Organizing our own custom Zako/Henchwomen movie (2 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
They don't call it "dead SKIRTS" for nothing. ;)

When the one with Olaf's Amazons is done, we should organize another with Sleeperkid.

My original idea was based on his "one vs many" videos, where one strong competitor (Angel Orsini, for example) knocks out several others one by one. Then they come back all together, only to be knocked out again, landing in a body pile.

I would do it in reverse order, with the heroine attacked by several henchgirls. She can knock them all down, until the main villainess joins the fray and secures the temporary win for the evil side.

Later, the heroine has to take out each henchgirl seperately until she can face the boss and retrieve the secret USB stick or whatever MacGuffin they are after.
My original idea;
- Spandex/tight uniform,
- Hand to hand combat
- No killing

Current idea;
- Skirts,
- Mostly Guns
- Female slaughter (except one)
Uniforms are negotiable.
Since many of Sleeperkid's girls are accomplished professional wrestlers, the hand to hand combat should become really good.
There may be some choke outs or neck chops that leave room for imagination, but killings are not necessary at all. Looking at many comments on Deviant Arts, a lot of people like "sentry silencing", but are repelled by killings. Sending them to prison may attract some guys too.
quick_victory_promo_by_sleeperkid-d5yqgp2.jpg super_strangled__by_sleeperkid-d5f6fru.jpg
What do you think?

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I'd be OK with whatever, but I'd prefer the girls all be uniform, at least.

Maybe we could set the custom up through Velvets Fantasties. They use the same girls (Sleeper Kid is sometimes there too), and they use real settings like in a house or outside. In fact, they made a zako-type move called "The Day The Clones Died" where two girls wore black catsuits and played multiple henchwomen. That was honestly one of the best zako movies from a fetish producer that I've seen yet.


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
I don't know much about Velvets Fantasies. I don't see preview videos or a roster page.

Sleeperkid has a great roster. I want the fights looking good, like some real badass chicks slugging it out, not like fetish actresses roll around. The various free stuff from SKW, as well as from wrestling shows on youtube, can help to find the best women for the job.

I think they also go outside sometimes, so maybe not everything has to be shot in the mat room.


Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Stuelpner_Karl and I appear to be on a similar level.
My first choice would also be Velvet Fanbtasiesor Sleeperkid. While VF and SKW use mostly the same actresses but have different

Velvet Fantasies allow customs in lingerie, Sleeperkid does not.
Velvet Fantasies shoots around the house and it's garden, sleeperkid shoots in a mat studio.

While VF has the better location, the action is more subdued. Most of their action scenes involve guns and simple hand-to hand.
SKW on the other hand, uses a mat room because it allows more physical fight scenes.

It's basically a choice between better environment and better action.

I have no problem with either,

I would estimate a custom with 5-6 with SKW would cost about $600.

Also, just been looking at Sleeperkid's DeviantArt page and he has a lot of Zako/Agent Aika style images in his "favorites" page (including Purple Vixen, Shiks, SHADO, Delmos, Zentai guards).

he even based some of his outfits on the Shik design.
shik_battle___13_by_sleeperkid-d4zy301.jpg candle_boxxx__sentry_girl___4_by_sleeperkid-d5qpirk.jpg Clone_soldier_and_Shiks_by_Shabazik.jpg
sleeperkid (Santiago TheSleeperkid) on deviantART
Shabazik on deviantART


Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
I'm also a fan of Leotards/Unitarians/catsuits
The Hindi Movie Cash is the only recent movie I can think of that had unitard wearing Mooks. One of my favorite (and most disappointing since they didn't do more with the action scene)


Leotards/Unitarians/catsuits can be easily customized with accessories to make look more like unifroms
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Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
Maybe they can wear civilian clothes as disguise during the first attack, but uniforms in later scenes at their base.
Or they attack as a uniformed unit, but wear casual clothes at home.

But it has to be clear that it is the same henchwoman, knocked out multiple times, not one actress playing multiple henchwomen (as in Female Combatants Story). The minions are considered disposable by others (including their boss), but they are individual human beings.

There are more than 30 models on Olaf's roster page. (Unfortunately you need to verify your age to see anything.) In the discussion about the DS movie, there is a lot of talk about tops, skirts and boots, but (except one guy who requested Suri) no one seems to care who is going to wear these clothes.

For the hand-to-hand combat, it's important to pick the right girls. Clothing is secondary.


Casual Client
Nov 25, 2012
You do realize that Velvets and SK live with one another, right? They can shoot in each other's areas if need be. :)

- - - Updated - - -

and SK's girls are absolutely right for the job.


Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Maybe they can wear civilian clothes as disguise during the first attack, but uniforms in later scenes at their base.
Or they attack as a uniformed unit, but wear casual clothes at home.

But it has to be clear that it is the same henchwoman, knocked out multiple times, not one actress playing multiple henchwomen (as in Female Combatants Story). The minions are considered disposable by others (including their boss), but they are individual human beings.

For the hand-to-hand combat, it's important to pick the right girls. Clothing is secondary.

Actresses should be pretty but also good fighter to make it believable. All the ladies are amazing, but my favorite is always Sumiko. She's beautiful and also a pro when it comes to flips and stage combat. I would defiantly like to see her as one of the zako.

I like the idea of seeing the girls in civilian attire at some point.

Possible ideas on how to include civillian clothes;
Idea 1; Short scene at the beginning showing girls hanging out and getting a phone call.
Idea 2: Heroine attacks villain's lair. Girls caught off guard wearing civilian attire. Girls all loose but the heroine is knocked out at the end. Heroine wakes up to find the girls now changed and wearing uniforms.
Idea 3; Heroine attacks villain’s base but only half the girls are there (wearing uniform). During the fight, the rest of the girls walk in through the door chatting and carrying their shopping. These girls would be in civilian clothes (arriving at work). The girls see what’s happening and join in.

I think a 15min clip would be sufficient. Possibly split into 2 parts or smaller parts.

Also, going from the results of MY survey, in the question about what would be included in the scene, the two most popular were;
100% of people wanted a BODY PILE
58% of people wanted “TRASHCANNING” (girl thrown into a trashcan)

I'll admit that this "trashcanning" is one of my favorites scenarios (along with body pile), I didnt realize that other people were also interested in this.


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
"...girls hanging out and getting a phone call" and "...girls walk in through the door chatting and carrying their shopping" is exactly my cup of tea. They are not devoted to be henchwomen 24/7, they just make a living from it.

And Sumiko would be absolutely perfect as the heroine.

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I know a few people here are signed up or the original custom that we've been setting up. I just wanted to let you guys know that we're going through Olaf from Amazon-Warriors, and he is trying to set up PayPal so we can send him money. At this point we're just waiting for a confirmation from him.

As far as the Ryonani/Zako forum custom, we should continue trying to figure out what we want in the custom like costumes, etc.. I am very much into hand-to-hand combat for it, and KO's. Costuming can be a skin tight cat suit, I don't mind a color other than black, but I know Sleeper Kid already has at least 2-3 black body suits.


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
I think we should do an uniformed part and a non-uniformed part, presenting the girls both as members of an army and as individuals.

How about starting with a big battle, where the heroine fights the uniformed henchwomen for several minutes? She could knock them down a few times before putting them to sleep, thus creating the illusion of fighting a much bigger army. At the end of this part, the heroine has knocked out all henchies, but is weakened, so the main villainess can step in and score a temporary victory.

In the second part, the henchwomen wear individual clothes. There is some talk to introduce them as individual characters (not just faceless minions), and to explain what the story is all about. Then the captured heroine can escape, search the house and eliminate every bad girl in a one on one fight. Finally she meets the main villainess again...

This should give everybody the room to add certain ideas regarding the costumes, the fights and the comeuppance without having to find one "lowest common denominator" solution for everything.

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I think we should do an uniformed part and a non-uniformed part, presenting the girls both as members of an army and as individuals.

How about starting with a big battle, where the heroine fights the uniformed henchwomen for several minutes? She could knock them down a few times before putting them to sleep, thus creating the illusion of fighting a much bigger army. At the end of this part, the heroine has knocked out all henchies, but is weakened, so the main villainess can step in and score a temporary victory.

In the second part, the henchwomen wear individual clothes. There is some talk to introduce them as individual characters (not just faceless minions), and to explain what the story is all about. Then the captured heroine can escape, search the house and eliminate every bad girl in a one on one fight. Finally she meets the main villainess again...

This should give everybody the room to add certain ideas regarding the costumes, the fights and the comeuppance without having to find one "lowest common denominator" solution for everything.

I recently posted the fight scene from For Love's Sake on the live action thread; and while all the henchwomen are identically dressed, I noticed there are at least 3 henchwomen that have light jackets on, each one is different. When you see that henchwomen get knocked out, you know which one it is.

What I'm saying is, what if we had both big fight scenes with all henchwomen identically dressed in catsuits, but a few of them are wearing something that makes them individual, like one is wearing a jacket/vest, and maybe one girl is wearing a skirt over her catsuit?

Either way, I like your idea was well.


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
Different people like different things, including different clothes. Some may like "your" skin tight cat suits, others not. We may find a uniform that several like and that's no complete turn-off for the others, but those who are not completely happy should get the opportunity to apply their ideas to a character in an individual scene.

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I see what you mean. I'm generally OK with whatever outfits the henchwomen wear. I was just using the body suit examples because it has been discussed as a possible outfit already so far. Like I said, I like the idea of being able to identify each girl as an individual person. Maybe, perhaps, the big fight scene with identical outfits has a few girls wearing something different from the rest to tell them apart, and the other one with the girls dressed in different outfits.


Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Sorry for being active for a few days. Been traveling. Now I'm back and ready to get back into this.

I'm perfectly happy to have a part of the video showing the girls in casual clothes. However, I would much prefer have the girls in their uniform (leotards/unitards/.....) for the final scene.
I like seeing their final defeat in sexy uniforms and imagine the police arriving to see a pile/ties up girls in leotards.

Scenario could be something like; invading the heroine,s home. Henchwomen loosing but the main villainess/ lead henchwoman winning. By the time the heroine wakes up, the girls are in their uniform
Or heroine attacking the girls' home. With the girls chatting on the sofa or watching tv.
I personally like my previous suggestion on heroine attacking villainess at home with 2 girls arriving late (chatting and carrying shopping)

One particular request I would like to see is to have one henchgirl getting "trashed" halF way through the final fight. Then as the rest get taken down, we can occasionally see her in the background, still stuck in a trashcan/hamper.

This kind of thing is very rare and I feel only a custom request could make this particular interest a reality.


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
I'm sure we can write a script like this.

Maybe a henchwoman bumps into the heroine and calls her boss, who orders the others to the scene immediately, no matter what they are doing (like chatting or shopping).

The fight starts one on one, then the other henchies drop in. The heroine beats them all, but gets knocked out by the main villainess.

Later she wakes up in the headquarters, frees herself and fights her way through the henchwomen for the big showdown with the villainess.

After beating the villainess, it's not over, since the recoverd henchwomen now attack all together - only to get knocked out once more. At the end, one of them (or the boss) ends up in the trash can, the rest gets piled up or tied up.


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
I'd love a scene where the heroine takes out a big girl, not like a bbw but chubby definitely. After she knocks her out she tries to carry or drag her to the pile and/or tie her up but has difficulty, commenting on how heavy she is.


Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
I'm sure we can write a script like this.

Maybe a henchwoman bumps into the heroine and calls her boss, who orders the others to the scene immediately, no matter what they are doing (like chatting or shopping).

The fight starts one on one, then the other henchies drop in. The heroine beats them all, but gets knocked out by the main villainess.

Later she wakes up in the headquarters, frees herself and fights her way through the henchwomen for the big showdown with the villainess.

After beating the villainess, it's not over, since the recoverd henchwomen now attack all together - only to get knocked out once more. At the end, one of them (or the boss) ends up in the trash can, the rest gets piled up or tied up.

Sounds like a good scenario!

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