For as much content as there is in the demo, it doesn't have nearly as much as you'd think compared to the full game. The gameplay gets a bit old and the difficulty scaling is wonky as hell, but there's a serious variety of enemies and H animations in this game. The main quests are given by the woman next to the golden statue in town, all of which are simply "kill the boss" missions. There's a bunch of sub-missions that reward you with various things, but they don't make too big of a difference in the end.
Each boss is in a different area, and each area usually features about 7 unique enemies that can rape you. All-in-all, there's maybe 30 raping enemies + bosses in total. with the bosses all having 3 or 4 rape animations and one ryona animation each, and every raper enemy has 2 rape animations, all of which are different from one another. Many of the enemies are variants of earlier enemies, but all the rapers have different animations even if they are effectively reskins, and many of them feature some ryona elements as well. My personal favorite is an armored bear near the end that bites your head as he rapes you and you struggle to keep his jaws off of you. It's pretty damn good.
The bosses and some enemies can be really cheap, but there's a lot of ways to cheese them with glitches or special maneuvering. If you're having trouble, there are a few glitches that are helpful.
- You'll appear directly inside most of the enemies that rape you after you end their rape animation, and they won't respond to your attacks, so you can effectively kill most of them just by letting yourself get stunned and raped, then killing them from the inside. This won't work with bosses though.
- Another glitch is if you actually do the "shake the mouse to shake off being stunned" thing, which leaves you free to do stuff, but in my case an enemy would come along anyway and start a rape animation on its own, humping the air while you run around free to wreak havoc. Trigger an enemy to do this near a boss and you have yourself a free boss kill.
- Finally, jumping is weird in this game, and you can simply jump straight up nearly any hill, and if you do some weird side-walking/jumping you can go through a lot of walls with slight slopes in them, which makes the final boss(es) easy to find/reach in the final area.
The main downside to this game is that the slow running gets tedious, as do the boss fights regardless of whether you grind or not. The difficulty curve is wonky as hell, and of course it's a bit glitchy.
On the positive side, for all the bugs and such the gameplay is at least pretty consistent in how it operates. It doesn't throw any weird mechanical issues at you, and I haven't seen any game-breaking bugs. There are a TON of really good rape animations, and the game is long enough to get a lot of value out of it without really wearing out its welcome.
On a neutral note, it could really benefit from an enemy/rape animation gallery, but the final area more or less serves as that. You'll see what I mean.
All-in-all, I absolutely recommend you buy it if you can, but there are places to find it if you can't. Personally, I played it, beat it, and then bought it because it's worth it.