WeeWillie Dialogues (Slave Bazaar Alpha 8.9 3/27/19) Added Sister (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jan 30, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

boloyolo said:
Not going to lie, the last stage of Trials of the Sorceress is really frustrating me. What exactly am I meant to (not) be doing?
The hint I seem to be getting is "don't do the thing", but if I don't do things I can't make progress. I've failed twice now, and with the inability to select stages it really feels like a spit in the face.

In the beginning you can do whatever you want/she encourages to and build up your arousal. Erica will then tell you when to NOT do as she encourages. So if she says something feels good or encourages you continuing an action, immediately do something else and keep switching up whenever she encourages your new actions.


Potential Patron
Aug 12, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but not sure what...

I got your dialog actions 3.0 mod and the test dialog that went with it, but while the buttons work, they do not show up on the screen.

Then I got the pack you put together, tried that, and the buttons do show up and work.

I copied my copy of the loader v 5.36 into the pack folder to see if that would break it, and things worked just fine.

I copied the WW_SDTDialogueActionsv2.04 from the pack folder into my loader folder, and that did not make the test dialog work.



Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Just wanted to say I finally downloaded your bundle and it worked like a charm. Played through the full and updated Trials without any game overs and it worked flawlessly! The only let-down (slightly ;) was that I was hoping for maybe some position changes and more diverse dialogue with her at the end (she hints at anal for example) as a reward for going through all those blow jobs, but meh.

Slave trainer was also excellent but I found the dialogue was very similar between the three girls I tried. It would be cool if more positions and dialogue would be "unlocked" depending on your actions (like the slaps -> handjob stuff you had going there). Perhaps you'd have to gag and stock the feisty ones first to be able to throat fuck them at all, and only when broken would it be possible to abuse them without restraints. I also think the girls should react to BJ after anal somehow. The feisty ones break to easily IMO - all it took was some stocks and anal, basically clicking through the whole thing, and suddenly they were enjoing it.

Of course, these are just MINOR nit picks that would make what is already an awesome shell even better IMO. Others might not like these changes. :)


Potential Patron
Oct 22, 2012
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

I wish more dialogues were made into bundles like this. I've checked in from time to time since konashion's passing, always expecting to see the community has dried up, but the way these were presented is interesting and convenient enough that I may have to revisit my old dialogue folders.

I hope others are inspired to bundle their work together like this.


Potential Patron
Jul 29, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Hi, just wanted to ask if there is any chance of a male version or edit in the future for Slave Trainer, as in male slave? I like to flip genders once every moon, like a sexual preference werewolf.

Aside from just asking or requesting, I love this and just downloaded the bungle version yesterday after messing around trying to grab the loaders and tools on my own. Thanks for all the work you've put in.


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

JangoAmerican said:
Hi, just wanted to ask if there is any chance of a male version or edit in the future for Slave Trainer, as in male slave? I like to flip genders once every moon, like a sexual preference werewolf.
If WeeWillie would prefer not to write yaoi I might steal this request. I'll see what he has to say first, though. Also stealing the term Sexual Preference Werewolf.

There's already a lesbian version of Slave trainer floating around, but that's literally the opposite of what you asked for.


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

f93 said:
JangoAmerican said:
Hi, just wanted to ask if there is any chance of a male version or edit in the future for Slave Trainer, as in male slave? I like to flip genders once every moon, like a sexual preference werewolf.
If WeeWillie would prefer not to write yaoi I might steal this request. I'll see what he has to say first, though. Also stealing the term Sexual Preference Werewolf.
Work and family life has been kicking my butt, and will for weeks to come, so I won't be able to do any real SDT work for some time. When I do get the time, I was planning on either upgrading Trials or starting my new project, so by all mean, go for it f93!

f93 said:
There's already a lesbian version of Slave trainer floating around, but that's literally the opposite of what you asked for.
That latest Slave Trainer handles a male or female standing character. Just name your character Mistress, and the girl will refer to you as "her" and "she" etc.


Potential Patron
Sep 12, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues


This mod seems very nice (and exactly what I'm looking for), but I've got an error when I try to DL it from the link given (on solidfile).
Is it possible to check link or reup it elsewhere ?

In all case, thanks a lot for this great work


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

zolkan said:
but I've got an error when I try to DL it from the link given (on solidfile).
Is it possible to check link or reup it elsewhere ?

I just tried it and it downloaded fine. I hear that sometimes you might get a warning from your browser about a virus, but I just use an adblocker and never get that message. Anyone else having issues downloading?


Potential Patron
Sep 12, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

All is working fine now, perhaps a problem with solidfiles.
I wanted to ask you a question : do you agree if I translate your dialogs in french and put them in the forum (all credits to you in file of course).
I almost finished slave training V 1.2, and will translate V2 after I think


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

zolkan said:
All is working fine now, perhaps a problem with solidfiles.
I wanted to ask you a question : do you agree if I translate your dialogs in french and put them in the forum (all credits to you in file of course).
I almost finished slave training V 1.2, and will translate V2 after I think
Of course! I would love if you translate my dialogs. The more people who can enjoy them, the better!


Potential Patron
Sep 12, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Done here for slave 1.2 :


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

zolkan said:
Done here for slave 1.2 :

I can't read French, so I don't know if you've already done this :) But I do a lot of crazy stuff with my dialogues, especially the later ones, such as Trials of the Sorceress and my current project in development. Make sure to instruct people to first get my bundle which contains the proper loader and add-ons. Then copy over the french version of the dialogs over the top of english version. Without the bundle, I suspect people will have a hard time getting the dialogues to work. Merci beaucoup!


Potential Patron
Sep 12, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

I saw that, it's for this that I traslated first the old version without need of the bundle.
I actually start to translate the full bundle, but it will be far long, you made a very hard job !


Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

This all is so well done! Actually it makes a real good game out of the "nice" pieces SDT, Loader, DialogueActions. Amazing piece of work. Thanks for sharing!


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

ilikeitso said:
Will there be more updates or new versions?

Right now I'm working on a more ambitious project called Slave Bazaar. You buy and train slaves, and it has a save feature so you can continue to play a game over many sessions. It's kind of like Slave Trainer meets Trials of the Sorceress.

I plan to release starting with three slaves, and be able to add slaves over time. I've mostly worked on infrastructure so far, but I'd be curious on what type of slaves people would like to see in the first three. I'm working on Plexia the demon now. She starts off bitchy and pissed off, but you can either break her to be a pain slut or break her to be docile and obedient. What other types of slaves would people like to see? Here are some types I'm thinking of:
  • Innocent: Starts off scared and timid, but you can break her to be self loathing or make her a loving sex partner.
  • House wife: Starts off willful yet wary. Can be broken to be a dutiful slave or willful partner.
  • Angel: Starts off sad and lost. Can be broken to either be a depraved whore or an sweet dutiful servant.
  • Succubus: get your revenge on the shemale found at the end of Trials of the Sorceress.
  • Trap: A boy who feels like a girl. Starts off unsure, but can be trained to either be a cum whore or a more elegant, polite "lady".
  • Any thing else you fancy?

If Pim_gd has any opinion, he gets first dibs because of all the help he's given me to get this project going.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

WeeWillie said:
Angel: Starts off sad and lost. Can be broken to either be a depraved whore or an sweet dutiful servant.
Succubus: get your revenge on the shemale found at the end of Trials of the Sorceress.

If Pim_gd has any opinion, he gets first dibs because of all the help he's given me to get this project going.

I like the non-human girls. They have this whole special trait to them.


Potential Patron
Sep 12, 2014
Re: WeeWillie Dialogues

Perhaps an idea for slave market :
"junky slave", start with no willpower cause drugged (kidnapped while overdosed for exemple), and goes desintoxicated (and of course hangry to be there) and finish "cum addict", a new sort of drug for her

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