Please excuse any bad grammar and or punctuation~ Sankyuu~
Just got my new Spider Silk Innerwear today and even though it was pretty sexy to begin with I still thought it could be improved more. Mainly by removing the frilly thing around the waist. Anyways, soon after I started playing Tera I came across this website and downloaded a few mods which up to this date have made my game experience all the more fun. So this time I thought It would be my turn to give something in return to this community. Hope some of you will like these changes I've made.
(m)_ _(m)
---- Instructions ----
STEP.1)Download and Extract file anywhere on your computer.. (Desktop, etc)
STEP.2) Locate your Tera "PC" folder located in: C:\Users\Public\Games\En Masse Entertainment\TERA\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\CH\PC
STEP.3) Drag and drop or copy&paste the downloaded "PC_Event_31.gpk" file unto your Tera "PC" folder. At this point you will be asked if you want to replace/overwrite, click "YES"
STEP.4) Done, enjoy :).
(In case the game crashes)
Go back to your Tera "PC" folder and delete the "PC_Event_31.gpk" file and redo step 3.) sometimes replacing/overwriting is not done right and it corrupts the file. So by deleting it you make sure you drop/paste a fresh copy with no replace or overwrite to get in the way and mess things up. Sometimes a clean paste/drop is the best solution~
Special Note
Please note I don't know any other destination your Tera game folder might be at, specially steam users. In the case that yours isn't at the destination above in your drive I'd recommend you initiate a search with the parameters "CookedPC" "S1Game" etc.
This one only has the frilly skirt removed, everything else has been left intact.
Download Link: View attachment No frills, everything else intact.rar
This one has no frill skirt and no stocking straps.
Download Link: View attachment No frills and no stocking straps.rar
And lastly... this one has no frills, straps and no necklace but it leaves two very small black dots on the chest [PLEASE SEE PICTURE CLOSER]
Note: I don't know how this happened and am unable to find a fix. Black dots are in place of two small circular rings that hold part of the necklace. I went back and redid the 'cut/clean of the area but again the dots where there :(, sorry.
Download Link: View attachment Two.Chest.Dots.rar
That's all folks, I hope you did find one to your liking :) I'm still very new at this so If you spot anything I did wrong and you have any good advice please share it with me :D.
Upvote if you think my Elin is HAWT~ xD j/k j/k I love my elin very much but you don't have to upvote ;) have a nice one folks o/.
---- Instructions ----
STEP.1)Download and Extract file anywhere on your computer.. (Desktop, etc)
STEP.2) Locate your Tera "PC" folder located in: C:\Users\Public\Games\En Masse Entertainment\TERA\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\CH\PC
STEP.3) Drag and drop or copy&paste the downloaded "PC_Event_31.gpk" file unto your Tera "PC" folder. At this point you will be asked if you want to replace/overwrite, click "YES"
STEP.4) Done, enjoy :).
(In case the game crashes)
Go back to your Tera "PC" folder and delete the "PC_Event_31.gpk" file and redo step 3.) sometimes replacing/overwriting is not done right and it corrupts the file. So by deleting it you make sure you drop/paste a fresh copy with no replace or overwrite to get in the way and mess things up. Sometimes a clean paste/drop is the best solution~
Special Note
Please note I don't know any other destination your Tera game folder might be at, specially steam users. In the case that yours isn't at the destination above in your drive I'd recommend you initiate a search with the parameters "CookedPC" "S1Game" etc.
This one only has the frilly skirt removed, everything else has been left intact.
Download Link: View attachment No frills, everything else intact.rar
This one has no frill skirt and no stocking straps.
Download Link: View attachment No frills and no stocking straps.rar
And lastly... this one has no frills, straps and no necklace but it leaves two very small black dots on the chest [PLEASE SEE PICTURE CLOSER]
Note: I don't know how this happened and am unable to find a fix. Black dots are in place of two small circular rings that hold part of the necklace. I went back and redid the 'cut/clean of the area but again the dots where there :(, sorry.
Download Link: View attachment Two.Chest.Dots.rar
That's all folks, I hope you did find one to your liking :) I'm still very new at this so If you spot anything I did wrong and you have any good advice please share it with me :D.
Upvote if you think my Elin is HAWT~ xD j/k j/k I love my elin very much but you don't have to upvote ;) have a nice one folks o/.