I'm not sure what you mean by script. I could give you all the cum lines I have-- that'd show you exactly how they all interact, but I think you'd just get confused by all the triggers and variables. Not to mention there's like 150 of them total. I mean, I know I would. Here's an example of just 1 line (representing the first part of an orgasm where the player starts by orgasming in her throat).
CumInThroat1:"[SETVAR_da.oxygenPercentage_20][LOOK_600_-1000_200][EJACULATE][*CIMJerk*]*MidCIM**MidCIM*[OPEN_EYES][WINCE][EJACULATE][*CIMJerk*]БББ[DROOL]БББNnnghhh..![SETVAR_da.oxygenPercentage_100][*Rmood*_MOOD][WINCE][*Swallow2*][EJACULATE][*CIMJerk*]ББББББ[WINCE][*Swallow2*][EJACULATE][*CIMJerk*][OPEN_EYES]БББББББББББББ[LOOK_600_1000_400][SHOCK]БББББББ[AHEGAO_MOOD]БББББББББББББББ[HAPPY_MOOD]ББББ[CIM2*vigorHisCum > 0**MidCum*]"{"style":"thought","check":{"vigorHisCum":">0"},"set":{"vigorHisCum":"-2.5","CITed":1,"MidCum":"throat","CumEqui":"-1","mt.cuminmouth":"+100"}}
Besides, I've explained how it all functions in pretty great detail in the previous post.
I know that you probably included some of this information in the video, but
I wasn't able to glean much from it:
- the resolution is 240p; I can't read any of the dialogue definition and so I don't understand how the events on-screen correspond to (or deviate from) your writing.
- the video shows only what's actually happening. If something fails to work then it won't be apparent in the video.
Pornhub takes awhile to get the quality up after uploading, it's at 720p now. Good second point though, it's not all that helpful.
Perhaps you do want them to interrupt some less-important lines. Perhaps you want the whole idea of interruption to be dropped completely.
I don't. There are a few different ways the girl can be interrupted in the game. Putting it in her mouth, her coughing too much, cumming on her face, cumming in her eyes, and more that I can't think of off the top of my head. I would like all those methods of interruption to continue functioning, except the method of strands hitting her face/eyes.
If the cum_on_face event occurs during an "uninterruptible" line then perhaps you want it to be enqueued, or perhaps you want it to be skipped entirely. I don't know the requirements yet and so I can't begin work on a code fix.
I'm not looking for uninterruptible lines. I just would like strands hitting her face not to cause her lines to be interrupted.
intro: "Well I sure am glad that my face is clean and that nothing unpleasant has happened to me today."
cum_on_face:"How unpleasant!"
Possible gameplay outcomes:
- "Well I sure <cum lands on face> am glad that my face is clean and that nothing unpleasant has happened to me today."
- "Well I sure <cum lands on face> am glad that my face is clean and that nothing unpleasant has happened to me today. How unpleasant!"
- "Well I sure <cum lands on face>... How unpleasant!"
It sounds like you're talking about making cum_on_face lines into interrupts rather than have them be full lines themselves. That's not at all what I'm looking for. If you think about it, with a long orgasm, it would be just nothing but her being interrupted constantly (assuming the line doesn't break, as it does currently in game). Would play out something like:
"Well I sure < cum lands on face>... How unpleasant!-- am -- How unpleasant! -- glad -- How unpleasant! -- that -- How unpleasant! -- my -- How unpleasant! -- face"... yada yada.
Let me know what you mean by "script", and I'll try to help.
It's probably not right, calling it an "interrupt". As it's fully stopping a line and attempting to play another line. I think the "interrupt" caused by the strands hitting the face is due to cum_on_face lines having such high line priority that it interrupts whatever line is currently playing.
If ^that is the case, I see two conceptually simple solutions.
1. Lower cum_on_face/cum_in_eye line priority or remove it's ability to stop other lines and play over them, or both.
2. Remove cum_on_face/cum_in_eye lines entirely from the game. This would be a little janky, as my pseudo-cum_on_face lines could only trigger by getting some in her mouth with sharpshooter, but it'd be good enough.