[PC] Fairy Fighting (3 Viewers)


Potential Patron
May 14, 2012
I cant w8 for the next enemy.


Potential Patron
Dec 1, 2012
I am in love with this game! Just a question though... does anyone know how to beat the Mist Sisters? I know you're supposed to hit the statue instead of the sisters, but its lifebar isn't going down, and I've only put a few scratches on the damn thing, and then a second later it's back to full health again. Been trying to win this fight for ages now :/ EDIT: I just managed to do it. Too bad there's no actual ending though. And really, that statue is just too damn sturdy! Even more so when it's constantly healing.
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New monster Raper Beast.
Dont have any atacks yet...we'll have to w8 until next week!

How did you get this Black haired version of the fairy? I know you have to press different buttons to get different color schemes but I never got this version.


Potential Patron
Dec 1, 2012
@alchemikaiser: I believe Q is the blackhaired fairy. That's at least the corresponding button on my PS3 controller. By the way, I've been trying to figure out how to do Tiki's handjob move against the Fallen Fairy, which I saw when I tried the AI vs AI mode. I couldn't find any info about it anywhere when googling for it, and there was no information on it on the Fairy Fighting wiki apart from the "drinking" and "filling" (screwing) title, but no explanation on how to do it, nor any pictures of it. So I decided to start digging into his command line files and the gamefiles, and I finally found it and tried it out! Apparently, this special move only exists during the Fallen Fairy fight, and is a sex grab of your own, where you fight for who will drain the other's life- and SP bar. Tiki gives FF a handjob, while FF performs cunnilingus on Tiki. Anyway, the move is 2424 W, or Down, Up, Down, Up, Strong Punch. Just thought someone might want to know. Also, sorry for not splitting this up into paragraphs, but apparently, enter isn't good enough for this forum, so I don't know how :/
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Potential Patron
Dec 1, 2012
A new update is out folks! Unfortunately, it doesn't add much, but here's what it does add:

* Mist Sisters as a playable character - You control the blue sister, teleporting around, summoning whirlwinds, giant fists and running little girls. The redheaded sister just floats about, you have no control over her.

* Raperbeast has new moves - Apart from just jumping around, he can actually kick and punch you now, and he sometimes flashes midjump, which doesn't seem to do anything. But his kicks sends you flying pretty far. He doesn't have any pornographic/ecchi/hentai moves yet though.


Potential Patron
Dec 12, 2012
Have to say, the Mist Sisters are kind of a let down for me. The new enemy looks cool, seems a lot like the F.C. Boss.


I have tried to download the file but the three times I tried I got the same message from saying the File owner's public traffic exhausted.


Potential Patron
May 14, 2012
I have tried to download the file but the three times I tried I got the same message from saying the File owner's public traffic exhausted.

Rapidshare was a good site once. But now it just sucks.
Download the file from Ichigo-up, follow the link ichigo wa amai.
There you will find a spot to enter a password.
will be like this :ダウンロード pass:
The password is eluku
Then click ダウンロード
Done, the download should start.


Potential Patron
May 14, 2012
new update today January/06
game 233 Ver.130106
i yet don't know what changes he did
my nihongo is a little bit rusty and the google translator kinda sucks.

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