Content Creator
- Joined
- Jun 12, 2013
I make mods to add functionality or to fix issues with the game.
Multiple Backgrounds Mod
Block Code Loading
Block Code Loading ($INIT$ version)
Remove custom files from character data.
Clean Codes
Multiple Backgrounds Mod
This Mod allows you to select backgrounds from a folder you place into a character folder. This Mod is meant to be placed into the $INIT$ folder and will persist through reset.
Here's how you use it:
Now when you load the character folder that you've modified, a new menu will replace the default background selection and you can cycle through them in the order that they're listed in bgs.txt.
I've also attached an example character folder if you're still confused about how to use it. Just put the folder in the Mods directory.
Big thanks to sby and ModGuy for helping me out. This was my first AS3 project. Some code borrowed from sby's moreclothingV1_2
This is a slightly different version from what I posted the first time. With this new one, you can load .swf backgrounds too. So if you downloaded this early on, make sure you get this updated version.
View attachment BGLoader.swf
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Here's how you use it:
- Place BGLoader.swf into Mods/$INIT$ and update Mods/$INIT$/Mods.txt to include it.
- Go to the character folder you want to have multiple BGs in and create a folder called "bgs"
- Within the bgs folder, place all of the background images that you want to use.
- Within the bgs folder, create a text file "bgs.txt"
- Put the filenames of all of the backgrounds you want to use into bgs.txt
Now when you load the character folder that you've modified, a new menu will replace the default background selection and you can cycle through them in the order that they're listed in bgs.txt.
I've also attached an example character folder if you're still confused about how to use it. Just put the folder in the Mods directory.
Big thanks to sby and ModGuy for helping me out. This was my first AS3 project. Some code borrowed from sby's moreclothingV1_2
This is a slightly different version from what I posted the first time. With this new one, you can load .swf backgrounds too. So if you downloaded this early on, make sure you get this updated version.
View attachment BGLoader.swf
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Block Code Loading
This mod prevents other .swf files from applying their own character codes to the character. This can fix issues with some mods which prevents you from automatically loading your own hair file or other character traits, since the stuff in the .swf file is usually loaded last. Usually these .swf files were made without loader character folders in mind, so this is a way around that.
Just add this mod to the character folder in question and make sure it is at the top of Mods.txt. If you want to keep some traits from the .swf, you can use the generate custom save data option in the Modding tab and place that in your own Code.txt in the character folder.
View attachment StopSWFCode.swf
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Just add this mod to the character folder in question and make sure it is at the top of Mods.txt. If you want to keep some traits from the .swf, you can use the generate custom save data option in the Modding tab and place that in your own Code.txt in the character folder.
View attachment StopSWFCode.swf
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Block Code Loading ($INIT$ version)
A global version of my previous StopSWFCode mod. Place this one in your $INIT$ folder and it will prevent other .swf mods from applying their own character code only if the character folder has a code.txt file.
View attachment StopSWFCode_Global.swf
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View attachment StopSWFCode_Global.swf
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Remove custom files from character data.
I mainly put this together to help with generating character codes and figured I'd throw it up here. Keeps the game from including external files when it generates character codes (No more customHair:blah.png or whatever)
This mod goes into the Mods/$INIT$ folder.
View attachment Mod.swf
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This mod goes into the Mods/$INIT$ folder.
View attachment Mod.swf
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Clean Codes
Running this will cause all of the code.txt files in the Mods folder to split into multiple lines instead of all being on one. This makes them much easier to read and modify and they still load just fine.
Place the .jar into the same directory as the Mods folder then run it. Nothing pops up when it runs, so you'll have to check a random code.txt file to check if it worked.
If you're worried about it messing up your codes files, back up your Mods folder first! I've tested it with all of my characters and it didn't break anything, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
The .java file is just the source code. You don't need it for the .jar to work.
View attachment CleanCodes.jar
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charname:Jane Doe;mood:Normal;hair:sdchan;
charname:Jane Doe;
Place the .jar into the same directory as the Mods folder then run it. Nothing pops up when it runs, so you'll have to check a random code.txt file to check if it worked.
If you're worried about it messing up your codes files, back up your Mods folder first! I've tested it with all of my characters and it didn't break anything, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
The .java file is just the source code. You don't need it for the .jar to work.
View attachment CleanCodes.jar
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-Extract codes from .sdt files
-$INIT$ version of StopSWFCode. (In-Progress)
-Make changes to the "Clothing" button in the "Scene" tab
-Make changes to the "Clothing" button in the "Scene" tab
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