[PC] Unholy Sanctuary (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Nov 15, 2010
It says it's now v.1.00...does this mean the game is complete, or is he gonna keep expanding it?

Also, happy holidays ryona fans :D


Potential Patron
Sep 21, 2011
The Unofficial LineMarvel Forums - View Single Post - [Incomplete] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

No that truly is all there is to this update...It seems that the guy who did the art for his CG's got commisioned to do CG's for a new Visual/graphic novel by some big circle,so they were forced to come to an end with this game's development as neither of them have the time for it anymore(well from what i can gather there's two of them...one does the game programming spriting/scripting/whatever,and the other guy basically draws and designs stuff,and both of them like castlevania series)...

Anyway he plans to release a full final version of the game sometimes later(like a 5-6 months from now),which will feature enchanced CG's(in a quality sense),and maybe even a CG gallery...

Well this game's development was fun to observe until the end,and it's a pitty that we won't see more,but all good things eventually come to an end...


Potential Patron
May 20, 2012
That 2nd form... mother of mercy.

Edit: Took me about 3 tries AND me switching to a controller before I beat her. I swear, I've always been using a keyboard for this game and I NEVER have had a boss make me rage so hard I had to use a bloody controller.

BRB killing people in MW3.
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Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
And what's this I hear about ninja maids? I read it in a post from that link from ulmf
There was a screenshot that showed a lot of the enemies that are about to come, however because the game will properly not be developed further we'll never see them in action.


Potential Patron
Sep 21, 2011
A good amount of video editing softwares are capable of zooming into a location. Camtasia studio would be one of them.


Awww. It's sad to hear that the development of this game is gonna stop. But let's hope the creator give it their best for the final version. :)


Potential Patron
Dec 25, 2012
Just finished killing the boss in the (5th?) stage, the one holding a staff.
And for those who do not know it, your character can kick downwards by pressing down+left+jump or down+right+jump while on air, when I say "while on air", that means you need to jump first before pressing the said keys, or while you're falling from higher grounds.
Attack twice by pressing up+attack, you can also do this while on air.


I'm not so amazed by the last boss right now. The dark priest is my favorite boss so far. :\

I'm interested in what the ending says though.
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Hmm, i have no luck with Cheat Engine trying to make health/gem and that brown-thing-which-revives you unlimited, its kinda protected... what a shame


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 4, 2010
Hmm, i have no luck with Cheat Engine trying to make health/gem and that brown-thing-which-revives you unlimited, its kinda protected... what a shame

I used it every update to speed run to the newer content. Cheat engine actually returned 3 values when I used it for health. Freezing even one of those 3 values worked for infinite health. Try doing your first scan for the exact value of : 17096 get hit by a bat at the start and scan again for 17056. Try 16672 for 10 gems and 16656 for 9. Unless for some reason those values would be different for me that should get you the addresses within 2 exact value scans. I was doing the Yggdrasil leaves too but, right as I narrowed it down to a couple of addresses, it crashed and all the addresses changed when I reopened it so screw all that noise. Hope that helps.

Also don't get hit by the mage girl's Lord of Vermillion (the gigantic spell she casts in phase 2) The first hit of that will still one shot you.

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