What-eup peeps! RG here given you the only thing pervs like us (or "curious" fanbase XP) came to look at; Hard. Core. RYONA!!! Problem is nowadays people think just basic "belly punching" or "wrestling" is considered good ryona- I consider it #@$% ! Seriously! We want ryona, and actual good ryona! Am I right? *asks director* I am right, right sir? Director: I don't even know you! Me: Good. Thanks sir. *turns back to computer* Anyway as I was saying, on my threat here, i'll give you peeps what we really wanna see- Ryona! In this thread, feel free to post links, vids, etc. of ACTUAL RYONA, and the good kind not crappy stuff. Just to demonstrate, please refer to the following links for example. And please visit a rather good friend of mine on Youtube named ArrerRedemption. He is a profound and actual Ryona Expert with vids: WATCH THEM AND YOU WON'T REGRET T_T!!!! He even has his own blog site! Visit it sometime!!! And for some more goodiness, here's a link to a few other interesting Death Scene vids. Feel free to post on here if your a hardcore fan, or have a GOOD Death Scene /Ryona vid to post! Demento 24 Death Scenes - 33 Possible Ways to Die! - YouTube