I forked Pim_gd 's mod DialogueActions from this thread:
in order to make it play a bit nicer with animtoolsV34+, as well as fix a few things some people have mentioned in the past year or so. I threw together a new repository on bitbucket, maybe if enough people don't have issues it will eventually be merged in.
you should refer to its thread for proper documentation on this mod, here are the changenotes (including the versions since the 'stable' 4.08 version:
- took a fork of dialog actions v4.09dev10 to add some integration to animtools, there was a few interations of unreleased versions before this released version
- changed layer where buttons are added to, probably fixed it so the loader borders can be disbaled (i think people with super wide background do this) while having the DA buttons still be visible
- changed how rub his crotch works. now if animtools V33 or greater is loaded, just sets her arms to on him and activates animtools' rub option
- changed the on_her_breast action to just call animtool's arm position to handle all of the hand angles and such dynamically
- changed the project's compile debug flag that messed stuff up for using standalone flash player and allowing loopback network traffic
- Fixed a bug with [PUSSYDRIP] without time argument since caused an error. The version with arguments worked fine.
- Breaking part of vanilla SDT compatibility; If a variable is set to a single space, rather than incrementing the variable by 0, DialogueActions will now set the variable to a single space.
- Added [SPLITSTRING_stringLiteral_localTargetObjectVariable] trigger. Assigns the length of the string literal to targetObjectVariable.length, and each of its individual characters to targetObjectVariable.charAt.<number>. Strings are 0 indexed, so "apple" will turn into charAt.0=a, charAt.1=p, charAt.2=p, charAt.3=l, charAt.4=e, length=5
- Added [SPLITSTRINGBYNAME_localVariable_localTargetObjectVariable] trigger. Performs SPLITSTRING on the contents of localVariable.
- Added [SPLITSTRINGBYNAEM_localVariable_localTargetObjectVariable] trigger. Alias for SPLITSTRINGBYNAME to prevent issues with *ME* inserts.
- Added da.her.name {read only} - *ME* as a variable.
- Added da.her.namePossessive {read only} - *MY* as a variable.
- Added da.him.name {read only} - *YOU* as a variable.
- Added da.him.namePossessive {read only} - *YOUR* as a variable.
- Fixed runTriggerCode API call to not require [ and ].
- Added ability to run multiple triggers at once via runTriggerCode API call by including [ and ] (like "[BOUNCE_TITS][BLINK]").
- Prefixed outputLog calls with DialogueActions so you can see better what logging is from DA
- Prefixed on screen messages (updateStatusCol) with "DA: " so you can see what spam is from DialogueActions
- Allow reading custom hairs set by MoreClothing with da.her.body.hair
- Fixed tan slider not updating
- Fix RGB/a and HSLC coloring issue with multiple sets to various colorables
- Fixed numerical setters for da.her.body and da.him.body variables to treat a negative value as a negative value and not a subtraction
- Added da.her.body.tan {read and write} - For setting her tan type. Values are "None", "Full", "Bikini", "Swimsuit" and "Swimsuit-T".
- Added da.her.body.tan.amount {read and write} - For setting the amount of her tan - acts as an alpha factor for the tan sprite? Values range from 0 to 1.
- Added da.her.body.hair {read and write} - For setting her hair. Values are the same strings shown in the in-game menu and can be expanded via MoreClothing. Doesn't reflect custom png hairs.
- Added da.him.body.penis.length {read and write} - Controls his penis length. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.him.body.penis.width {read and write} - Controls his penis width. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.him.body.penis.minSize {read only} - Retrieves his min penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added da.him.body.penis.maxSize {read only} - Retrieves his max penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added da.him.body.penis {read and write} - Controls his penis type. Values are "Penis A", "Penis B" and "Strapon".
- Added da.her.body.penis {read and write} - Controls her penis type. Values are "None", "Penis A", "Penis B" and "Strapon".
- Added da.her.body.penis.length {read and write} - Controls her penis length. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.her.body.penis.width {read and write} - Controls her penis width. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.her.body.penis.minSize {read only} - Retrieves her min penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added da.her.body.penis.maxSize {read only} - Retrieves her max penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added default value for [PUSSYDRIP_<durationInFrames>] trigger, which is 50 frames because that's what the masturbation has been using.
- Added da.him.body.gender {read and write} - Controls his body type. Values are "Male" and "Female".
- Added da.him.body.skin {read and write} - Controls his skin type. Values are, for the Male body, "Light" and "Dark"; for the Female body, "Light", "Pale", "Tan" and "Dark".
- Added da.him.body.balls {read and write} - Controls his balls type. Values are "None" and "Normal".
- Added da.him.body.balls.size {read and write} - Controls his balls size. Values range from 0.5 to 1.3, but mods may alter the minimum and maximum sizes.
- Added da.him.body.breasts {read and write} - Controls his breast size. Values range from 1 to 149, but for the Male body, the value is always 0 since there are no breasts.
- Added da.him.ejaculating {read only} - Whether he's currently ejaculating. Values are "true" and "false".
- Added da.her.body.mascara {read and write} - Controls her ... mascara slider. Scale goes from 0 to 100. My best guess for the mascara slider is that it's the chance that a tear will cause a smear. There is no change in the intensity of the mascara. For intensity changes, try looking at the alpha colorcomponent.
- Added da.her.body.freckles {read and write} - Controls the freckles on her face. Scale goes from 0 to 100. Rather than being a fade-in, freckles seem to work by drawing more freckles as the slider goes up.
- Added da.her.body.eyebrow {read and write} - Controls her eyebrow type. Values are "Normal", "Crescent" and "Lines".
- Added da.her.clenchingTeeth {read only} - Whether she's clenching her teeth.
- Added HSLC coloring for her skin, his skin and her hair.
- Added da.her.body.iris {read and write} - Controls her iris type. Values are "Normal", "Bright", "Solid", "Blank", "Wide", "Sharp", "Flat", "Cat" and "Swirl".
- Added da.her.body.iris.<colorComponent> {read and write} - For coloring her iris, colorComponents r,g,b,a. RGB go from 0 to 255 and A goes from 0 to 1.
- Added da.her.body.sclera.<colorComponent> {read and write} - For coloring her sclera, colorComponents r,g,b,a. RGB go from 0 255 and A goes from 0 to 1.
- Added a bunch of other stuff that I will properly document later in the changelog when this properly gets released.
- Fixed da.her.body.breasts to go from 0-149.
- Added da.her.body.breasts {read and write}. Controls her breast size. Scale goes from 0-149. It "pops" when setting, so recommend combining with [BOUNCE_TITS] to hide the instant growth, or use small increments.
- Added da.her.body.scale {read and write} - Controls her body scale. Goes from 0 to 1. I recall being able to go over 1, but SDT doesn't seem to play along.
- Added da.her.body.skin {read and write} - Controls her skin type. Values are "Light", "Pale", "Tan" and "Dark".
- Added da.her.body.ears {read and write} - Controls her ear type. Values are "Normal", "Elf" and "Small".
- Added da.her.body.nose {read and write} - Controls her nose type. Values are "Normal", "Pointed" and "Wedge".

Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.08 (15 Jan 2017)
DialogueActions - v4.08 (15 Jan 2017) Current "stable" version is v4.08, uploaded 15 January 2017. Check the bitbucket repo for the latest sources. There's also a development version v4.09, which contains the most recent bugfixes and various poorly tested features. Requires Loader 5.41b+...
in order to make it play a bit nicer with animtoolsV34+, as well as fix a few things some people have mentioned in the past year or so. I threw together a new repository on bitbucket, maybe if enough people don't have issues it will eventually be merged in.
you should refer to its thread for proper documentation on this mod, here are the changenotes (including the versions since the 'stable' 4.08 version:
- took a fork of dialog actions v4.09dev10 to add some integration to animtools, there was a few interations of unreleased versions before this released version
- changed layer where buttons are added to, probably fixed it so the loader borders can be disbaled (i think people with super wide background do this) while having the DA buttons still be visible
- changed how rub his crotch works. now if animtools V33 or greater is loaded, just sets her arms to on him and activates animtools' rub option
- changed the on_her_breast action to just call animtool's arm position to handle all of the hand angles and such dynamically
- changed the project's compile debug flag that messed stuff up for using standalone flash player and allowing loopback network traffic
- Fixed a bug with [PUSSYDRIP] without time argument since caused an error. The version with arguments worked fine.
- Breaking part of vanilla SDT compatibility; If a variable is set to a single space, rather than incrementing the variable by 0, DialogueActions will now set the variable to a single space.
- Added [SPLITSTRING_stringLiteral_localTargetObjectVariable] trigger. Assigns the length of the string literal to targetObjectVariable.length, and each of its individual characters to targetObjectVariable.charAt.<number>. Strings are 0 indexed, so "apple" will turn into charAt.0=a, charAt.1=p, charAt.2=p, charAt.3=l, charAt.4=e, length=5
- Added [SPLITSTRINGBYNAME_localVariable_localTargetObjectVariable] trigger. Performs SPLITSTRING on the contents of localVariable.
- Added [SPLITSTRINGBYNAEM_localVariable_localTargetObjectVariable] trigger. Alias for SPLITSTRINGBYNAME to prevent issues with *ME* inserts.
- Added da.her.name {read only} - *ME* as a variable.
- Added da.her.namePossessive {read only} - *MY* as a variable.
- Added da.him.name {read only} - *YOU* as a variable.
- Added da.him.namePossessive {read only} - *YOUR* as a variable.
- Fixed runTriggerCode API call to not require [ and ].
- Added ability to run multiple triggers at once via runTriggerCode API call by including [ and ] (like "[BOUNCE_TITS][BLINK]").
- Prefixed outputLog calls with DialogueActions so you can see better what logging is from DA
- Prefixed on screen messages (updateStatusCol) with "DA: " so you can see what spam is from DialogueActions
- Allow reading custom hairs set by MoreClothing with da.her.body.hair
- Fixed tan slider not updating
- Fix RGB/a and HSLC coloring issue with multiple sets to various colorables
- Fixed numerical setters for da.her.body and da.him.body variables to treat a negative value as a negative value and not a subtraction
- Added da.her.body.tan {read and write} - For setting her tan type. Values are "None", "Full", "Bikini", "Swimsuit" and "Swimsuit-T".
- Added da.her.body.tan.amount {read and write} - For setting the amount of her tan - acts as an alpha factor for the tan sprite? Values range from 0 to 1.
- Added da.her.body.hair {read and write} - For setting her hair. Values are the same strings shown in the in-game menu and can be expanded via MoreClothing. Doesn't reflect custom png hairs.
- Added da.him.body.penis.length {read and write} - Controls his penis length. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.him.body.penis.width {read and write} - Controls his penis width. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.him.body.penis.minSize {read only} - Retrieves his min penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added da.him.body.penis.maxSize {read only} - Retrieves his max penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added da.him.body.penis {read and write} - Controls his penis type. Values are "Penis A", "Penis B" and "Strapon".
- Added da.her.body.penis {read and write} - Controls her penis type. Values are "None", "Penis A", "Penis B" and "Strapon".
- Added da.her.body.penis.length {read and write} - Controls her penis length. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.her.body.penis.width {read and write} - Controls her penis width. Values range from 0.7 to 1.2 normally, but with mods this can change. See minSize and maxSize variables.
- Added da.her.body.penis.minSize {read only} - Retrieves her min penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added da.her.body.penis.maxSize {read only} - Retrieves her max penis size. Useful in combination with penisrange mod.
- Added default value for [PUSSYDRIP_<durationInFrames>] trigger, which is 50 frames because that's what the masturbation has been using.
- Added da.him.body.gender {read and write} - Controls his body type. Values are "Male" and "Female".
- Added da.him.body.skin {read and write} - Controls his skin type. Values are, for the Male body, "Light" and "Dark"; for the Female body, "Light", "Pale", "Tan" and "Dark".
- Added da.him.body.balls {read and write} - Controls his balls type. Values are "None" and "Normal".
- Added da.him.body.balls.size {read and write} - Controls his balls size. Values range from 0.5 to 1.3, but mods may alter the minimum and maximum sizes.
- Added da.him.body.breasts {read and write} - Controls his breast size. Values range from 1 to 149, but for the Male body, the value is always 0 since there are no breasts.
- Added da.him.ejaculating {read only} - Whether he's currently ejaculating. Values are "true" and "false".
- Added da.her.body.mascara {read and write} - Controls her ... mascara slider. Scale goes from 0 to 100. My best guess for the mascara slider is that it's the chance that a tear will cause a smear. There is no change in the intensity of the mascara. For intensity changes, try looking at the alpha colorcomponent.
- Added da.her.body.freckles {read and write} - Controls the freckles on her face. Scale goes from 0 to 100. Rather than being a fade-in, freckles seem to work by drawing more freckles as the slider goes up.
- Added da.her.body.eyebrow {read and write} - Controls her eyebrow type. Values are "Normal", "Crescent" and "Lines".
- Added da.her.clenchingTeeth {read only} - Whether she's clenching her teeth.
- Added HSLC coloring for her skin, his skin and her hair.
- Added da.her.body.iris {read and write} - Controls her iris type. Values are "Normal", "Bright", "Solid", "Blank", "Wide", "Sharp", "Flat", "Cat" and "Swirl".
- Added da.her.body.iris.<colorComponent> {read and write} - For coloring her iris, colorComponents r,g,b,a. RGB go from 0 to 255 and A goes from 0 to 1.
- Added da.her.body.sclera.<colorComponent> {read and write} - For coloring her sclera, colorComponents r,g,b,a. RGB go from 0 255 and A goes from 0 to 1.
- Added a bunch of other stuff that I will properly document later in the changelog when this properly gets released.
- Fixed da.her.body.breasts to go from 0-149.
- Added da.her.body.breasts {read and write}. Controls her breast size. Scale goes from 0-149. It "pops" when setting, so recommend combining with [BOUNCE_TITS] to hide the instant growth, or use small increments.
- Added da.her.body.scale {read and write} - Controls her body scale. Goes from 0 to 1. I recall being able to go over 1, but SDT doesn't seem to play along.
- Added da.her.body.skin {read and write} - Controls her skin type. Values are "Light", "Pale", "Tan" and "Dark".
- Added da.her.body.ears {read and write} - Controls her ear type. Values are "Normal", "Elf" and "Small".
- Added da.her.body.nose {read and write} - Controls her nose type. Values are "Normal", "Pointed" and "Wedge".