Hello guys this will be a first time for me to ever request something like this.
I've been searching everything in this site and never unimpressed me. So thank you all really.
I've kind of an idea and a kind of help actually. I've been digging a lot of dialog actions writing in this stuff and try to learn coding but i'm terribly lazy, horribly busy and a complete noob when it comes to typing a lot of letters.
So, Here is Kira;
Can anyone of you guys can make a story from teenage hood to adultery in the concept of Dynamic Girfriend in DrZombi's Sweet Treats v1.32 ... That work really made me a little busy... like 3 episodes; 17 or 18 years, than 22 years and like 28 years. Well I don't like much of the sex positions but maybe this will be the end work of this, who knows...
Thank you everybodies hard work. Thumbs Up
I'm attaching my kind of tiny coding changes in DG1.8.2 so you can see how noob I am :P
I've been searching everything in this site and never unimpressed me. So thank you all really.
I've kind of an idea and a kind of help actually. I've been digging a lot of dialog actions writing in this stuff and try to learn coding but i'm terribly lazy, horribly busy and a complete noob when it comes to typing a lot of letters.
So, Here is Kira;
Can anyone of you guys can make a story from teenage hood to adultery in the concept of Dynamic Girfriend in DrZombi's Sweet Treats v1.32 ... That work really made me a little busy... like 3 episodes; 17 or 18 years, than 22 years and like 28 years. Well I don't like much of the sex positions but maybe this will be the end work of this, who knows...
Thank you everybodies hard work. Thumbs Up
I'm attaching my kind of tiny coding changes in DG1.8.2 so you can see how noob I am :P
CGma Dynamic Girl Friend 1.8.2.txt
156.3 KB · Views: 176
156.3 KB · Views: 176