Luckily enough I saved a copy of the mod before the old GVZ went down. The files are exactly as I got them. These are the instructions in the ReadMe file.
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Nude Patch for Fable III-Ryuseiken
Attention, please make a backup of the next file in case of problems:
"morphs_textures.bnk.dat" in the "...\art\characters\heros\morphs" folder
"globals_textures.bnk.dat" in the "Globals" folder
"levels.bnk.dat" in the "Data" folder
Everything is ok? so here we go:
1 - Extract the files in the 7z archive in the "Data" folder of the game.
2 - Go to the folder "...\art\characters\heros\morphs" and apply the patch (double click on "Patch_morphs_textures.bat").
- Once finished, rename the file "morphs_textures.bnk" to "art_characters_heros_morphs_morphs_textures.bnk" and copy in the "data" folder.
3 - 3 - Go in the "globals" folder and apply the patch (double click on "Patch Globals_Textures.bat")
- Once finished, rename the file "globals_textures.bnk" to "globals_globals_textures.bnk" and copy in the "data" folder.
4 - In the "Data" folder, apply the patch "patch_levels.bat"
Normally if everything went well, the file .tex and rename the ones you are gone. The patch has been applied normally.
5 - Run the game and enjoy it :p
Sorry for my bad English. I hope you will come to understand me.
Attention, please make a backup of the next file in case of problems:
"morphs_textures.bnk.dat" in the "...\art\characters\heros\morphs" folder
"globals_textures.bnk.dat" in the "Globals" folder
"levels.bnk.dat" in the "Data" folder
Everything is ok? so here we go:
1 - Extract the files in the 7z archive in the "Data" folder of the game.
2 - Go to the folder "...\art\characters\heros\morphs" and apply the patch (double click on "Patch_morphs_textures.bat").
- Once finished, rename the file "morphs_textures.bnk" to "art_characters_heros_morphs_morphs_textures.bnk" and copy in the "data" folder.
3 - 3 - Go in the "globals" folder and apply the patch (double click on "Patch Globals_Textures.bat")
- Once finished, rename the file "globals_textures.bnk" to "globals_globals_textures.bnk" and copy in the "data" folder.
4 - In the "Data" folder, apply the patch "patch_levels.bat"
Normally if everything went well, the file .tex and rename the ones you are gone. The patch has been applied normally.
5 - Run the game and enjoy it :p
Sorry for my bad English. I hope you will come to understand me.
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