Hearthstone Nude mod (Wait, WHAT?!) (2 Viewers)


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Quick update: I MAY get this done by tomorrow if i keep up the pace. But it looks like the package will have over 50 updates, so no guarantee.

mistress hentai

Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2015
@mg5 dose this work_.. dunno oh well lets see!!!
so i kinda found a temporary sulution to our problem. simply making a second account on your laptop or pc and run the mod their. thats the best sultion i have..

also eddyboy.. i found something i dunno if you are awear of^^


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Interesting, wasnt aware of it, thanks. He does mention me and the (old) site so that's actually a really nice video :)

mistress hentai

Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2015
yea i also found an other one with more views but their was no speech nor text. dunno if he mentions you in the description as i did not check


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012

Done. You can find the new version 2.1 with over 50 card edits and many, many more tentacles in the first post of this thread.
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Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2013
I am thankful for this mod because it allowed me to put in my own little edits here and there. I'm wondering, have you figured out a way to change card names? It's too bad that guy who found out how to change sounds, names, emotes went running as soon as blizzard said not to do it.


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
I have not dabbled in anything that requires any interaction with the actual gamefiles, nor do I intend to. Too dangerous.

mistress hentai

Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2015
As some one that is dosent realy knwo anything about programing. would it not be possible to use one layer of texture. thats brown over the orginal text then have an other layer of texture with your own name and so? becuse i gusse thats how you don so far right?

oh and i think new feral druid card the gain 8 armor or 4 attack this turn. mabey shuld be in the goru version?


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2015
Oh wow that fully naked Valeera art! Stunning!

I disagree that Feral Rage needs to be restricted to the guro version. Yeah, the girl's copping some nasty scratches on her tit and punctures to her neck, but the point of guro is the MURDER aspect of it, as well as the extreme mutilation. This is more like (very) rough sex. I'll admit it's borderline though. If she was in more visible agony, I'd agree that it'd need to go.

I was a bit surprised when I saw you'd swapped the art for Holy Champion to Hooded Acolyte, but I can't argue it fits better.

Blood to Ichor is a bit on the borderline guro side too- it doesn't feature a gruesome murder, but it's definitely sexualised torture. Might have been better to leave that one unchanged, actually, because the art doesn't really fit the theme of the card.

I was looking back over the old arts as well and found the new arts for Power Word: Shield, Arcane Shot, Drakonid Crusher, Avenging Wrath, Aldor Peacekeeper and Demonfire. You also brought the old Arcane Intellect art back as the new Arcane Explosion and found new (and better) art for Savage Roar and Succubus. Nicely done! I love the way you're always trying to improve on what you've already done rather than exclusively focusing on the new stuff. Not sure why you changed Onyxia's art to the old Succubus art, though.

Thanks for your work as always. I don't think I'd be able to stand Hearthstone without it.
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Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Whoa, quite the observant one, are we? :P
The fact that people actively ask whether Feral Rage should be in the Guro Version is enough reason for me to put it there in the next update.
I googled what "Ichor" means after reading your comment (I had no idea at the time) and I might agree on removing the art, not sure yet, it still fits the "deal damage to a minion" thingy.
I changed Onyxia's art to the old succubus art because I didn't really like the Onyxia art I used before and realized when looking at the old filenames that the old succubus art was not supposed do depict a succubus but - you guessed it - was Onyxia in the first place.

And now for the interesting news: I said I would not be doing golden card animations because it's very hard on a technical level and nobody had golden cards anyway. The thing is: I said that years ago. Time flies. Since then, not only has my skill with Umod and Photoshop grown, but also people's card collections, and especially people's Hearthstone Hero levels. This means that nowadays you very often see the golden versions of Basic cards, and the fact that those do not work with my mod has started to bother me.

I do still not plan to add golden versions of every card. However, since I do have the necessary know-how these days, I plan to slowly but steadily add golden animations to my versions of the most commonly played golden cards in the game.

As a teaser, have a (ridiculously zoomed in) preview of the new golden version of Animal Companion:
Create, Discover and Share GIFs on Gfycat

No ETA yet.
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Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
Good news, everyone! Creating the golden animations turned out to be much, much more fun creatively than I had originally anticipated. There is a lot of cool experimentation involved in finding out how the animation textures interact with the original art and what can and cannot be done with that. In other words, I've finished the first, and biggest, batch.

So... Welcome to the Golden Age! In addition to some added and changed art, Version 2.2 finally fixes the golden card animations for most of Hearthstone's basic set as well as many of the more commonly used cards you'll encounter in constructed play.
With close to 100 changes, this may be the biggest update the mod has ever received. Even those who do not own a large collection of golden cards should spot quite a few differences to older versions.

The download is, as usual, in the first post of this thread. Let me know what you think.


Potential Patron
May 9, 2016
hi, first i love the mode thank you for it ^^
and i just noticed there is not a gold version of On the Hunt, Infest, Princess Huhuran, Thistle Tea, Doom, Bloodsail Cultist and Twilight Summoner (i only looked on the Old God Cards)
are they not finished (i don't mean the efects, just if they are theret)? or is somthing else wrong?


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
As I said, cards of the basic set (you get those by leveling your heroes) and commonly seen golden cards, which refers mainly to cards from the classic set, as people have had time to open those in packs since release. I have not added EVERY golden card, obviously, especially from the newest sets, because I simply don't own those cards.

Frankly, I highly doubt I ever will - the reason it took me so long to get around to doing golden cards still exists - I don't have many of them and I don't often see many of them. The effort isn't worth it in the case of cards you will almost never see anyway.
That being said, if there is a gold card that you think absolutely HAS TO be added, say the word and I'll look into it.
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Potential Patron
May 9, 2016
ahhhh i see i was just wondering and just saw it as i was bilding a deck and sure i will let you know if i have any ideas


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2015
Y no awesome rockin' tauren cocks flopping around? ;3; I lubs the dick.
She ("she"?) makes a good point. It'd be the height of hypocrisy to include guro in the mod (which is the absolute EXTREME fringe of pornographic perversion, hands down) but not include male nudity because you think it's gross.


Content Creator
Apr 25, 2012
She ("she"?) makes a good point. It'd be the height of hypocrisy to include guro in the mod (which is the absolute EXTREME fringe of pornographic perversion, hands down) but not include male nudity because you think it's gross.
I made a mod I personally like, and decided to share it with others. Due to popular demand I even include special versions every single release for people who do not fully share my tastes. I understand that can you call me a fringe pervert due to those tastes, been there, done that.
But now you say that not putting hours and hours of unpaid work into stuff that I have absolutely no interest in and that I won't be using myself is the "height of hypocrisy". That's a good one.
I'm not preventing anyone from doing it themselves. If you want it, put in some effort and make your own Whorestone: Dicktracker addon the way you want it to be. That's what modding is about in the first place.

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