Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.08 (15 Jan 2017) (3 Viewers)


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.13, VAv1.08 (5 December 2013)

there are actually 2 things:

breathlevel - represents her air

passoutfactor - represents her body state for when she runs out of air.

you can watch the loader values up top to get a gist of how/when they change.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.13, VAv1.08 (5 December 2013)

Known bug for DialogueActions/VariableArithmetic with Loader v5.30a: A custom trigger at the start of a line does not work


Potential Patron
Jun 2, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.13, VAv1.08 (5 December 2013)

Pim_gd said:
Known bug for DialogueActions/VariableArithmetic with Loader v5.30a: A custom trigger at the start of a line does not work

I noticed that in the last couple of releases and simply put a "Б" at the start of the line. It works fine for me that way.


Potential Patron
May 9, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.13, VAv1.08 (5 December 2013)

It's not working for me, guess I've done something wrong during the installation.
I placed the dialogueactionsv.swf and the fla. file which were in the zip folder in the $INIT$ folder and added it to the mod.txt.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.13, VAv1.08 (5 December 2013)

What are you trying to do?
How are you trying to do this?
What did you expect it to do?
What did it do instead?


Potential Patron
May 9, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.13, VAv1.08 (5 December 2013)

I'm using a dialogue which was made with the custom actions.
Nothing happened as I used the dialogue, nothing different at least.
Triggers that make her grab her boobs are not working, or do I need another mod for that?


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.14, VAv1.08 (26 December 2013)

December 26, 2013
Introducing v1.14 of DialogueActions!
- Fixed a bug where no checks for brackets were done (leading to [CUM] and CUM working the same)
Link in OP, and the archive download in the second post has been updated as well.

Working on v2.00 of DialogueActions. Will fix a couple bugs in that version and make it easier to add new features. Some features will be removed - I'm looking at removing the penis scaling, for instance.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.15, VAv1.08 (27 December 2013)

December 27, 2013
Introducing v1.15 of DialogueActions!
- Fixed a bug that caused [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>] to blow up everytime you used it.
Link in OP, and the archive download in the second post has been updated as well.

During my work on v2.00 of DialogueActions, I accidentally editted a file and saved it half-done, then copied it to where I was going to make v2.00.
That, combined with some forgetfullness, caused this bug.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA1, VAv1.08 (3 January 2014)

DialogueActions v2.00 Alpha version 1!
Now with many unfound bugs!
Many untested features!
Many possible bug fixes!
And way too much output (not suited for fapping).

Some shit will log to the Dialogue Log, some shit will log to the Loaders updateStatus display (top right corner).

Installation instructions are provided in the download, as is a special Loader.swf version. Download and install Loaderv5.33 from MG, then place this custom loader.swf beside it. Run Loaderv533DEV.swf (provided in download).

I'd also recommend that you use a flash debugger. (available here http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html ). That way you can post stack traces and I can resolve issues really quickly.

The changelog is rather huge, so I've spoilered it.
- Starts from scratch!
- Implemented instant lines
- Implemented VariableArithmetic operators in inserts (more on that later)
- Implemented the following variables:
clothType = any of these: "ankleCuffs", "armwear", "bellyPiercing", "bottoms", "collar", "cuffs", "earring", "eyewear", "footwear", "gag", "headwear", "himBottoms", "himFootwear", "himTop", "legwear", "legwearB", "nipplePiercing", "panties", "tonguePiercing", "top", "tops"
colorComponent = any of these: "r", "g", "b", "a", "r2", "g2", "b2", "a2"

You can read AND write colors like this.
r, g, b and their r2, g2, b2 cousins are from 0 to 255.
a and a2 are from 0 to 1

will set the red value of her top to 100.

for setting the type of clothing for that slot.
will set her top to a tanktop.

allows easy setting of all settings.
Type,R,G,B,R2,G2,B2 //might set alphas to 1

da.hair.load - write only
For loading hair files.
Only static images are supported right now.
Delay set is possible, using [LOAD_HAIR]

da.background.load - write only
For loading backgrounds.
Delay set is possible, using either [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] or [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>]

da.dialogue.load - write only.
For loading dialogues.

da.charcode.load - write only.
For loading (partial) charcodes.

- Implemented the following triggers:
[BOUNCE_TITS] - works same as before, with a power of 0.15
[BOUNCE_TITS_<power>] - BOUNCE_TITS, with custom power argument. Suggested max is 0.5.

[FLASH_<hex>] - Fades the screen to hex color.
[FLASH_<hex>_<durationInMilliseconds>] - Fades the screen to hex color, waits durationInMilliseconds milliseconds before ending the fade effect.
[END_FLASH] - ends fade effect.
[INSTANT_END_FLASH] - instantaneously ends fade effect (no fade-in)
[FLASH_CHANGE_COLOR_<hex>] - changes the fade effect's color.
[FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>] - fades the screen to hex color, then changes the background to that set to da.background.load.
[CHANGE_BACKGROUND] - delay set for da.background.load.

[AUTO_OFF] - Turns auto mode off.
[AUTO_SOFT] - Turns auto mode on, and sets it to soft.
[AUTO_NORMAL] - Turns auto mode on, and sets it to normal.
[AUTO_HARD] - Turns auto mode on, and sets it to hard.
[AUTO_SELF] - Turns auto mode on, and sets it to self.

[HIDE_PENIS] - Hides penis (and moves tip back)
[HIDE_BALLS] - Sets balls to "None"
[SHOW_BALLS] - Sets balls to "Normal"
[SHOW_PENIS] - Shows penis, sets tip back to normal.

[CLEAN_CUM] - Cleans cum off the screen (similar to SDT's built in clean button)
[CLEAN_MASCARA] - Cleans mascara off the screen (similar to SDT's built in clean button)
[CLEAN_SPIT] - Cleans spit off the screen (similar to SDT's built in clean button)
[CLEAN_LIPSTICK] - Cleans lipstick smearing off the screen (similar to SDT's built in clean button)

[GAG] - Plays gag sound and causes her to inversely swallow.
[MOAN] - Plays moan sound.

[WAKE_UP] - Wakes her up.
[KNOCK_OUT] - Makes her pass out (you'll have to add your own slap effect)
[DEEPTHROAT] - Gives her an intro distance of 150... which should allow her to deepthroat him.
[RANDOMIZE_HER] - Randomizes her completely.
[MASTURBATE_ON] - Makes her masturbate.
[MASTURBATE_OFF] - Makes her stop masturbating... after a while?

[AUTO_KEYS] - Inverts auto keys (loader setting)
[AUTO_KEYS_ON] - Sets auto keys to on (loader setting). Needed for playing of recordings and [PULL_OFF].
[AUTO_KEYS_OFF] - Sets auto keys to off, and gives player control again.
[PAUSE] - Pause current recording.
[CONTINUE] - Play/Continue current recording.
[PULL_OFF] - Pulls her off his cock. Only works properly during playing of recording.

[HIDE_HIM] - Hides him. Possibly incompatible with animtools. (Loading a position might show him weirdly if he's hidden)
[SHOW_HIM] - Makes him reappear.
[CUM] - Makes him cum quickly, but not directly (probably triggers pre_cum lines)

[LOAD_HAIR] - Loads a hair file set to the variable da.hair.load . Only works if the trigger is on the same dialogueline as the variable set for da.hair.load.
[LOAD_CHARCODE] - Loads a charcode. Is a delay set for da.charcode.load.

[VA_SET_VARIABLE_<variableName>_<value>] - Sets the named variable's value to the provided value. Example: [VA_SET_VARIABLE_var1_5].
[VA_SET_VARIABLEBYNAME_<variableTargetName>_<variableSourceName>] - Sets the named target variable's value to the value of the named source variable. Example: [VA_SET_VARIABLE_var1_var2].
[VA_SET_GLOBALVARIABLE_<globalVariableName>_<value>] - stores a value in DialogueAction's memory.
[VA_SET_GLOBALVARIABLEBYNAME_<globalVariableName>_<sourceVariableName>] - stores a value in DialogueAction's memory, using a dialogue variable's name to pull the value from.
[VA_LOAD_GLOBALVARIABLE_<globalVariableName>] - sets <globalVariableName> as a dialogue variable using the value stored in DialogueAction's memory.

- Implemented the following linetypes:
orgasm - triggers (once) when she orgasms via [MASTURBATE_ON].
start - triggers (once) when a dialogue is loaded or editted.
passed_out - triggers when she has passed out.

- Implemented the following operators:
Operator var1 var2 output
+ 10 20 30 - Adds both sides together.
- 10 20 -10 - Substracts the right side from the left side.
/ 10 20 0.5 - Divides the left side by the right side. If the right side is 0, ... then I don't know what happens. Check Adobe's manual for division by 0.
!= 10 20 1 - If both sides don't have the same value, returns 1. Returns 0 otherwise.
== 10 20 0 - If both sides have the same value, returns 1. Returns 0 otherwise.
>= 10 20 0 - If the left side is more than, or equal to the right side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
<= 10 20 1 - If the right side is more than, or equal to the left side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
> 10 20 0 - If the left side is more than the right side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
< 10 20 1 - If the right side is more than the left side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
= 10 20 20 - Whatever the result might have been, it's set to the right side.
&& 1 0 0 - Represents a boolean AND. Returns 1 if (var1 + var2) equals 2. Otherwise, returns 0.
|| 1 0 1 - Represents a boolean OR. Returns 1 if (var1 + var2) equals or is more than 1. Otherwise, returns 0.
% 10 4 2 - Returns the remainder of a division of var1 by var2. Represents a modulo.
* 10 20 200 - Returns var1 multiplied by var2. Note that you can't use this operator directly - you need to define a variable with * as it's value.

You can use ( ) to specify ordering (other ordering is ignored).
You can use variables names inside the insertion *var1 + var2* and they will automatically be replaced with the value that they have *var1 + var2* -> *10 + 20* -> 30
Keep in mind that for this to work properly, variable names CANNOT have spaces in them, and variables CANNOT be attached to parentheses or an operator.
Thus, don't use *var1+(var2/var3)*, instead use *var1 + ( var2 / var3 )*.
Additionally, due to the way replacing of insertion values work, variable names CANNOT contain operators.

- Ditched the following triggers:
- [RIGHT_ARM_BREAST] - Use animtools partials.
- [LEFT_ARM_BREAST] - Use animtools partials.
- [ARMS_BREAST] - Use animtools partials.
- [ARMS_CROTCH] - Use animtools partials.
- [ARMS_HIS_CROTCH] - Use animtools partials.
- [CLEAR] - Load an empty dialogue with da.dialogue.load

- Ditched the following variables:
penisSize - write-only, scale 0-100
penisLength - write-only, scale 0-100
penisWidth - write-only, scale 0-100
maxPenisLength - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
maxPenisWidth - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
minPenisLength - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
minPenisWidth - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
quick guide for dialogue modders: how to rewrite your dialogue
[FLASH_<hex>] doesn't end on it's own. Use [FLASH_<hex>_0].
multiple instances of BACKGROUND changing triggers: remove em till you have 1
multiple instances of [LOAD_CHARCODE] on a line - remove them until you have 1

loadDialogue -> da.dialogue.load
background -> da.background.load
hair -> da.hair.load
loadCharCode -> da.charcode.load

- Ditched the following triggers:
- [RIGHT_ARM_BREAST] - Use animtools partials.
- [LEFT_ARM_BREAST] - Use animtools partials.
- [ARMS_BREAST] - Use animtools partials.
- [ARMS_CROTCH] - Use animtools partials.
- [ARMS_HIS_CROTCH] - Use animtools partials.
- [CLEAR] - Load an empty dialogue with da.dialogue.load

- Ditched the following variables:
penisSize - write-only, scale 0-100
penisLength - write-only, scale 0-100
penisWidth - write-only, scale 0-100
maxPenisLength - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
maxPenisWidth - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
minPenisLength - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
minPenisWidth - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
(attachment removed, download v2.00+ in the OP)


Potential Patron
Jul 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA1, VAv1.08 (3 January 2014)

Randomize her body would be nice.

Just her body though, her clothes stay the same if possible.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA2, VAv1.08 (3 January 2014)

DialogueActions v2.00Alpha2
- Implemented triggers:
-- [RUB_HIS_CROTCH_OFF] <- use this if you have used [RUB_HIS_CROTCH_ON], or fun things happen
-- [FIX_ARMS] <- see what happens with [ARMS_BREAST][ARMS_LEGS] and [ARMS_BREAST][FIX_ARMS][ARMS_LEGS]

- fixed bugs:
-- background and charcode were loading early
-- [FLASH_<hex>_<durationInMS>] not working

(attachment removed, download v2.00+ in the OP)


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA3, VAv1.08 (3 January 2014)

DialogueActions v2.00Alpha3
- Implemented triggers:
[INSTANT_FLASH_<hex>] - Instantly sets the screen to hex color. Only ends after [END_FLASH] or a variant thereof.
[INSTANT_FLASH_<hex>_<durationInMilliseconds>] - Instantly sets the screen to hex color, waits durationInMilliseconds milliseconds before ending the fade effect.

- Fixed bugs:
-- Special characters (such as periods) are now no longer filtered from triggers for DialogueActions. This means [BOUNCE_TITS_<power>] now works properly, as does using implemented VA triggers for setting DA variables.
-- [FLASH] with duration now REALLY works properly
(attachment removed, download v2.00+ in the OP)


Casual Client
Sep 14, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA3, VAv1.08 (3 January 2014)

A few issues with the new v2.00Alpha3

1. It seems unstable with longer dialogs. After around 6-24 lines it seems to be unable to load the next line.

My dialogs are of the form
They include several calls to animtools and many of the DA features. Dialogs with hundreds of lines played in DA1.09, etc. but now it will fail after a dozen or two lines. (It seems to occasionally not jump to the next line when called, a problem I never used to have.) Any small number of lines tested in isolation will usually play, but larger dialogs will just stall. (No CTD or freeze or anything, the next line just does not play bringing the dialog sequence to a halt.) Since this occurs at a different place each time I do not think it is a syntax error in the dialog but rather DA just fails to read a new line occasionally.

2. One particular problem is that the animtools call will always fail in longer dialogs (12+ lines) - though if in a 1-6 line dailog it works fine.

3. Another issue is that when you remove clothes the Alpha syntax requires "None" rather than "none" as in the previous versions. An example line including the "set" command and all the brackets would have been helpful for understanding exactly how to write the new da.clothes commands would have been helpful.

The new features seem nice - looking forward to seeing the final version.

EDIT - Apparently the issue was not with the new DA Alpha but with another mod I was using.


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA3, VAv1.08 (3 January 2014)

Just a quick note for anyone having troubles loading the alpha version. Make sure that your INT folder contains a folder called "default" which holds everything besides your mods.txt


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA4, VAv1.08 (5 January 2014)

- Implemented triggers:
-- [RANDOMIZE_HER_BODY] - Randomizes her body
-- [RESET_RESIST] - Resets her resistance. May cause first_dt, first_throat and intro lines to trigger again. Change resistances with charcode loading.

- Fixed bugs:
-- setting color component of clothes now works with VA triggers

new loader version included
use it instead of Loaderv533DEV

nice dialogue you got there...
[ANGRY_MOOD] will cause her to clench teeth, breaking dialogue
animtoolsv8 needs persistonresetforinitfolder=1 to work from the init folder for dialogues in characterfolders
as for the third issue, it has been noted. I'll include such a notice in the bundled documentation for the full release.
(attachment removed, download v2.00+ in the OP)


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA4, VAv1.08 (5 January 2014)

Would it be possible to directly change the "effectivecuminside" variable used in sby's breast expansion mod?


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA4, VAv1.08 (5 January 2014)

No, as BEv2_4a does not treat it as a read variable. It only writes to that variable.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA5, VAv1.08 (5 January 2014)


- Fixed bugs:
-- onLineChange and onDialogueLoad not firing when loading dialogues from a folder (MG's fault)
-- Fixed a crash if she orgasms due to masturbating before [GAG] or [MOAN] trigger is used.
-- Allowed DA to unset custom loaded .swfs when changing clothing type (fixes a bug where using loader clothing and setting a clothtype to None it would still be shown)

Known bugs:
- When she orgasms, a crash occurs (buildSate is not a function)
- [GAG] and [MOAN] cause a crash
- She continues masturbating when the game is paused (moan sounds will play)
(attachment removed, download v2.00+ in the OP)


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v2.00ALPHA6, VAv1.08 (5 January 2014)

- Implemented linetypes:
-- "choking" - for when her mouth is full and she's starting to pass out

- Implemented triggers:
-- [TONGUE_OUT] - Moves her tongue out (might break through clenching teeth)
-- [TONGUE_IN] - Moves her tongue back in (it might pop back out 2 seconds later though)

- Fixed bugs:
-- When she orgasms, a crash occurs (buildSate is not a function)
-- [GAG] and [MOAN] cause a crash
-- She continues masturbating when the game is paused (moan sounds will play)

Comes with new loader version
It has a fix for the thing I mentioned in alpha5
"-- onLineChange and onDialogueLoad not firing when loading dialogues from a folder (MG's fault)"
I have removed my workaround - as such, you have to use the 534DEVRC2 version.
With a bit of luck, this will be last alpha version - I'm preparing docs for real v2.00 release.

This also means that I have implemented these requests:
3 votes (AaRL, T0mcat, Tweak) - add "[TONGUE_IN]" as trigger - Move tongue in
3 votes (AaRL, T0mcat, Tweak) - add "[TONGUE_OUT]" as trigger - Move tongue out
2 votes (Leela, T0mcat) - Add "choking" - a linetype that plays when she drops below 100% oxygen and has a cock in her mouth. Seems like a perfect addition to power play dialogues (thought: "He's choking me! Let... me... go!") or abusive dialogues.
(attachment removed, download v2.00+ in the OP)

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