WeeWillie Dialogues (Slave Bazaar Alpha 8.9 3/27/19) Added Sister (2 Viewers)

Big R

Vivacious Visitor
Aug 17, 2017
Hey WeeWillie, I whipped Plexia for 15 minutes straight today and couldn't get her to pass out from it (she actually had an orgasm from it, the slut lol). I don't know what hurt more, her back or my right index finger from all the clicking. I think that was what broke her into a painslut though, so you probably made it like this on purpose, but I wanted to post it here just to make sure.


Potential Patron
Nov 23, 2015
Yeah, I guess the choking thing is a bug, then.
I just broke Ellie into a crazy kitten, and upon entering and exiting the stables, everything went dark and the game just started throwing out Ellie's stable dialogue indefinitely- that's certainly a bug!

Big R

Vivacious Visitor
Aug 17, 2017
I haven't tried to choke out Plexia yet, so I have no idea. The "stable going dark" bug happens sometimes, but Willie already knows about it. Just continue after closing the game (or repair if that doesn't work) and you'll be fine until it gets fixed :-)


Potential Patron
May 31, 2017
@Willie : Firstly, glad to know the Sister is your main center of attention. This is going to bring to the game a very nice jump in all ways (new char and new advencements).
The stables are still fun as they are anyway :)

Do you have an idea of the role of the sister in this lovely mess ? Are we going to have to buy her or get her another way ? Are we going to be able to have more than one sister at a time ? ... I don't think i want to know, the suspense is worth it.

Good luck again.

By the way concerning the buttons in the menus, we'll finally all get used to it anyway (old and new players). I was just wondering if it changed or not but it is definitively not important. The main thing is to know where the saves are. Back in the days it was here for me :

C:\Users\<MYNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\<CRAZYID>\localhost\Users\<MYNAME>\Documents\SDT\LoaderWeeWillieBundle\Loader.swf\BAZAAR.sol

It is not the case anymore to me. I still run with the same system (win7) and i use flash player 25, does anybody know where i can try to find the file ?


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Hey WeeWillie, I whipped Plexia for 15 minutes straight today and couldn't get her to pass out from it (she actually had an orgasm from it, the slut lol).
Yeah, Plexia shouldn't pass out from whipping. She's a demon for goodness sakes, and that's one of her favorite things! But yeah, she should cum from it, and break if her pride has bottomed out. It shouldn't have taken 15 minutes though. Is her arousal going down too fast? Since timing may be different on different machines, maybe you are seeing a faster decline in her arousal than I am. Hmmm. After you fully whip her she should only take a couple swipes at most once her arousal is at 100. (btw, love your new profile avatar!)

Do you have an idea of the role of the sister in this lovely mess ? Are we going to have to buy her or get her another way ? Are we going to be able to have more than one sister at a time ? ... I don't think i want to know, the suspense is worth it.
I'll spoil it just to set expectations. You'll only have one sister, but you get to flavor her personality in the customization, so she may feel a bit different through play-throughs if you customize her in alternate ways. The Lady of the Bazaar will have acquired her especially for you, but you'll still need to purchase her (gotta have a reason for earning gold).

The main thing is to know where the saves are. Back in the days it was here for me :

C:\Users\<MYNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\<CRAZYID>\localhost\Users\<MYNAME>\Documents\SDT\LoaderWeeWillieBundle\Loader.swf\BAZAAR.sol
Huh? It should still be there. It's a Flash thing. It all depends on where you put the bundle, but it should follow a pattern similar to what you have there.


Potential Patron
May 31, 2017
Huh? It should still be there. It's a Flash thing. It all depends on where you put the bundle, but it should follow a pattern similar to what you have there.

Aw you're right, the way is smmilar. I've just had to find the folder manually instead of copying/pasting the file adress (maybe because my system is in french, i don't know).

Thank you.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 11, 2013
Not sure if its been brought up yet, but I figured I'll just mention it right quick... Some of the dialogue seems to be mixed up depending on whether the player character is wearing a strap on or actually has a cock. As in, the girls making comments about the rubber dick when in fact it is a real one.


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Not sure if its been brought up yet, but I figured I'll just mention it right quick... Some of the dialogue seems to be mixed up depending on whether the player character is wearing a strap on or actually has a cock. As in, the girls making comments about the rubber dick when in fact it is a real one.
Yep, that should be fixed in my next emergency bug update. That was actually the reason for the black screen after the stables with Ellie too. I'm just wrestling with some last things related to sister appearance before releasing the update. I try to stack as many bug fixes into a build so that were aren't so many updates. Thank you!


Avid Affiliate
Aug 31, 2017
I've noticed a few discrepancies in dialog when changing scenes (broke Plexia into Painslut during Vaginal, switched back to Kneeling and she comment on my rubber dick...Ellie "one-time" comment about my strap-on, though I was male, etc), but I chalked it up to WeeWillie WeeWillie stating that certain variables weren't remaining persistent.

I was going to wait for the next build to see if the issue was resolved.


Avid Affiliate
Aug 31, 2017
As far as Plexia is concerned, I believe she breaks two ways depending on her love attribute.

I've had her below 90 love and at 0 pride, she Masturbated and broke into Pain during sex. Never once did I whip/choke her.


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
I've had her below 90 love and at 0 pride, she Masturbated and broke into Pain during sex. Never once did I whip/choke her.
Correct. The real answer is for Plexia to break, she needs to be at 0 pride and either orgasm (whip or masturbate, maybe intercourse? ) or pass out (choke out). How much she loves you at that moment determines if she goes docile or slutty, with 90 being the threshold.


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
I've just posted update 8.8. Release 8.7 had some very ugly bugs in it (sorry about that!). This release tries to address those. No real new content here, just bug fixes. As always, let me know what bugs you find that I missed!


Content Creator
Nov 18, 2016
To break Ellie into a depraved masochist:
1. Get her to 0 pride.
2. Cum in all her orifices (not needed if you are female)
3. Whip her till she passes out and choke her till she passes out.
Passing her out has to happen in the room. Passing her out with the horses cock will not break her. I don't know if this is intended or not.

Respectfully, Rudgar


Avid Affiliate
Aug 31, 2017
Slave Bazaar is the sole reason I started playing SDT again, and it continues to be amazing. Thank you for all the hard work WeeWillie WeeWillie !

Just throwing it out there (I know you're time is limited), have you given any thought to additional sex positions for the girls? Nothing too fancy and no additional dialog.
What if a new position unlocked depending on how the girl breaks?
-Loving/Devoted slaves unlock Cowgirl?
-Pain/Crazed slaves unlock Missionary/Reverse Cowgirl?

Or maybe a new position unlocks depending on the Slaves' Exp? Higher skill = Additional Position?

Could be an additional attribute for each girl, giving us obsessive compulsive types something else to "collect".


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Passing her out has to happen in the room. Passing her out with the horses cock will not break her. I don't know if this is intended or not.
Thanks for the heads up. I think for the moment it was intended; the stables were more of an experiment. At some point I want the stables to be available for all the girls, but it turns out it takes a lot of work to set that scene up for one girl. I cut some corners for Ellie just to get it out. People had voted for the sister, and I kind of jumped the queue doing the stables because I wanted to.

Just throwing it out there (I know you're time is limited), have you given any thought to additional sex positions for the girls? Nothing too fancy and no additional dialog.
People have mentioned it a bunch so I have thought about it for certain, and you've made some great suggestions. There are a few issues for adding a new position:
  1. I need to make a new background for each position so the girl isn't floating in mid air. This is compounded in that I want to add new rooms to rent outside of the prison cell. Each new room I add has to support every sex position.
  2. Each new position needs to hide the players head, because I haven't added a head mod for him (and probably never will for multiple reasons). This limits the positions, though of course there are many new positions I could do that hide his head.
  3. I need to animtools each fuck position three times for different body sizes. The system is set up to align mouth to penis. When you do a fuck position, changing the body size from smallest to largest will ultimately move the entry point of the penis to the body, and I'm a stickler for vaginas and butt holes being in the correct location :P I handle this by having three different subtly different positions for small, medium and large bodies.
These don't mean I won't add new positions. I'm just pointing out that adding a new position does add a little more work than you might think.

Whenever I'm done with a major feature, I usually put a poll out to see what people want next. New positions have been on the list, but every one usually votes for me to put my energy into a entirely new slave. Some things high on my to do list are: new rooms to rent, stables for all girls, new sex positions, jewelry, better dialog/chat moments for the girls, a new fantasy based slave such as succubus, elf, vampire or orc.


Avid Affiliate
Aug 31, 2017
These don't mean I won't add new positions. I'm just pointing out that adding a new position does add a little more work than you might think.
I would assume it's no simple task. Animtools itself (from my newbie experience) doesn't seem the friendliest either. Appreciate the consideration though.

new fantasy based slave such as succubus, elf, vampire or orc.
Get out of my head dude! I've been fantasizing about breaking that smug little vampire from Trials of the Sorceress, for a while now.


Hello WeeWillie ! First of all, thanks for all your hard work, your dialogues are more than great, it's a completely new game you created there, really astonishing, many many thanks ! :grin:
I'm mainly playing Slave Bazaar and i've been using two version of your pack, the 7.0, and lately the new 8.8, and it's great so far ! :smile:
I just have a few concerns that i wanted to adress you as it might be shared by a lot of other people :

- Is there a way to completely adjust the Him Penis Size ? As everytime a change room, the default size comes back and, i find it really small. Is there a file where i can set it for good ? :smile:

- The Stables add a really cool feature for the breaked gurls but.. the horse is kind of killing it. Would it be possible to make a "normal" version with, for exemple, just a giant cock coming out of a gloryhole ? I mean the horse sounds and model really turn me off and, i know i can't be the only one. Whereas giving order to the girl, watching her work is really good fun, great idea on this ! :wink: But, even if its cool to have the possibility, it would be nice to have something non-zoo-thingy for the people who are not into those kind of stuff. I respect that, but i find it weird that this was done prior to something less.. "fetish" ? :tongue:

- Are "Give Her Penis Potion" coming up ? I'd love to turn my gurls into cute traps. :oops::tongue:

And thats it ! Of course, those are not requests, i fully understand that doing all of this take a shitload of time, but, as a player of your great dialogues, i wanted to know where it is going :grin:

Thanks for reading me !

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