Misty Dialogue (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
May 3, 2013
Finished ;D

You are Ash Ketchum, and you have captured your friend and companion Misty and tied her up. As soon as she wakes up you're gonna show her what it means to truly master them all!
*featuring bad puns NOW!!!!

╔═╗How to play╔═╗
The dialogue is organized with states going from 0 to 5, the higher the number the better her mood. If you want to increase her mood, let her say her restart line, that's the thing she says when you came and let her nibble your cock for a bit again. If you want to decrease her mood then all you have to do is come in her eyes.

╔═╗Recommended initial Settings╔═╗
I'd suggest setting her resistance quite high as there are quite a lot of intro lines and set the throat to whatever you like best, just not too low (upper 50% would be best). Take the mouse to the left side and let her speak her introduction.

╔═╗Train her well!╔═╗

Ok, so I've been working on a dialogue for this Audiologue request and I'm mostly done now. I still have to fully organize progression through the dialogue, add more actions and interactions with her and maybe it's a bit repetitious in places.
At the moment you can freely change the variable *state* on which the dialogue progresses by pulling up or down. This is soley for testing purposes and will be removed or replaced by actual lines.

I would like the community to test this a bit and give some recommendations for further lines or changes, etc, you know what I mean. Keep in mind however, that I'm limited in my choice of words. I can only use the following lines, as this dialogue is supposed to give the groundstructure for an audiologue:

Also, if some more experienced writers could look through the dialogue and point out some scripting errors or bad habits... that would be appreciated.

edit: The intro up to the first cumshot is fully scripted.

Pretty much finished it now. It works kinda well, but some lines have an oddly high porbability to show up. If someone could give me a couple hints as to why... that would be great.

edit:updated again, pim's suggestions.


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The Hermit

Potential Patron
Jun 2, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [WIP]

I recommend you use the Dialogue Checker as I've just run it though it and there are 18 errors that need fixing. All typos.

Will let you know what I think later :)


Potential Patron
Jun 27, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [WIP]

Hi love your work. Could you maybe teach me how to load this into SDT. i have the files downloaded and can access them as MP3s in iTunes, but i don't know how to get them to load into the game properly. I click custom dialogue and load Misty Audio. After that i can get the text but no sound. How do i get it to play misty talking as i play?


Potential Patron
Sep 20, 2012
Re: Misty Audiologue [WIP]

iatnehFan123 said:
Hi love your work. Could you maybe teach me how to load this into SDT. i have the files downloaded and can access them as MP3s in iTunes, but i don't know how to get them to load into the game properly. I click custom dialogue and load Misty Audio. After that i can get the text but no sound. How do i get it to play misty talking as i play?

The actual audio dialogue isn't put together yet, so you can't. When it IS finished, it will load as a .swf, and will be in the audio dialogues board.


Potential Patron
May 3, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [WIP]

Ok, I'm almost done now, added the new ~85+ Lines and am currently fixing the progress through the dialogue.

Do we have a Misty outfit? A quick search brought me to this thread by marlow brandon, but I can't find any misty design...


Content Creator
Sep 10, 2012
Re: Misty Audiologue [WIP]

isaac42 said:
Ok, I'm almost done now, added the new ~85+ Lines and am currently fixing the progress through the dialogue.

Do we have a Misty outfit? A quick search brought me to this thread by marlow brandon, but I can't find any misty design...

Misty outfit? Picking it up! But I can't promise anything ;D


Potential Patron
May 3, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [WIP]

Oh the classic outfit from the first pokemon anime. That would be so nostalgic =D


Potential Patron
Sep 20, 2012
Re: Misty Audiologue [WIP]

We can already get pretty close to her original outfit....
but as far as I know, there aren't any suspenders anywhere.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

Line 21:
intro1:"[ANGRY_MOOD][LOOK_UP]Do you really thinkg you can win?"

intro1:"[ANGRY_MOOD][LOOK_UP]Do you really think you can win?"

Line 32:

* can be added in a dialogue via %2A if you prefer that over << >>.

Line 55:
It's possible that the intro does not play. Referencing unknown line "gen0" - be sure to add a gen0 with set state +1, calling gen1.

Line 97 & 98:
vigorous:"[NORMAL_MOOD][SHOCK]That felt like a winidmill..."{"check":{"state":"3"}}
vigorous:"[NORMAL_MOOD][SHOCK]That felt like a winidmill..."{"check":{"state":"4"}}

vigorous:"[NORMAL_MOOD][SHOCK]That felt like a windmill..."{"check":{"state":"3"}}
vigorous:"[NORMAL_MOOD][SHOCK]That felt like a windmill..."{"check":{"state":"4"}}

Line 126:
held:"[HAPPY_MOOD]You're thinking of something Ash!"{"style":"thought""check":{"state":">3"}}

missing comma to separate lineattributes "style" and "check".
held:"[HAPPY_MOOD]You're thinking of something Ash!"{"style":"thought","check":{"state":">3"}}

Line 164:
cum_on_face:"[HAPPY_MOOD]Oh ya!БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[cumF]"{"check":{"state":">3"}}
No "cumF" lines for state 4

Line 166 & 167:
cumF:"[AHEGAO_MOOD]Keep on spraying![EJACULATE]"{"check":{"state":"5"}}
cumF:"[AHEGAO_MOOD]Keep on spraying![EJACULATE]"{"check":{"state":"5"}}

Use of EJACULATE trigger for cumloops is rickety at best. Be aware that you'll trigger other lines as well.

Line 185:
cum_in_mouth:"[ANGRY_MOOD][LOOK_UP][TAP_HANDS]That WAS gastly."{"check":{"state":"3"}}
Pun or typo?
"ghastly" would fit as a typo fix.

Line 233:
restart4:"[HAPPY_MOOD]<<sigh>>, Ash isn't nervous anymore"{"style":"thought","set":{"state":"+1"}}
missing sentence ending

Line 279:
lick_penis:"[HAPPY_MOOD]Let me clean you up a litle bit."{"check":{"state":">3"}}

lick_penis:"[HAPPY_MOOD]Let me clean you up a little bit."{"check":{"state":">3"}}

Check lineattributes slow dialogues.
Consider duplicating some lines and having them work just like you handle general lines.


Potential Patron
May 3, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

Pim_gd said:
Line 32:

* can be added in a dialogue via %2A if you prefer that over << >>.

Line 55:
It's possible that the intro does not play. Referencing unknown line "gen0" - be sure to add a gen0 with set state +1, calling gen1.


Line 164:
cum_on_face:"[HAPPY_MOOD]Oh ya!БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[cumF]"{"check":{"state":">3"}}
No "cumF" lines for state 4

Line 166 & 167:
cumF:"[AHEGAO_MOOD]Keep on spraying![EJACULATE]"{"check":{"state":"5"}}
cumF:"[AHEGAO_MOOD]Keep on spraying![EJACULATE]"{"check":{"state":"5"}}

Use of EJACULATE trigger for cumloops is rickety at best. Be aware that you'll trigger other lines as well.


Check lineattributes slow dialogues.
Consider duplicating some lines and having them work just like you handle general lines.

Thanks for the in depth analysis! (especially those typos...)
I tried to use the %2A like your checker told me to, but when I had the lines as "%2Acries%2A" the lines came out blank.
I really didn't think about the possibility of leaving out the intro all together, thanks for that heads-up too!
The cumloop is intended to loop only, when in highest (5) state, otherwise it should just show "Oh ya!", and I added only 2 of those looping lines, so that the loop would stop on its own at some point / up to luck. But how would you do loops, if not like this?
About the checks: I knew from the beginning, that checks would slow the game down, but when I had the progress entirely organized with triggers instead of checks, some weird things happend, for example all cum_on_face lines would restart with each new strain of cum hitting her face, because that event triggers cum_on_face lines which have domination over triggered cumF*state* lines. I kept the checks at a minimum without changing the flow, or at least I tried to.

Another thing about checks: Can I somehow check wether a variable is within a certain range or group? I tried things like ..."{"check":{"state":"<0"},"check":{"state":"<5"}} or ..."{"check":{"state":{1,2,3,4}}} but they don't do what I intend them to do

edit: Apparently sdt 1.21.1b and 1.20 both handle %2A like *, so when you write %2A random %2A it tries to call up the "random" variable, also works when you type %2A random * (and vice versa). When you type just one %2A it truly comes out as *.
I've been reworking some checks and handles by removing all those check lines that weren't really neccesarily in check form and changed them to line*state* form. That should improve the game's speed.


Potential Patron
Sep 20, 2012
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

Cowkazoo said:
Whats the status on this? still working on it?

I don't know if Isaac is finished working on the text or not, but even if he is, I don't know if anyone other than Anon knows how to make the .swf to make it work with audio. And from what I pick up from the chatbox, he hasn't been around much lately.... I think. So even if the text is finished, the audio dialogue is still only half finished.


Potential Patron
May 3, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

Still working on it... Actually I'm mostly done, but I can't figure out how to get rid of the bug I mentioned in the bugs forum. When you cum in her mouth, the dialogue will break. It's somehow related to the *finishes* trigger, but I don't know how to implement it...
As soon as I have that we can give it to anon and he might/should convert it to an audiologue.

The thing is, when you cum in her mouth and make her swallow she will stop from saying anything for a very long time. This striked me as odd but I don't know how to fix it. And it's stupid that such a core element of the game breaks the dialogue -.-


Potential Patron
Sep 20, 2012
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

isaac42 said:
Still working on it... Actually I'm mostly done, but I can't figure out how to get rid of the bug I mentioned in the bugs forum. When you cum in her mouth, the dialogue will break. It's somehow related to the *finishes* trigger, but I don't know how to implement it...
As soon as I have that we can give it to anon and he might/should convert it to an audiologue.

The thing is, when you cum in her mouth and make her swallow she will stop from saying anything for a very long time. This striked me as odd but I don't know how to fix it. And it's stupid that such a core element of the game breaks the dialogue -.-

Things like that happen sometimes with regular dialogue, for any number of seemingly random reasons. Even the ones that Pim_gd's dialoguechecker have fixed.


Potential Patron
May 3, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

Tzz sucks (haha). I'll release the final one together with a correctly named audiopack in a couple hours/ a day or two. Stupid that I can't fix that tho -.-


Content Creator
Jun 19, 2011
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

isaac42 said:
As soon as I have that we can give it to anon and he might/should convert it to an audiologue.

I think Anon's a little busy right now, so I'll have a look at it and see if I can put it all together for you all.

Files that cannot be imported:
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 26,896 Aha you cant just stand here all day.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 18,648 Ash youre shaking.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 18,000 A_splash_attack.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 17,784 Be careful Ash.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 21,024 Boys can be so stubborn.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 14,640 Dont quit now.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 19,824 Enjoy yourself.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 11,304 guhuhuhu.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 50,996 Hey Ash wouldnt it be alot better if you just asked me for help.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 20,856 I dont think you should.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 14,400 I refuse.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 21,192 I wonder what that was.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 14,280 Is something wrong.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 15,792 Its so big.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 24,136 Maybe you need an assistant to help you.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 9,456 MMm.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 13,728 No way.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 24,040 Now thats what I call a great breeder.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 26,784 Oh yeah Ill show you.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 12,456 Please dont.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 18,144 That was gastly.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 14,856 This is boring.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 16,152 Wah.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 15,072 What are you doing.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 23,040 Why are you doing this.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 20,768 Why dont you just leave me alone.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 19,344 Why is he doing this.mp3
15/07/2013 10:51 AM 37,620 You dont have any idea of the mistake youve just made do you.mp3


Potential Patron
May 3, 2013
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

Shade said:

  • I think Anon's a little busy right now, so I'll have a look at it and see if I can put it all together for you all.

    Few things I'll need from you:
    • A Name/Title for the dialogue
    • List of people to credit and their role

  • Title: Misty Audiologue
    Credits: Me for the dialogue, Cowkazoo for the Audio / Request

    Files that cannot be imported:

That is a bit stupid, but from what I remember, these lines are not core to the dialogue and can be deleted... But I really liked the geyser one :( Any way that converting or changing the files can make them work? I don't know the basics about flash.

  • Things like "{"style":"thought","check":{"state":"<3"}}" do not import and either break the dialogue or show as spoken text. I'm looking to see if it's because I'm doing something wrong, or because the template is so outdated.
  • I'm an idiot and don't know how to get intro to trigger without manually triggering it, which doesn't play a sound.

Random thoughts/comments:
I'm not exactly sure how initial_settings and lines that rely on state will work...
Dialogues are so much more up to date than the Modding Template...

Well that bothers me now. If the audio mod breaks "check" related stuff, half of the dialogue will be a mess, all the cumshot lines are made with those... Do you know if audio modding works with mood checks? as in "...balbalbalbkjaölka"{"mood":"normal"}? because those are core to sdt.


Content Creator
Jun 19, 2011
Re: Misty Audiologue [Update]

isaac42 said:
Title: Misty Audiologue
Credits: Me for the dialogue, Cowkazoo for the Audio / Request

Easy, thanks. Considering I'm just compiling all this, I figured I'd put responsible parties down for credits. :D

isaac42 said:
That is a bit stupid, but from what I remember, these lines are not core to the dialogue and can be deleted... But I really liked the geyser one :( Any way that converting or changing the files can make them work? I don't know the basics about flash.

Getting them to work should be easy enough, re-saving them as .mp3 with whatever audio editing program was used might be enough. I'd do it myself, but I don't have the programs and the dialogue you've put together is big enough that I'd rather outsource than waste time trying to find programs and learn how to use them. If Cowkazoo (or anyone who can edit audio files) wants to wait until I've finished and discovered all incompatible files before correcting them, that's fine.

isaac42 said:
Well that bothers me now. If the audio mod breaks "check" related stuff, half of the dialogue will be a mess, all the cumshot lines are made with those... Do you know if audio modding works with mood checks? as in "...balbalbalbkjaölka"{"mood":"normal"}? because those are core to sdt.

Anything that's put in { } and outside of the standard dialogue doesn't work. For example, thoughts don't work (and I've spent a good hour trying to work out how to get it to). Things like [AHEGAO_MOOD], [LOOK_UP], etc work fine as they're actually included in the dialogue line. If you could find an Audiologue that actually does use {"style":"thought"}, {"state":0}, etc, let me know and I can decompile it to work out how it was done.

Whilst they are care to SDT, I think they were introduced long after the Modding Template, which seems to be the limiting factor here. An example of how I enter the dialogue looks like this:

registerDialogue("cum_on_face", "There ya go, [NORMAL_MOOD][LOOK_UP]see?[HAPPY_MOOD]", "There_ya_go_see.mp3", 1);

I suspect if features normally placed between { } were to work, they’d need their own section, whereas I’m simply trying to put it in with the dialogue line (as there’s no where else).

For anyone interested in being helpful:
I've run out of time to do more today, so here's a sample of what's been put together so far. I've registered all lines for: Intro, Intro 0, Intro 1, Resistance, First Throat, First Deepthroat, Cum on Face, CumF5. If the Audio doesn't work for the line, please let me know. I don't believe audio works when you force test the line through the dialogue editor, so you'll need to actually have a play to get them working.

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