Dialogue was checked in 20 ms.
I found 4 issue(s) with your dialogue, of which 0 were severe.
Grammatical error (double sentence ending: .!) on line 21, col 19 near "resistance:"W-wait..! (...)"
Line 21: resistance:"W-wait..! You stretching my throat to much! IT HURTS!!!"
Grammatical error (double sentence ending: .?) on line 46, col 51 near "(...) do..?""
Line 46: general:"How much more are you going to make me do..?"
Line 55 is unused!
Line 55: Wake:"You are unbelievable... I just simply cant believe you'd do this even after I passed out..."
Grammatical error (double sentence ending: .?) on line 98, col 37 near "(...) I..?""
Line 98: wake:"I feel so dizzy. Wh-where am I..?"
Once you've fixed these issues, try letting me look your dialogue over again. Maybe I'll find something new.