Gotta agree with everyone here. THere isn't much of "real life zakos". You just wear the same clothign and gear as the men, and in cases like those all female military units, ussually those are pretty sexist in that most of the women there are just eye candy, they may be skilled and trained to protect their leader, but for the most part they're there to just look pretty, which is why some of them have the girls in skirts and high heels. Great for a parade, not for combat. The things we liek about zako are entirely fantasy, if a bag guy hies goons they'll mostly be men, as it's easier to find physically capable men over women, and liek I said about military guards, the only logical reason I can think of for a bad guy to have femle goons is if they serve double as eye candy. You'd look pretty good havign a bunch of prety girls serving at your whim. Thus the whole zako thing will be stuck to fantasy. Sad truth of the world, if you look sexy you're eye candy, otherwise you dress like the men in unglamouras uniforms.