If it's possible, could someone remove parts of Dante's Dixie Kong costume? I only want the furry bits but none of the other parts.
It's pretty straightforward to do
most of this with
Dixie_Kong_Cosplay.swf=Dixie Kong Cosplay:CostumeBottoms-rightThigh-chest-back-leftThigh-backside>CostumeLegwear:Body-back-backside-leftShoulder-chestUnder>CostumeArmwear
The only complication is the
shoes; they
can't be removed by scripting because they're merged with the furry leggings into a single sprite. They could be removed with a few minutes of work in Flash. I'm not terribly eager to chop up Dante's work and re-release it without his permission, though.
If only there were some way that you could
make a useful contribution to the website while demonstrating your appreciation for Dante's skill. Then I'd be
forced to acknowledge your worthiness and fulfill your request.
Hint hint.