Hello, I'm Squidd, you may also know me as "i just want to fuck nonon" or "swag swag kill me fuck" well, I finally got an actual normal name, so I'm going to post more often maybe probably. Anyway I've not made many imports yet, but soon... Muahahahahaha... I'll probably make more or whatever. Depends if i can be bothered really. I'll probably take requests if I like the characters, so request away. Anyway here are the imports, i don't know how to make it look all stylish yet so I'll just hope someone explains that to me later. Ciao!
(Also in case you didn't know, the hairs are Amanda from Sanity Not Included Season 4, Yellow Pearl from Steven Universe and Chara from a really overrated game that was kind of okay.)
(Also the Yellow Pearl one looks terrible, I know, I'll improve it at some point probably)
(Also in case you didn't know, the hairs are Amanda from Sanity Not Included Season 4, Yellow Pearl from Steven Universe and Chara from a really overrated game that was kind of okay.)
(Also the Yellow Pearl one looks terrible, I know, I'll improve it at some point probably)