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TemplateExtension V9 reupload

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This (at least V5 as of jan 2020) should be included with the default loader, so you should have it already and should not need to download this unless you are using a mod that specifically requires an updated version.

if you don't have it, the template extension swf should be put in the $INIT$\Default
folder, and then in the $INIT 'Mods.txt', tere should be the entry
near the top of the list.

this extension is required to use any additional modtypes defined in the alternate loader template, you can find it here:
alternate loader template, version 3

this mod used to be called moremodtypes, but no one should really care about that

added some checking for animtoolsV33+ hand orientation changing for controlling the armwear modtype


added some missing layers in the legwear and legwearB modtype, these are chestover, backover, chest, back
from sby alternate loader template 3_3_2

templateextensionV4_sby: (included with loader 5.41)adds overtop modtype, fixes panties hiding

templateextensionV3_sby: (included with loader 5.37)fixes armwear rgb

templateextensionV2_sby: (included with loader)some fixes, tweaked bra
First release
Last update
4.33 star(s) 3 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. corrected mods.txt still referencing the old version

    corrected mods.txt still referencing the old version
  2. bugfix for dynamichairoverextended not getting HSL filters

    bugfix for dynamichairoverextended layer to get the HSL filters applied to it.
  3. added support for audio dialog settings added in alternate loader template 3_6

    templateextensionV8_sby added proxy for 'loadDialogueMod' to support audio dialog mods that...

Latest reviews

nice also, in the newest update, in the Mods.txt it's still "V8" instead of "V9"
thanks, even though it is unlikely to be used, reuploaded with that text file updated
I'm having a difficult time getting this to work. Shouldn't you have "Default/TemplateExtensionV6_sby.swf" instead of "Default/TemplateExtensionV5_sby.swf"
in your folder because it is V6?
yes, i didn't update the notes on the resource, you should use the current filename of the template extension file

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