cheekbulgeedit=1 ;1=enabled cheek bulge feature
cheeksuckedit=1 ;1=enable cheek suck feature
persistmod=1 ;1=mod persists on reset
debugmode=1 ;1=show bulge and suck alphas in top left corner
;cheek bulge and cheek suck are on a single range where -100 is full cheek suck, and 100 is full cheek bulge
;all 3 scale contributors are added together to find how much bulge or suck is applied
;cum in mouth range based on how much cum is in her mouth.
cheekbulgecuminmouthmin=0 ;cheek scale contributor when she has no cum in her mouth
cheekbulgecuminmouthmax=100 ;cheek scale contributor when her mouth is full of cum
;accel range based on how fast you are moving
cheekbulgeaccelmin=-100 ;cheek scale contributor when accelerating away fastest
cheekbulgeaccelmax=80 ;cheek scale contributor when accelerating toward her fastest
cheekbulgeacceldegradespeed=12 ;percent accel contributor is returned to normal when out of her mouth. 0 is keep value, 100 is instantly reverts. on a per frame basis
movetrackerpercent=30 ;percent accel tracks her current acceleration. 0 is don't follow, 100 is track instant. on a per frame basis
;depth range based on penis in mouth distance to deepthroat distance
cheekbulgedepthmin=0 ;cheek scale contributor when outside her mouth
cheekbulgedepthmax=50 ;cheek scale contributor when in back of her mouth