so basically im having trouble with two of the four mods that are used for my custom char
the two mods in question are the clscar and horn rimed glasses, when loading the character they appear then disappear but the other two still stick around
Clean up your charcode. It probably contains instructions such as "
eyewear:none". So your Character Folder loads the glasses alongside the other files mentioned in
Mods.txt ... but then when it activates the charcode in
Code.txt, it promptly
removes those glasses. You can tidy up the charcode omit to omit all such extraneous instructions; retain only the things which are
actually needed to define your character (skin tone, mood, body size, breast size, etc).
Alternatively: change your
Settings.txt file (either globally, or within this specific Character Folder) so that the
loadCharCodeLast setting is changed to 0. The charcode will then get loaded first. It will remove the girl's glasses, but that's not especially important. A moment later it will load the horn-rimmed glasses (and then the nose piercing, etc). When it's finished, your character should appear exactly as you expect.