First of all, thank you Suzu for your amazing work.
Could any of you guys help me to solve thoose few problems ? ^^'
As you can see, I have that ugly white plastic pubic hair on most of the classes, exept of the shai (whose juste "shaved")
Then it seems that the Dark knight doesn't have butt nor crotch anymore :
Also, nipples are missing on some of the classes (Sorceresse, Ranger, Valkyrie, Kunoichi, Mystic, Lahn and Maehwa) :
And the winner is the Ranger, who adds the three problems up :
I just extracted all files of the top post and tried to edit partcutdesc.xml but, because of my poor knowledge about it, none of the lines I added or disabled seemed to be efficiant.
I noticed that the problems remain with or without partcutdesc. So I assume that it may be a texture problem.
What do u think of it ?