Show file sizes in resource manager (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Apr 20, 2021
Whenever I am trying to download something from the RM, it starts downloading instantly without asking me for confirmation of my download. So, I can't see the size until I start the download. My suggestion: When you hit the download button, a prompt will say "Are you sure you would like to download this resource? It is X MB" (X is the megabyte amount).


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Heyo, apologies for the late reply.

This is a little bit browser dependent, but as an example if you're using Firefox, there's a setting that controls what the behavior is for certain file types. This should be an option in most modern browsers and if set to always ask it will prompt you and let you know the file size before you start downloading.

I'm not really sure why they don't show the file size on the RM page itself. They did at one point and the software devs decided to drop it and decided not to add it back.

That's the best solution I can give you for now to meet what you're looking for. If the next team has a dev with the time/skills to mod the RM pages to include that info, you can try bringing it up with them.

Also, happy anniversary on the site :>

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