[PC] Violated Heroine (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
*DISCLAIMER* If I come off sounding a little condescending, I apologize in advance. Though this may be my intention, it is NOT however, my intention for any of it to be taken seriously. I am just goofing around, and it should all be treated as such. So no getting angry at my tone of text.

*Double Disclaimer* If you skipped the disclaimer, first off, shame on you, secondly. If you're reading this, why the hell DID you skip the first one? Go read it.

Coming out of my hole temporarily to post a thread, thought I'd stop lurking and contribute something. You may skip the following paragraph, because by the time you finish the amount of fucks you give, will remain unchanged at 0. But come on I put a lot of effort in this post. You can humor me one little paragraph.

Okay, so after looking through all the pages in my favorite lurking grounds, "Downloadable Games," I noticed you didn't have a thread for this. This is a game made with RPG maker (Trust me this one is actually pretty good) that I stumbled upon almost a year ago. And to my knowledge it had been abandoned. But, apparently I heard wrong, after digging around for it again out of boredom, I have stumbled (yeah stumbled though I was looking for it, don't judge me) across it once more (Mostly stumbled across the old threads I learned about it from originally, and they remained unchanged). Long story short, I found the latest version, and where they are all uploaded. To my surprise it's been updated frequently, and actually updated once more today. Okay, so right now you're all like, "Yeah yeah, stfu and get on with it."


((Why to be interested, or not whatever))

Okay as I said (unless you skipped it), it's a hentai RPG made with RPG maker, and it's good. IMO, of course, but you can trust me. The game, like all others, is not for everyone yadda, yadda, yadda, if you don't like it. I have failed you, and I'm sorry. You play as Nanako, a young martial artist from the country with red hair and dark skin (Which everyone seems to have to remark on). She's setting out from her homeland, on an adventure. Super deep story right? The game's art is very well done, some scenes are done with mostly text, and just the little sprites wiggling back and forth. It's funny but kind of boring at times, most are not like this, but these are awesome if you're fine with just text and Nanako'ss facial expressions. Others feature very nicely animated mini scenes as well as dialogue. Again the games art is very well done.

So over the course of the game, you pick what you wanna do. First off, you can either join the "Adventurers Guild" or not. I don't care what you do personally, but it leads to some, well a lot, of the H-Scenes and whatnot. Now they'll offer you stuff like, go deliver something, or go be a waitress at the pub, or go kill some goblins, or go kill some minotaurs. Yeah you can guess what happens when you lose. If not, protip, read the games title. It will happen, and often. The game is actually pretty in depth, you can fight obviously, level up, learn new abilities, and martial arts stances. Neat stuff, I assure you. I'll try not to leave you completely lost on the menus. You also get a neat stat tracker, in the form of your diary, which is all in a different language, but it features some pictures and you can guess most of it so don't worry too much. The diary tracks how many days have passed, It shows Nanako in her currently equipped clothing, the chance of pregnancy, if pregnant how far along it is(with a neat little womb cross-section, [How exciting]) as well as some special, more sexy stats(Charm, Purity, Desire, and Dirtiness[or something]) than your equipment can provide. So heres where it gets interesting. Those 4 stats, will also control dialogue, and the way Nanako reacts to events. Having high Purity, and low Desire/Dirtiness, won't get you much consentual stuff. And she will also be embarassed if you try removing some of her clothes and exiting the menu, which will open your menu, to put clothes back on. Exiting without replacing your clothes will lower purity. Stuff like that, you can get her to not care and run around naked if you do it often enough. So the game has had quite a bit of effort put into it. Almost everything you do can affect the outcome of dialogues. Another example, high Purity Nanako, will not want to change her clothes to get into the hotsprings in front of the guy behind the counter. Low Purity/ High Dirtiness and Desire Nanako, will strip for him, and probably(lol jk she totally will) have sex with him. The game also features different companions, and party members. Now to be honest I have found them, in early versions, but I had little luck with figuring out how to play them, or bring them with me. So we can find out about those together, won't it be fun?

Alright so, you made it through my rambling this far, don't worry there's more to come. I'm going to assume I have your attention. Download, unzip, and install the first link (where you need to install it is not an issue, default, desktop, whatever), applocale may be needed for you XP users. Japanese system locale for you vista/7 folks. My computer is Windows 7, changing system locale to Japanese worked without an issue for me. XP guys, sorry to say it but, you're SOL if you need or want my help. I can try but I'd be flyin' blind. As for the actuall game link, just extract it, no installation required.


(You Will Need This For The Game To Run) : Japanese RPG Maker

(I Recommend You Get This Because It's The Game) : Violated Heroine *Gave up trying to find where they upload it to, or w/e. This place seems to be updated, and hell it will be more reliable than myself as far as finding the newest version.

So guess what? You download it from there. Crazy hard stuff. They're all dated, top being most recent. Once you click a link of your choice, though actually checking the date on them is probably your best bet, you go to another screen with a whole bunch more moonrunes, a button, and a text box. Chill bros (and/or lady bros), I got this. Type, "vh" in the box (if it's not already done for you), obviously without the quotations, and click the button. Next screen, click the link that says, "click here to download". None of you mess that one up, seriously. Then you wait on the next screen for the download dialog box, native to your browser. And read the next paragraph. *pretty important*

So, now that you've made it this far, the game is still barely playable. I mean yeah if all went as planned, you should be able to extract it (always making sure to have your unicode settings engaged BEFORE extraction), open it, and run it (I got an annoying bug that basically stops me from playing. Relogging my user account fixed this). But, unless you read the language, you're pretty much screwed (It's funny to say screwed because it's a porn game). Sure you can click through the dialogue and shit randomly hoping for something to happen. (And it sure as hell will I'll give you that) Or you can use the wiki. But you just feel so much less involved. Besides, while I intend to offer my assistance to anyone who would ask it. I won't hold hands through quests because you didn't want to read. There are only a couple that are really specific about who to talk to but, a nice quick, "go east" is just as helpful in some cases. That being said, you're probably thinking, "Okay, I'll give you that one, but how the hell does this knowledge help me?" Well it doesn't, but these next two links will, hopefully.

*Translating the hell out of this thing (Optional)*

This section will basically be just how to use a couple programs to get a basic translation of the dialogue and menus. This step is optional, because. . .the game runs untranslated, obviously.

Also if you just want to see the H-Scenes and give naught a fuck about dialogue, then use this link VH/H-events - Scratchpad Wiki Labs - Free wikis from Wikia But I tell you I like it more with dialogue.

I do not recommend this guide *read below*

*People have reported that the v1.95 of the translation software linked in Neon's guide does not work for them. I have no issues personally, so it seems to be different for each person. THE TRANSLATION PATCH HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED SINCE JANUARY. A bug in the way the machine translated patch is applied, causes the game to crash during several dialogue events in game. Therefore, for the time being I do not recommend Neon's guide, and will not be offering support for it untill the translation patch is updated and that bug is hopefully gone. Use the guide at your own risk. If (when) it crashes, or the RPGmakertrans doesn't work, use the second option. Sorry this is not just a big "F U" I will gladly update the thread, and change this as soon as a newer working patch becomes available. But, for the moment, if you want to play the game translated use the second translation method. Thanks.*

Ultra helpful guide to translatin' this junk, originally posted by Neon, send 'em your love.

I have opted to just make a new guide, that is more detailed:
0) Make sure you have Applocale set to JAPANESE!
(Yes even before extracting! Or the game and the translation will not work)
(I strongly recommend using the wonderful tool our very own forum admin (our dearest d£t) has made, namely Ryonani XP within VMware player)
(Or simply set your entire PC applocale to Japanese and reboot)

1) Download the latest version of VH:

2) Go to Habisains Stuff and download "RPGMaker Trans Older Version"

3) Go to VK's Translator &amp; Parser and download
VK's Translator & Parser: Machine Translated VH

4) Extract "rpgmaker_trans_v1.91.7z"
This will make a folder "rpgmaker_trans_v1.91"

5) Extract latest VH, this currently will make a folder: VHゲーム01_110820

6) Extract the language patch, this will currently make the folder: VHゲーム01_110820_patch
(if you can't see the japanese symbols here on the forum, it basically will be the VH folder, with the japanese symbols and then at back the version number, currently 110820 and then _patch behind it, the two folders have to be the same name but then the language patch with JUST and ONLY JUST _patch behind it. Also if you just do extract here, the folders will not have any other folders in them except the actual game folders in 110820, in the patch folder there should be no folders and only just files)

7) Now move both these folders into "rpgmaker_trans_v1.91" folder
You should now see a screen like this:


8) Now start "rpgmaker_trans_v1.91.exe"
This will open a DOS window. With a prompt to select the game folder. If you have just done this step per step from this guide, you will only have one choice. So press 0.

9) Sit back and wait for it to finish.

10) Success!
Now your folder should look like this:


11) Start the "RPG_RT" application in the _translated folder
If all went right it will look like this:



12) If everything was a success, close down the game and download:
Diary Pages

13) extract the folders and place both "Picture" and "Panorama" folders into the root of your _translated folder.
Click yes to overwrite all existing files.

14) You now have a fully translated game! Wooh!

note: the optional download is a translated diary pages. However using this causes the game to crash if you OPEN the THIRD page of the diary (( LIAR, this never happened to me)). For the rest it works fine though. I just avoid the third page of the diary (as far as I know the third page only lists what babies you have had so far [It's actually titles]).

There will now only be one or two japanese things left in the entire game :)
Have fun

If you used Neon's translation guide,you can skip this one or, read on for a second translation option. It may look harder, and more complicated, but it works for more than just this game (and I'm a pro and I can do it this way faster than the translation machine).

Okay and now for AGTH, or "Anime Games Text Hooker." This is a neat program that will pull the the text from the game and display it in a little box. Okay so basically, this program by itself is friggin' useless. It's like if you copy pasted my text onto a text pad, and read it from there. It's no different, but you gotta be patient.

Download this yo : AGTH - Anime Games Text Hooker

Unpacking the RAR will reveal a folder with two files in it, an executable and a dynamic link library. Fancy! Now using it is more complicated but I'll tell you what to do as simply as possible.

1): Drag and drop that folder to the root of C: in your directory. Simply, press and hold the windows key, and press the "e" key. This will open explorer, showing you your hardrives. Drop that folder right on the drive that says Windows C:, or Data D:, or wherever you want to put it if you know what your doing, I won't judge you, this is for simplicity.

2): Now it gets complicated, open up your Violated Heroine folder wherever you put it, scroll down through ALL the damn maps, to find the exe labled RPG_RT.exe.

3): Okay, now right click it, and click *FRIGGEN IMPORTANT* send to desktop(create shortcut). Rename it however you'd like, and you can hide it later if you want/need to w/e.

4): This parts tricky if you're not so good with comps. Right click that shortcut, and select properties.

5): Now to the right of where it says, "Target" there is a text box with some text in it (Magical!) Click that and scroll all the way to the left. What you type depends on where you put AGTH. If you put it on the root of C: like I said you will simply type, "C:\agth\agth.exe " <- include the space. Hell copy paste all that between the quotation marks.

6): Now press okay, and you be done. You should notice that the Icon has changed to that of AGTH's rather than the RPG maker one. This is normal.

7): Okay try clicking that shortcut, and the game should start up. (The game will start fullscreen, press f4 to bring it to windowed.) You should see the AGTH dialogue box with a dropdown menu that says something like. "0x00417bb9: 00000000 GetTextExtentPoint32A." Go ahead and click that dropdown box and select the option below that one, which should say. "0x00417BB9: 00FFFFFF GetTextExtentPoint32A"
In the text box below you should see "はじめからつづきからとじる" Meaning you did it right!

8): Now click options, and check the box that says, "Auto copy to clipboard after 150 ms"

9): Press okay, and it's good to go.

***You will have to steps 7,8, and 9, everytime you launch the game.***

Okay moving on, remember this is still useless on it's own.

Translation Aggregator, this nifty program is gonna translate what AGTH grabs and copies to our clipboard, awful nice of it if you ask me.

LINK COURTESY OF HONGFIRE : Translation Aggregator

So just download and extract it wherever you'd like, make a shortcut, or whatever. Just open the folder and click TranslationAggregator.exe and it's good to go. Once you start the program and choose your translators (see below) click the small icon next to them that looks like a clipboard, this will cause it to translate your clipboard (funny how that works right?)

So you should have Violated Heroine, AGTH, and Translation Aggregator open at the same time. TA is where you will be reading the text AGTH outputs. Go ahead and pick and choose which translators you want to see in TA's interface. Some don't work, I just use google and excite. I recommend finding two with somewhat different translations, as some text might be nonsense in google, but clear in another.

It's quite simple once you do it right for the first time, and the information here is good regardless. You can use AGTH (remember to edit that target in the shortcut's properties) and TA on other games as well (I used it also for "Theif and Sword," Yeah imagine playing a choose your own adventure styled game with no comprehension of what you're supposed to be reading). TA will also translate anything you copy/cut, so foreign websites wont always need to be run through google. Err they may be if you want to, but it's quick with TA.
Whew boy this is one hell of a post huh?

THE ACTUAL GAME (And some screens to boot)

Basic Controls, they don't get any more basic than this.

Arrow Keys = Move, double tap to run.

Z = Ok/Accept/Yes(during dialogue and menus) as well as fight, when, uhh. . .fighting.

X = Menu/No(in dialogue options and menus)

Shift = Use Techniques/Abilities you choose from your menu.

KNOWN ISSUES WITH CONTROLS. (Simply a few troubles I found and shot(or not) myself, that may or may not apply to or affect you. As such, I can not guarantee these will fix the problems, if you find any please feel free to post it)

I could not control the game at all. Dunno why, but I couldn't even get through the main menu. Well pressing alt worked as z but other than that no such luck and X opened the menu in game but you cant use your arrows.
UNRESOLVED (but no issue with it lately). All I did was log off of my user and logged back in. And I could control the game again. If anyone encounters and fixes this problem (in a different way). Please post.

Sometimes when I went through certain areas, my screen faded black, but did not come back. (Theres a joke in here somewhere) Simply press your menu key (X) to open your menu (gasp) it should appear with no problem, close it and you should be able to see. *NOTE* Some scenes will fade black and require you to press Z to progress, these are typically during dialogue and not map transition, so when in doubt, press X.


Main Menu! Shazam!

This is what it looks like in game!

Heres your menu, as well as a quick translation by me :) Note about the "Techniques" you learn more as you level up. They seem to be stances for martial arts. Don't ask me what the first 2 do. Holding the button will make Nanako flash white a couple times. No clue what that does. The third stance I got after a few levels. By holding shift Nanako takes a different pose, moves slow, can't attack, but takes a lot less damage.

Your Items and how AGTH and TA should look. (Quick note here. AGTH will translate whatever you highlight within your items and equip screen. I have Nanako's diary highlighted in this image. And TA is translating it)

And equipment

And this new blonde girl, dunno her name, or whats so special, I literally played untill I could pick her just for the picture. Certainly a neat look she's got.

Whew, okay that's enough for today I think. Again thank you for reading. I hope those of you who take the time to try the game enjoy it. And again sorry if you didn't like it and I wasted your time. But come on I didnt make you read any of this. Post any issues you have, so that I can try to help, again XP users, sorry if I'm not able to help you much. Let me know if I've forgotten anything, or if you have any questions. Oh and I don't know if the developer has a site or not, I'm looking, If I find it I will link.

*Updates n' Junk*
*Added Picture* (lol I know you're going to see the pic before this message but updating this thread makes me feel a little more important)
The newest version allows you to pick a second character at the start of a new game. It's a younger looking blonde haired girl. It's quite clearly unfinished, the scenes revert to Nanako, and her face doesnt line up properly sometimes.

The game also seems to have gotten a bit of a graphics overhaul. Stepping into Onsen town I was all like, "Ahh shit no way." It was pretty cool.
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Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010
Looks like too much work, both to install and to play, which is turning me away... Too bad, since she's quite nice looking-- long gloves and stockings are always exciting for me.
If someone can get an imageset for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. ;)


Potential Patron
Dec 12, 2010
This game is quite popular for a long time already. There is a walktrough for this game at scratchpad. Just google -> scratchpad vh


Potential Patron
Feb 25, 2010
Unrelated: The game isn't hard to install, the hard part is AGTH, which isn't required, just helps for the language barrier. If you've tried playing any game (particularly RPGs) in Japanese, you know what to expect already.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
AGTH isn't really hard either, it looks like a lot but it's really only about 5 minutes of configuring, if that, if you don't know what you're doing. Just try it, took me hours to write that post. I ask of you the extra 5 minutes to try the game. (Yeah get guilted. Kidding though I added the link to the little wiki. No excuses now), I only really posted this because it seemed odd this forum didn't have a thread for it already, as several of you guys have already played it. (and to stop lurking for a while)
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 26, 2009
Pffft...been playing VH for years without a translation, still dont use it...tsk tsk...ya darn hipster...>:P


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
I've played the game a while ago, but I'm mostly impressed with the really nice writeup of how to use AGTH and TA. I do appreciate that as I've never gotten around to learning how to use it.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
Well at least someone got some use out of my post. And I realize people have played VH but theres no thread here so I wtf'd. And fedefyr if that IS your real name, I tried it without translations first, then had so much more fun after I started using AGTH. I never cheated with any wiki either (not saying you did but I kinda am). :D But also wouldn't playing the game in it's raw untranslated form make YOU the hipster? I'm only Saiyan.
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 26, 2009
Well at least someone got some use out of my post. And I realize people have played VH but theres no thread here so I wtf'd. And fedefyr if that IS your real name, I tried it without translations first, then had so much more fun after I started using AGTH. I never cheated with any wiki either (not saying you did but I kinda am). :D But also wouldn't playing the game in it's raw untranslated form make YOU the hipster? I'm only Saiyan.
Ye dare call me a hipster? Thou shall regret thine words young one! Thou shall not insult thine elders...but yes...i have played it without AGTH...at first, because i didnt know it existed...and now, because im too lazy :P


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
Ye dare call me a hipster? Thou shall regret thine words young one! Thou shall not insult thine elders...but yes...i have played it without AGTH...at first, because i didnt know it existed...and now, because im too lazy :P

More like because it's too mainstream, kekeke.

*Added pic of the new girl*
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Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2011
I am really interested in trying the game however I can not get agth to work for me. I followed your steps but the icon never changed for me and every time I open the game agth does not open. So I guess I'm clueless but can I get some help please


These two translation programs are very useful, ive attached them to other games i have aswell.

The only problem im getting is when i try to run a modified shorcut through Applocale, it will only pick up the "AGTH" part of the link and not the latter, meaning that pretty much the only games that need translating are the ones I cannot run.

If anyone has a solution, and I'm sure there is a simple one, I'd like some help thanks.

On a side note - I can't install the japanese 2000rtp link listed above (while it's installing it stops at 44% due to a translation error), so I tried and found an english version (2krtp) and tried to run this game as instructed - but only to recieve an error with the RPG_RT.ini file when i try to run the game.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated, im sure im not the only one.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 25, 2010
hmm i was wondering how long it would take before someone would post this game here.

I was considering posting it already for 4 or so months, but was not sure since it's still very much a work in progress. The content is great though but mostly it is all based around rape.

Also I first used AGTH but there is a person who keeps translating each patch now. You need the translator machine found here:
Habisains Stuff

Once you have that installed (need Japanese RTP and local set as with all non-English stuff on these forums, it works great in Ryona XP as does the game itself, both translated and non-translated!)
You simply download the latest version, generally is on last 2 pages of the forums here:
Latest VH

Then you download the latest translation patch:
VK's Translator & Parser

Put both of these in the root folder of the translation machine. Run the program. Select the correct game to translate. Let it do its thing and now when you start up the game in the _translated folder. The main menu already should be in English. If not you have done something wrong ;)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
I am really interested in trying the game however I can not get agth to work for me. I followed your steps but the icon never changed for me and every time I open the game agth does not open. So I guess I'm clueless but can I get some help please

Definately double check your file path, you can also try placing violated heroine on the root of C: as well then the target for the shortcut, which again remember to right click the exe and send to desktop. should be "C:\agth\agth.exe C:\VHゲーム01_110820フル\VHゲーム01_110820フル\VHゲーム01_110820フル\RPG_RT.exe" (depending on your version obviously) and remember you are editing "Target" and not "Start in" in the shortcut (AND IT MUST BE A SHORTCUT) properties. And I guess Neon has a way to translate which I will try myself :)
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
hmm i was wondering how long it would take before someone would post this game here.

I was considering posting it already for 4 or so months, but was not sure since it's still very much a work in progress. The content is great though but mostly it is all based around rape.

Also I first used AGTH but there is a person who keeps translating each patch now. You need the translator machine found here:
Habisains Stuff

Once you have that installed (need Japanese RTP and local set as with all non-English stuff on these forums, it works great in Ryona XP as does the game itself, both translated and non-translated!)
You simply download the latest version, generally is on last 2 pages of the forums here:
Latest VH

Then you download the latest translation patch:
VK's Translator & Parser

Put both of these in the root folder of the translation machine. Run the program. Select the correct game to translate. Let it do its thing and now when you start up the game in the _translated folder. The main menu already should be in English. If not you have done something wrong ;)

Excellent, testing it now, if all works as intended, do you mind if I add this to my post? (With credz of course)


Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2011
hmm i was wondering how long it would take before someone would post this game here.

I was considering posting it already for 4 or so months, but was not sure since it's still very much a work in progress. The content is great though but mostly it is all based around rape.

Also I first used AGTH but there is a person who keeps translating each patch now. You need the translator machine found here:
Habisains Stuff

Once you have that installed (need Japanese RTP and local set as with all non-English stuff on these forums, it works great in Ryona XP as does the game itself, both translated and non-translated!)
You simply download the latest version, generally is on last 2 pages of the forums here:
Latest VH

Then you download the latest translation patch:
VK's Translator & Parser

Put both of these in the root folder of the translation machine. Run the program. Select the correct game to translate. Let it do its thing and now when you start up the game in the _translated folder. The main menu already should be in English. If not you have done something wrong ;)

Very helpful thank you, but I have a quick question, i was able to successfully translate everything, but there are certain parts of the game that aren't translated at all. Is that suppose to happen?


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
Very helpful thank you, but I have a quick question, i was able to successfully translate everything, but there are certain parts of the game that aren't translated at all. Is that suppose to happen?

As far as I can tell using this translation machine, only the diary remains untranslated. And I believe thats because its handled with pictures, and not plain text like dialogue and menus.


Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2011
As far as I can tell using this translation machine, only the diary remains untranslated. And I believe thats because its handled with pictures, and not plain text like dialogue and menus.

Ok so i downloaded the latest japanese version and i just tried translating it and nothing is being translated even though it is a success. Also, another problem i'm having is I''m not 100% sure how to apply the patch of the translator to the translator. Help please :(

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