
morespitstrands V3

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renamed mod for clarity to be easily separted from other mod morecumstrands.
added persist option
added inclusion guard


updated for loader 5.21c+
uses modloader setting

- sby

a mod to add addtional spit strands when she is pulling up and pulling off from the penis.

main features:
more spit from pulling up from penis
more spit from pulling off from penis


morestrandspulledoff=1 //1=on,0=off; enables extra strands to be created when her lips leave the penis
pulledoffnummaxstrands=2 //0+; max amount of additonal strands that can be created from pulling off
pulledoffstrandmakepercent=0.7 //0.0 to 1; avaerage percent of max strands will be made, done randomly
morestrandspullingup=1 //1=on,0=off; enables extra strands to be created while pulling up from penis
morestrandspullingupmovemin=5 //0+; speed limit of pull up movement before strands may be added
morestrandspullingupuptravelmin=30 //0+; amount of distance she must pull up on penis before strands may be added
morestrandspullingupmakestrandsteppercent=0.3 //0.0+; percent each valid frame that more strands are made
pullingupnummaxstrands=3 //0+; max number of strands from pulling up can be added per pullup
morestrandspullingupdowntravelsubtractnumstrandsdistance=30 //0+; distance of pulling down that restores more strands to be created (enables staying on the penis, but creating strands while moving up and down; without it, more strands may not be added until pulled of penis; 999 disables it)

- sby
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. rewrote mod as .as source for consistency with other mods, should function same as previous version

    morespitstrandsV3 just swapped source code to as file a bit of changes under the hood for...

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