ArcheAge. Tutorial - Nude Armor (2 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jul 1, 2013
truwar and kancel0 creates mod which makes all (or most) armor parts invisible.

And if you want keep boots or something else visible, read here

I accidentally upload wrong archive. It should work, but use slightly different method. New archive also have restore option.

First of all, sorry for my english. Also, I play russian version of a game, so i can't give you proper names of armor, items, and other therms. But i'll try give detail instructions as well as screenshots, so I hope you understand me. =)

I play as nuian, but I think it should works for any race.

Before instructions, here a screenshot sample:
Sample 1a.jpg Sample 1b.jpg

So, let's begin!

1. Preparations
First of all, install nude mod. Use mod by Eddyboy (link) or by PufferFish (link).

1a. Download QuickBMS Luigi Auriemma. This tool allow you unpack this gygantic 25gb file, game_pak.

1b1. Open this page
1b2. Create text file and call it somehow.
1b3. Copy text from link in your file.
1b4. Save file and change extension to ".bms" (without quotes)

1c1. Unpack archive with QuickBMS. No installation required.
1c2. Laucn quickbms_4gb_files.exe.
1c3. Tool ask you for script - select the one you created early.
1c4. Now select file for unpack - game_pak in you ArcheAge's folder.
1c5. Finally, select folder for unpacked files. Keep in note, what would eat about 30gb!
Unpacking could take a lot of time, depend of you PC of course. For me, it was about 5 hours.

2. Change model and texture of armor.
Make backup of any changing files!

2a. Go to folder with unpacked files and then to "game\objects\characters\nuian\female\parts" Here is file with info about various parts of armor in game.

My guess is:
ar = armor (chest)
bo = boots
cp = cloack?
gv = gloves
hm = helmets
pt = pants

2b. Let's go to a pants. Open "pt\cloth\pt_cloth021". There is 2 files, "nu_f_pt_cloth021.cdf" and "nu_f_pt_cloth021.mtl". You can open and edit them with text editor.
2c. Open "nu_f_pt_cloth021.cdf". This is some kind of basic file, wich contains link to 3d model and "material" of armor part.
2d. Change link to model and material to a nude one.

<Model File="objects/Characters/nuian/female/parts/pt/obj/nu_f_1pt701.chr"

<Model File="objects/characters/nuian/female/nude/nu_f_nude.chr"

2e. Save and exit.

OK, we turn some armor into naked one. =)
Which armor, you asked? Well, here is small problem... I have no idea! =)
The armor on sample screenshot was changed because of some luck.
It's more or less sexy shorts, as you can see (thats why I buy them), and they have pattern in front.
So I go to folder where most of armor textures lays (for pants, it's "objects\characters\texture\pt"). There are lot of textures, most of them exists in 3 variants (Diffuse(_df), Specular (_sp) and Normalmap (_ddn)). I hit Ctrl+F for search and put "". Then select all founded files and copy to separate folder. Now I can look only for a standard textures. So i cycled through them (IrfanView can watch them as normal images, but I don't remember, did I download some plug-ins for it or not). I found texture which looks like this pants and copy it's name (f6f68f06d35b419ca3e4f9d33301fe96dcdf6743_df).
Then i go to folder where .cdf and .mtl contains. Once again, Ctrl+F for search and now put ".mtl". Now open every .mtl file and search for name of texture. I found correct file. It's in "pt_cloth147" folder. So I changed this files (.cdf and .mtl) as descripted above and it's seems to work.
This is craftable armor, and you can buy it on auction. How to find it? I'm not sure, how this pants names in english version, but i give you some instructions.

First, open receipt (craft) book.
Sample 2.jpg

Go to clothing category.
Sample 2a.jpg

Go to pants.
Sample 2b.jpg

Pants in sample is first grade. You can craft it manually whitout any skill requirements.
I think we can change all armor (or atleast most of pants) in this game, but it could take alot of boring work. Sorry, I not planned make this, because I prefer sexy armor, not full nudity. Yes, I can replace pants with nude bits, but can't (yet) replace it with panty. =)

Whooa, there are lot of text and I really tired when write this. Sorry for mistakes, maybe i forget something. Hope it works.

Yes, I actually forget something important. How to install damn mod!
Well, you can look to how one of these nude mods works. All you need is create proper folders and sub-folders and put changed files. Then run .bat file.


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Casual Client
Aug 21, 2014
You can also flag an options in wich all players have default uniforms, that are for nunians:
objects\characters\nuian\female\costume\nu_f_sk_un iform001
objects\characters\nuian\female\costume\nu_f_sk_un iform002
Each race have their own.

If I substitute nu_f_sk_uniform001.chr, nu_f_sk_uniform001.mtl and the textures of that dir copying and renaming nu_f_nude.chr nu_f_nude.mtl and the various textures from objects\characters\nuian\female\nude I can achieve that I can have perfect nunian characters nude instead of in the default armour.

Doing exactly the same copying and renaming of model and textures from nude to uniform with other races gives textures problems and I can't get over that. Nunian seems to be the base for all, examinimg mtl files.

Someone can help me? Replacing each race defaul uniform let u apply the nude patch to all player with a menu option, keeping your actual armour.
Seems cool to me.



Potential Patron
Oct 14, 2012
Badilator's theory seems a little easier for me. Henturok's is just too confusing and too complex for me. However, if its true that changing file names causes problems for other races, does anyone have any ideas how to fix it? I wont mind testing it out, but i'd still like to know what folders the Harani are in.


Avid Affiliate
Jul 19, 2012
Thanks man, I can't wait to try this out when the servers come back up. Much appreciated.

*I never tried editing cdf mtl files with text editor... dumbass...*

Thanks for this! also...
Replacing w/ panties should be relatively simple, as it uses the same texture as the nude mod, just with underwear drawn on. So if you just replace my "nu_f_underpants03_df" with the default "" you should have your panties back. Just run the mod again.

And if not... I can make that.

*** Edit *** this SHOULD also be a lot easier with, for example, costumes rather than changing all the armors.

*** Double edit*** costume... did not work... so back to the individual armor... It will be easier though, when the swimsuit is re-enabled.
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Potential Patron
Sep 15, 2014
my thanks Henturok

i copypasted that, for all 4 races, into more than 1000 files

my entire chest + pants of 4 races is now nude


Potential Patron
Jul 1, 2013
I doubt I can help, since I have even less succes with this costumes. If I replace .chr and .mtl files with nude ones, I get this:
Sample 1.jpg

And if I just replace .mtl file, then I get this:
Sample 2.jpg

There are 2 costumes, first have 3d-model (.chr file) as well as red texture. And second have blue texture, and since it uses same mesh, developers decides not copy this .chr file and instead make .cdf file, which links to nu_f_sk_uniform001.chr and blue texture. However, if I change paths in this file to nude ones, it still shows me an armor, but with red texture! That's just weird...

Golden rule for a modder - try open everything with notepad! :D

And speaking about panties - my goal is have character naked if she undressed; and have character with panties, if she wear something on legs. So I should delete panty texture. But if I delete this texture, what I should use as texture for pants/skirts? You mention swimsuits, and I would try it, but I can't check it right now because of servers maintrance.

Well sir, I'm pretty sure many people would appreciate if you upload this somewhere (and give a link, huh).
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Potential Patron
Sep 15, 2014
well the procedure is EASY

you already made the harder part

for the other races it's just a switch to for example

<Model File="objects/Characters/hariharan/female/nude/ha_f_nude.chr"

in this case for hariharan, and for elf: el_ for ferran: fe_

i use EditPlus text editor and just in speedmode while watching streams etc. entered the folders, launched the .cdf file after assigning the filetype with the editor
then i
CTRL+A (for mark)
CTRL+V (for overwrite)
CTRL+S (for save),
then back to folder
(editor handles multiple files open so i never had to close it or get spammed with tons of open windows)
delete the .bak file the editor automatically makes
and go next folder
i make 10 folders in 10 seconds or so, this goes really fast, i automatically just launch file, hit my A V S (i let finger on ctrl then)

really, not hard to do, just time consuming a little - which is why i only did it with
AR_CLOTH (160-190 files per race),
AR_LEATHER (~90 / race),
AR_METAL (~60 / race)
and PT_CLOTH, PT_LEATHER, PT_METAL in same amount

the file if i upped it would be...... various hundreds MB or so, not sure - well i do have a good upload speed, give me a good site that handles LARGE files, cause well, im too lazy to up every single file - i'd rather zip the whole /parts/ each


Potential Patron
Apr 8, 2013
Thanks Hue for the batch instructions. But could you give a little more detail on how to use editorplus for us thick headed people.


Vivacious Visitor
May 29, 2012
currently makeing a full invis armor edit to upload but its a lot of files the harani race alone was 1492 files to edit got that race done for all armors will do more in a little =D

got the east side races done, it also makes all the npcs nude in the game aswell
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Potential Patron
Sep 12, 2014
You can also flag an options in wich all players have default uniforms, that are for nunians:
objects\characters\nuian\female\costume\nu_f_sk_un iform001
objects\characters\nuian\female\costume\nu_f_sk_un iform002
Each race have their own.

If I substitute nu_f_sk_uniform001.chr, nu_f_sk_uniform001.mtl and the textures of that dir copying and renaming nu_f_nude.chr nu_f_nude.mtl and the various textures from objects\characters\nuian\female\nude I can achieve that I can have perfect nunian characters nude instead of in the default armour.

Doing exactly the same copying and renaming of model and textures from nude to uniform with other races gives textures problems and I can't get over that. Nunian seems to be the base for all, examinimg mtl files.

Someone can help me? Replacing each race defaul uniform let u apply the nude patch to all player with a menu option, keeping your actual armour.
Seems cool to me.


I second this would be the coolest solution


Potential Patron
Jun 22, 2012
Is it possible to modify costumes to our own liking with a simple repack tool like there is the uthelper for Tera? I am not into everyone being nude, i would like skimpy armors. Well to be honest i would like more getting interested in this topic to see what this can achieve.

Ps. Is there a possibility for custom emotes?
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Casual Client
Apr 25, 2012
ah man, i really tried to do it but i can't understand...

-i could unpack the "game_pak" file
-go to an armor folder.. example: ...\
-change the text in the
.cdf file to:

<Model File="objects/characters/nuian/female/nude/nu_f_nude.chr"

that should make an armor nude right?

now how can i do it for every other armors in a faster way? if i do them one by one, i'm gonna have days of work...

i just need the nuian done, the other races i don't really care..
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Vivacious Visitor
May 29, 2012

<Model File="objects/Characters/nuian/female/nude/nu_f_nude.chr"



copy paste that into all the .cdf files i use notepad++
thats the exact text to use for all the files for nuians, and to do it fast go to the subfolder like leather and hit Ctrl+f and type in cdf this will show all the leather ones do Crtl+a and then right click open with Notepad++ and just copy paste into all of them =)
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Casual Client
Apr 25, 2012
well i did it!

thanks Kancel0 for suggesting Notepad++, and also thanks Henturok for..well everything!

with Notepad++ and some keyboard macros i could do the whole nuian race in about an hour

if anyone wants it:!oVNx1JTA!W0x6rVrGdBjuDo0ok8olY5ecapUTp_ckqKfbuk9MP3g

this "hide" all Armors, pants, gloves and boots for Nuians

in game in the "game info" tab (in the options), you can hide everything else that need to be hidden

ps. I only added my files in the "NudeArmorSamle.7z" of Hentorok (attached in the OP) so i guess the credits goes to him for the installation files
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Potential Patron
May 21, 2012
Nice work truwar! :o While anyone is at it though, would someone do a bottomless version instead of full nude? That would be pretty neat.


Potential Patron
Aug 2, 2012
well i did it!

thanks Kancel0 for suggesting Notepad++, and also thanks Henturok for..well everything!

with Notepad++ and some keyboard macros i could do the whole nuian race in about an hour

if anyone wants it:!oVNx1JTA!W0x6rVrGdBjuDo0ok8olY5ecapUTp_ckqKfbuk9MP3g

this "hide" all Armors, pants, gloves and boots for Nuians

in game in the "game info" tab (in the options), you can hide everything else that need to be hidden

ps. I only added my files in the "NudeArmorSamle.7z" of Hentorok (attached in the OP) so i guess the credits goes to him for the installation files

Is there a way to just pants and chest? I like gloves and boots. :)

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