Go to The Mods Folder, then open $init$, Then you are looking for the moreclothingmods folder for now ignore the other folders and add the swf clothing mods to this folder but don't do it all at once because you need to add them to the settings file as well.
The moreclothingmodV7_1settings.txt document is in the $init$ folder you'll need to add the exact name of the swf mod in the correct section just to keep it in order - for example with say a mod called ButtonShirt you would put "ButtonShirt.swf=ButtonShirt:CostumeTop".
After you've done this you can then put the swf clothing mod in the moreclothingmods folder that i said about in the first paragraph.
(Note if you don't write it in the text document it wont load and you'll get an error)
Let us know how you get on if you have any trouble ill help you the best i can i'm kinda new myself but i think that when it comes to adding mods ive picked up pretty quick so let me know how this goes and if it don't work we'll see what we can do.