I've been figuring my way through modding Tera, have successfully spliced .dds's into .gpk's and so on, but due to the lack of a mod for my favourite Castanic Leather skin decided to have a crack at making one myself. Successfully edited the the base texture in GIMP (will admit I used a bit of copy-pasta from someone else's mod as I'm not terribly artistic) however upon loading up Tera again I was faced with this problem-
As you can see in the image, her waist is completely vacant. I've tried editing the norm and spec files to match, but nothing changed. Have tried a number of combinations of edits to each file and still nothing. I assume by the lack of mods for this particular skin that others have run into this issue as well and wondered if anyone had made any headway into solving what is causing it? I can only assume there is a mask that forces those areas not to load from the diff, with the only solution I have come up with, other than finding and fixing said mask, is to try to hash up the base texture so that the groin is loaded from where the armor once was...
As you can see in the image, her waist is completely vacant. I've tried editing the norm and spec files to match, but nothing changed. Have tried a number of combinations of edits to each file and still nothing. I assume by the lack of mods for this particular skin that others have run into this issue as well and wondered if anyone had made any headway into solving what is causing it? I can only assume there is a mask that forces those areas not to load from the diff, with the only solution I have come up with, other than finding and fixing said mask, is to try to hash up the base texture so that the groin is loaded from where the armor once was...