unable to add resource - a server error has occurred (2 Viewers)


Content Creator
2D Artist
Apr 13, 2024
first time poster, trying to upload a dynamic hair style for SDT
i initially tried to upload a resource not knowing where to find the guidelines for the RM, I have just now read and confirmed them via preferences but i am still unable to upload resources

getting 'oops we ran into some problems, a server error has occurred - please try again later', im wondering if i limited my own account by attempting to upload multiple times today or if it really is a server side issue. i already tried clearing my browser cookies to no avail. thanks for the help in any case


Content Creator
2D Artist
Apr 13, 2024
here's the error i'm getting, i haven't tried uploading resources to a category other than SDT > Hair > Dynamic Hair
i tried the direct link you provided but it had the same result

i've tried to upload it without any attached files, and at one point the page began loading as if the resource was uploading, but it never brought me to another page. now i only get this error, regardless of the files attached.

edit: just tried to upload using an alternative browser / WAN connection and it still gives me the same error
Last edited:


Forums Moderator
RM Moderator
Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
I checked you permissions and they don;t show a problem. I'll alert the software gurus.


Forums Moderator
Discord Moderator
Content Creator
2D Artist
Feb 13, 2016
Just tested a couple uploads and found no issues on my end. One was even a .swf upload, so it's not filetype-based. Is it possible it's an issue on your end, somehow? The thing that comes to mind is if you have a program that like, blocks javascript or something (I use NoScript on Firefox, as an example, though I don't visit this site on FF) and maybe that's gumming it up.

I also opted to manually set you to have permission to create resources, though that shouldn't be an issue in the first place. Maybe it'll work, somehow.

If it doesn't then I can go poke the actual tech guy and see if he sees anything.


Content Creator
2D Artist
Apr 13, 2024
i really appreciate the help from all parties involved. im still receiving the same error, using firefox without any addons.
here are the things i've tried since the last update:
- no files attached, no thumbnail, text only in the description
- using two alternative browsers (no addons)
- uploading from a different desktop altogether
- swapping dns server
- swapping to a different wifi network (not using vpn)

to be more specific i'm getting a 500 internal server error from within the browser network debugger. its a consistent message i get across every device and connection i use


Forums Moderator
Discord Moderator
Content Creator
2D Artist
Feb 13, 2016
I'll go ahead and get something sent over to our main tech guy to investigate when he has time. Until then, a random question: are you able to attach files to forum posts? Not a proper solution, naturally, just curious if it's blocking your uploads entirely in any capacity or just the Resources section.

Additional question: Can you make an upload if you have it set as an External Download URL instead? I'm guessing it will also fail, but I want to be sure.


Content Creator
2D Artist
Apr 13, 2024
setting to external download URL didn't give me a different result in the RM, but here's an attachment:


Content Creator
2D Artist
Apr 13, 2024
tried again today and it just works now. nothing was done differently on my end.
still very happy with the result, nonetheless. thank you again for helping me troubleshoot

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