itsme420 said:
Then why are people made to feel like griefers for asking? Or are made to feel stupid by being told its obvious & easy to do? I've searched everywhere for a guide & have found nothing... No one gives a straight answer to this question, its always those two responses "Stop asking... or (basically that) It's obvious & easy but I'll make it for you instead of telling you how to do it yourself" You'd think you would want to share that info & get the Audio Dialogue section alive again.. I mean if I knew how I could have had 4-5 audio swf's posted instead of just mp3+dialogue... Oh well lol CX
(Not to mention most of the links for the audio swf's are dead)
I looked briefly, can't see any obvious answer to this so I'll provide a pseudo solution for now:
Observe the format for existing audio dialogue SWFs using a decompiler of your choice, recreate the format using your own resources.
Add each sound clip to the document library and link it with some AS3 reference.
After this, throw setup code on the first frame of the template:
registerDialogue("LINE_TYPE", "LINE_CONTENT", "CLASS_NAME");
registerDialogue("LINE_TYPE", "LINE_CONTENT", "CLASS_NAME");
registerDialogue("LINE_TYPE", "LINE_CONTENT", "CLASS_NAME");
registerDialogue("LINE_TYPE", "LINE_CONTENT", "CLASS_NAME");
Where CLASS_NAME takes the AS3 reference in string form.
Note: This is information derived from an existing dialogue, I haven't tested this for myself.
This code is used with the official template.
If you're still confused after this I don't blame you, existing info is cryptic at best.
This seems to touch on the idea but is slightly different. A little bit of reverse engineering will point in the right direction. Have an attempt and if you're still making no progress we can look in to this.