers only when you really need it and still be able to let MoreTriggers in your $INIT$ folder without it impacting performances :)

So all in all, the two mods don't "break" anything, but sort of moderate each other. Combined with precise positioning from colin's mod, this leads to many different potential mouth states!

Well, a power of Open Mouth 8 is important, so looking at how the mouth is closed a ta far distance, I'd say that autoclosemouth is applying its values after me. Which mod did you load first ? Have you tried to reverse the loading order of the mods to see what happens ?

The tongue control is snappy, as she opens wide they first tend to fall out but get pulled in almost immediately.

Could it be better with the OPEN_MOUTH after the TONGUE_IN & TONGUE_REMOVE ?

Also, I'm not entirely sure but I think some eye movements may be hard coded in the game. Like sometimes she still looks down when sucking, even under a LOOK_UP time constraint.

Yes, there are a lot of parts of the SDT code where the look is modified dynamically. I also found the results a little randomish but in most cases the LOOK Triggers do what you want so yes, it's still something :)

Anyway, thanks for your testings ! I'll upload the 2 mods and then go back to my translation (note to myself: never begin another dialogue in french...) ^^


Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
You're quite right, I messed up the load order - I thought you said your first, but now that I put your mod AFTER autoclosemouth, she opens wide even from a distance. Awesome! This means greater predictability. And definetely you can put tongue triggers before mouth triggers to make sure you see no tongue (maybe with a few pause letters in between to be sure). I just wanted to see how quickly she responded to tongue commands. I find using the "old" triggers together with the new ones works fastest.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
"To be short, you have to know that I copied the work of sby to integrate the timers, and so, my mod, like autoclosemouth, will execute some tests at each frame to check the time elapsed. It WILL impact performance. I dropped from 27 fps to 24-25 myself during my tests. This is not very violent but worth to be noted, because this impact will be added to those of all other mods."

wow, doing stuff each frame lowers it that much for you? you may not want to load a lot of mine at the same time then xD


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
wow, doing stuff each frame lowers it that much for you? you may not want to load a lot of mine at the same time then xD

Well, I don't know, maybe I fucked something somewhere :-/
But it's right that I found this FPS loss a little bit violent for just 4-5 "if" and a little bit of code.

P.S: I DO use your mods, they are probably 80% of my $INIT$ folder :p
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Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
MoreTriggers v1.01 is out !

Since I released my dialogue package, I uploaded as well the latest version of MoreTriggers with just some little additions:
I Added [CLEAR_HAIR], [SHOW_HER] & [HIDE_HER], [SHOW_HAIR] & [HIDE_HAIR]. Details about how to use them in the OP.
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Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Mucho awesomeness. The HIDE HER is something I had wanted for a long time, yet forgotten. And now it's here! Makes scenario management so much better - different characters can now come and leave scenes. If only we had a few more clothes for him, it would be even better. There are few full him mods to chose from though.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Mucho awesomeness. The HIDE HER is something I had wanted for a long time, yet forgotten. And now it's here! Makes scenario management so much better

Totally agree, I also had this idea in mind some time back when I tried to make a "Toggle Her" Mod from the "Toggle Him", but I never managed to make it runable and forgot about it until I've seen your introduction to the sisters dialogue. It made me think that we could provide real splash screens and a lot of other things via the background if we are able to make everything else disappear. And so with MoreTriggers it was now very easy to just add this so here it is :)


Potential Patron
Mar 16, 2016
Are there any released dialogues that use advanced stuff like this? I must suck at finding them. Or is everybody using this to make their own stuff and not sharing?


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Well, there are at least mine. You can find a link to my pre-packaged loader in my signature and I think that Slingerbult Slingerbult has downloaded them and will make use of them in its sister dialogue pack but I've not re-retried it recently.

I also have a very big 1.1 update incoming with the addition of some more triggers, progress bars and the possibility to roll credits to say the best. I planned to release it along with the dialogues I've made to use them but if someone really requests to play with it sooner, I could release it as soon as @Pim_gd will release an official 4.06 version of DialogueActions with the added modifications that I needed and tested for these new triggers. I could of course give along the dev version he gave me but I try not to spread unofficial versions of DA anymore :oops:.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Hey community !

v1.1 of MoreTriggers is out ! With a lot of nice new things. details in the OP :smile:


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Hey community !

v2.0 of MoreTriggers is out ! now includes all the TimedTriggers. details in the OP :smile:


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Hi everybody !

I just released a new mod to add different moaning sounds from the HuniePop girls. details in the OP :smile:

Since it is the third update in a few days, please don't forget to have a look at the different things added in the versions 1.1 and 2.0 of MoreTriggers, you may not want to miss out the new features ! :smile:


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Hi everybody !

I just released a new mod to add different moaning sounds from the HuniePop girls. details in the OP :smile:

Since it is the third update in a few days, please don't forget to have a look at the different things added in the versions 1.1 and 2.0 of MoreTriggers, you may not want to miss out the new features ! :smile:
i am still working on adding in sounds for animtools (it was requested in another thread with the same sounds), however i am only planning on doing sounds based bodycontact (non-oral positions), as it would be weird for animtools to create sounds for her when she is doing oral, or not doing anything, i think your mod should cover that just fine anyway through dialogs.
also, will have setting to disable the sounds, cause people might want that

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