[PC] Fairy Fighting (8 Viewers)


Kota of the Wind

The CG for losing to the super grapple I think (as in my pure speculation) is just a place holder and will eventually become the lose animation. I do like the FrozenWolf's unique background.
The CG actually IS the "You lose" animation. But like you said, I'm willing to be that it will be improved.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Amazing this thread is still going. Thanks for all the input and updating, everyone. Not sure if I'll update screenshots, seems like everyone already knows what this game is about, haha.

Kota of the Wind

FairyFighting Latest Build (207) Patch Notes (As discovered and Noted personally):

-*- Most Notable -*- FrostWolf now has TWO Game over Animations. The first is if he K.O.'s Tiki with normal attacks. This Animation is what 206's animation was. The new animation happens when you fail to escape from FrostWolf's Super Grapple. This animation involves Tiki pushing out cum/slush from her expanded stomach. The animation also features a massively inverted vagina shot, as well as knotting and cum inflation, as stated before.

- FrostWolf's Regular Grapple now has a miniature close-up view of his licking.
- After FrostWolf Gains the ability to use his Super Grapple, he has now gained the ability to grab Tiki instantly, and from seemingly anywhere on the stage no matter where he is in relation to her. There is also not warning animation, and the grab is an instant initiation of the possible instant K.O. Move. The lack of warning, and the infinite range of this grab are almost assuredly due to the unfinished nature of the character, and can almost be guaranteed to be fixed.
-The Time you have to break free of the Super Grapple before it goes to the second phase, (The first phase being the sex, and the second phase being the climax) seems to have been reduced a good bit, making it harder to take less damage from it.

Final Thoughts: FrostWolf Seems to be an extreamly grapple intensive character, much like the FairyCrushers. Personally, I'd like to see more normal attacks such as a bite or tail whip. Also, after his SP bar is full, he still has no variety as to what he can do. (His one move being his Super Grapple at that point.)

Should you download it? - If you are into Cum inflation and/or Vaginal Inversion, then I would recommend it. If you are not interested, or would get frustrated by the super grapple's infinite range and instant effect time, then don't bother, as there are no other new updates.

Interesting note: Eluku, the creator of FairyFighting, Seems to be having quite a bit of trouble either animating the FrostWolf, or getting it to look Erotic. Eluku also stated that (s)he hopes to get the game finished by the end of this year. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not, but you can be sure to look forward to at least several more characters from now until then.

Kota of the Wind

TL;DR: Download this Update. (OwO)

It's that time again folks!

FairyFighter Build 208 Patch Notes: (As Seen and noted by me personally)

Instead of my usual "Most Notable" Section, I'm going to instead explain the changes that were made individually, as there were several large and juicy changes.

1. FrostWolf is now available in Watch Mode. No more using your hands to get to those great scenes!
2. FrostWolf now has a new ability. It is a short-ranged Grapple-like ability which Impale's Tiki onto a Pillar of ice. The player (Or computer if in watch mode) Must go through 3 separate escape phases before completely escaping from this damaging, but easy to dodge, grab.
3. If the player is defeated by the FrostWolf's Regular attacks, (And not his super special where he knots Tiki) The player will now be rewarded with an new Splash Art Game-over screen after the Game over Animation.
4. Several of the animations involving ice have now had the ice transparency increased, now you can SEE what's going on underneath the ice.

-Minor Changes-

1. The bug in the previous version that would allow FW to grapple Tiki into his super special without warning and from any range has been removed, however if the player fails to escape from his main grapple (The one where he pins Tiki to the ground and begins cunnilingus) then while attempting to push the ice shards out of Tiki, the player can now be grappled-combo'd into the super-special.
2. The Ice Ball attack (The one where FW warps a ball of Ice into Tiki's belly) has now been changed to be a projectile-like attack. (Previously, the ball was warped in one place and if Tiki was not on top of it, it would miss. Now, it warps in and flies forward a short distance before missing.)
3. The time a player has to escape the second phase of the Super-grapple (The part where FW is cumming) before the instant K.O. is triggered FEELS like it has been shortened, but may not have.

Final Thoughts: Overall, I am becoming more and more pleased with this opponent. Though FW Still is unable to take any other action when his SP bar is filled except try to Initiate a Super-Grapple, the other changes and additions to the animations and stage themselves are still very pleasing. The only complaint I have is that ever-present lack of depth after the SP gauge is filled. Here's to hoping that Eluku might add SOMETHING to flesh that out a bit. Even if it is just a different grab. (Perhaps a Super-Attack instead of a grab?) I really look forward to being able to play as him soon.

Should you Download it: If you have not updated your FairyFighting in a few builds, now is the time to do it. For the most part, FrostWolf is a completed opponent with satisfying moves and great four-legged animations. IF you decide to stall, then it is almost Guaranteed that the next build will be a MUST DOWNLOAD for any FairyFighting Enthusiast.


Interesting Note: From what I can tell, and don't take this as anywhere NEAR fact as I could be COMPLETELY wrong, and probably am, In the next update, there may be something involving a loss of virginity. (This assumption comes from Eluku's mention of "Prima Facie" [A.k.a. First Contact] possibly being added in the next update. I could be misunderstanding this entirely, but one can dream right?)

Also, some time in the future, there may be another stage involving two animals which will play similar to the ropers. This could also be un-true, but I'm a bit more confident about this.

And another thing. I missed a big part of news in the previous update's blog post by Eluku, Apparently, there is a large boss monster being planned which looks to be some sort of Monster Door or Flesh wall. This May or may not be the Final boss of the game, as the monster's prototype name is "HeavensDoor".


This does not mean that Eluku will stop making updates for the game. Eluku stated that (s)he (Someone, please tell me the gender of the developer if it is known btw... I hate looking like an idiot.) plans to continue creating monsters and releasing updates for the game. The monsters to be added after final production of the game will most likely be ones that were voted on in the poll (this poll can be located by scrolling down and looking to the right side of the screen. Most of it is in Japenese but I gave a translation for it on the page immediately before this one.)

What does this mean for you? It means that if you have a "rare" or unique monster or fetish idea, it COULD make it into the game after Eluku has finished with the main monsters.

Kota of the Wind

We are wanting to know which Character, and which Grapple, you are wanting to use. Practically ALL of the characters have them, as they are the main damage dealing attacks.


I don't know about them being the main 'damage dealing' attacks seeing as they are often rather weak but they are certainly the main attacks.

Kota of the Wind

I say main damage-dealing as most often, if left unchecked, they can lead to a very quick K.O. The only exception to that is EggPlant (And I think one of MeatCatcher's), as all of his grabs have a finite amount of time they function. Other than those, Grabs are the main way a monster triggers an instant K.O. Not to mention they also give a foe alot of SP. Anyway, the question still remains, what grapple was the person talking about.

Kota of the Wind

Update 209 is Here!

Changes to the Ice Pillar attack, two new abilities, and a new Game-over splash art. For all the details, keep on reading down below!

- The FW's Ice Pillar attack has been modified to now cause a finite amount of damage. This damage cannot be reduced through escape, as Tiki now auto-escapes after a few seconds of being caught. Additionally, the ability now sends several pillars out from FW, much like the Ice Sphere, which has now been returned to it's Static, non-traveling ability.

- FW now has a new ability (Which was revealed as the "Secret Thing") involving a new Bondage-esque toy. I think it's called a Mounting Horse? It does decent damage, but is VERY easy to dodge.

- FW will now LOSE SP upon failing to catch Tiki with his Super Grapple, allowing for more openings without you being in danger of getting tackled.

- There is now a new Game-Over Splash art for when you Lose to FW by way of his Super Grapple. It's... kinda gory, but not too terribly bad.

- FW Also has the ability to go nearly invisible. In this state, he takes no actions, and currently, he will remain in this state until he is attacked by Tiki. Using this tactic, one can easily beat him by way of Masturbation to Heal Tiki, and Urinating to Gain free SP for super specials.

Final Thoughts: Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good update. A new Splash art, grapple ability, stealth ability that will probably lead to something more, and some major tweaks to some of FW's other abilities. It's been one busy update for Eluku.

Should you download it: For the major gameplay changes to FW, I'd recommend it. Simple as that.

BONUS INFO: If my translation is correct, one of the next enemies will be Four Mouse-like creatures. These may or may not be Guardians to the HeavensDoor.

Now get out their and get FIGHTING!



Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
Parhaps I should include the link in my Updated Patch Notes.
I doubt anyone would mind if you add a link. To be on the safe side link to the developer's blog, not the file(s) directly; some developers don't like it if you circumvent their own sites.
Alternatively you could state that one will find the link in the OP.

Kota of the Wind

i think they should update new monsters or new attacks at the other enimies not only the fw
If what you are saying is that Eluku should update the monsters that are already out to include more abilities and features, then consider what that would do to the Future Production of the game. Instead of having a new enemy to figure out and enjoy, you'd be stuck with the same old enemies as before. Sure, Eluku could make some new animations, but really, seeing as how most of the monsters are meant to cater to specific fetishes, this kind of production would alienate those who have yet to have their fetish realized. In a perfect world, this would be awesome, but for some of the monsters, like the Fallen fairy for example, they already have a pretty decent amount of abilities. Granted, other enemies like the Drinking Worm Mother only have 2 abilities, but in her case, it's kinda the point. (One Insta-KO, and One long-range harass.)

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