Flexing Buttplug

Flexing Buttplug V12 reupload

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This was made to demonstrate using actionscript programming with conventional clothing modding
this is a loader mod, but can be used in vanilla with no noticeable difference. The download includes the source fla project for further reference.

mod does not change skin color, alternate color used to demonstrate features

The buttplug occasionally moves outward to make it look like she is trying to push it out of her anus, follows the anklecuffs colorslider.
The skin on the stretched anus part follows the skin hsl and also adjusts to skin tone selection.

The position and angle of the buttplug changes based on her leg angles, so this provides a good target if looking to get anal animtools positions looking good (i know some positions included with animtools have sloppy angles)

for moreclothing stuff, this is a body mod, example:
flexingbuttplug11.swf=Flexing Buttplug:Body>Body3

heres the code for setting up the mod to be able to reference the top level 'g' object in SDT while covering the various ways the mod can be loaded:
import SDTMods.*;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;

var loader, g, lProxy;
var loadermode:Boolean = false;
var registeredinmoreclothing:Boolean = false;

//my variables
var counter:Number = 0;
var timer:int = 0;
var timer2:int = 0;
var speed:Number = 3;
var delay:Number = 10;
var delay2:Number = 0;
var scale:Number = 0;

//charData = "";
modName = "Flexing Buttplug";
modCreator = "sby";


//Choose a modpiece to be used in evaluation code to determine if the mod has been cleared. this should probably be one of the mods that makes use of any custom code added in proxies/listeners
//when loaded through a char folder, that individual mod piece could be cleared from using the clothing menu. if you have multiple pieces of clothing using different listeners, it might be better to have multiple evaluation functions with separate reset functions.
var evaluationModpiece = bottoms.backside;
var evaluationParent = evaluationModpiece.parent;

var myAppDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;    //depending on how the mod is loaded, this may not be the sdt application domain
if(myAppDomain.hasDefinition("g"))        //this occurs twice with loader characterfolder processing, and in vanilla SDT
    g = myAppDomain.getDefinition("g");
    var variablewaspublic:Boolean = false;
        g.her.breathingFactor;        //this is private in vanilla, will cause an error to be thrown
        variablewaspublic = true;
    catch(e) {
        variablewaspublic = false;
    if(variablewaspublic)        //if the tested variable was publically accessable, then that means we are in the loader
    {    //charfolder load in loader
        loader = g.inGameMenu.helpMenu.getChildAt(0).loader;        //this is a reference to the loader object placed on the helpMenu aka the loader menu in-game
        lProxy = loader.lDOM.getDefinition("Modules.lProxy");
        loadermode = true;
    {    //swf load in vanilla
        loadermode = false;

function initl(l){
    loader = l;
    g = l.g;
    lProxy = loader.lDOM.getDefinition("Modules.lProxy");

    loadermode = true;

function finishinit()
        if(loader.moreclothing && loader.moreclothing.modactive)
            registeredinmoreclothing = true;        //assume if this mod is loaded while moreclothing is processing mods, that we have been added to moreclothing
    if(loadermode && !registeredinmoreclothing) loader.registerUnloadFunction(myResetFunction);
    //add supplemental setup code here,
    //use checks of 'if(loadermode)' to seperate out things that can only be done in the loader
    //the vanilla game object 'g' is available at this point, where you can then get other things like g.her and g.him
    //if using the loader, references to the top level loader object 'loader', and the loader proxy class 'lProxy' are available at this point
    bottoms.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameRefresh);
    //you will want the function 'evaluateModStatus' called in something you register for the purpose of code cleanup, in this case it is done under this framerefresh.

function frameRefresh(e)
    if(!bottoms.backside.visible || bottoms.backside.parent == null || !bottoms.backside.parent.visible  || g.gamePaused)
        //mod cleared, or moreclothing has it hidden
        if(g.characterControl.currentSkin == 0)
            bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2.myoverlay.alpha = 0.3;
        if(g.characterControl.currentSkin == 1)
            bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2.myoverlay.alpha = 0.5;
        if(g.characterControl.currentSkin == 2)
            bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2.myoverlay.alpha = 0.2;
        if(g.characterControl.currentSkin == 3)
            bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2.myoverlay.alpha = 0;
        bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2.myskin.filter = g.her.torso.back.filters;
            bottoms.backside.plug.rotation =  -27 + g.her.torsoIK.m2Ang * 65 / Math.PI;          
            bottoms.backside.plug.rotation =  -16;        //g.her.torsoIK.m2Ang not avaliable in vanilla, use static value
        if(timer > delay)
            if(counter < 90 || timer2 <= 0)
               counter = Math.min(180, counter + speed);
            bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2.x =  Math.sin(counter * Math.PI / 180)  * -20 * scale;
            if(counter >= 90)
                timer2 = Math.max(0, timer2 - 1);
                if(counter == 180)
                    counter = 0;
                    delay = 50 + Math.random() * 210;
                    speed = 1 + Math.random() * 2.5;
                    timer = 0;
                    timer2 = -30 + Math.random() * 70;
                    scale = 0.5 + Math.random() * 1.7 ;
        var rgbFill1ToUse;
        var rgbFill2ToUse;
        {    //if in loader, can be very efficient and grab it directly
            //if want to use rgb picker 1:
            //rgbFill1ToUse = g.characterControl.ankleCuffsControl.rgb1;
            //if want to use rgb picker 2:
            rgbFill2ToUse = g.characterControl.ankleCuffsControl.rgb2;
            var fills = g.characterControl.ankleCuffsControl.getDataString().split(",");
            //if want to use rgb picker 1:
            if(fills.length >= 5)        //Check for rgbFill1
                rgbFill1ToUse = {r:fills[1], g:fills[2], b:fills[3], a:fills[4]};
                rgbFill1ToUse = {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:1};        //default to black
            //if want to use rgb picker 2:
            if(fills.length >= 9)     //Check for rgbFill2
                rgbFill2ToUse = {r:fills[5], g:fills[6], b:fills[7], a:fills[8]};
                rgbFill2ToUse = {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:1};        //default to black
        //here is an example follow color slider piece of code
        //var mycolor1 = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, rgbFill1ToUse.a, rgbFill1ToUse.r, rgbFill1ToUse.g, rgbFill1ToUse.b);
        var mycolor2 = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, rgbFill2ToUse.a, rgbFill2ToUse.r, rgbFill2ToUse.g, rgbFill2ToUse.b);
        tryToSetFill(bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2, "rgbFill", mycolor2);

function myResetFunction()
    //add reset code here that removes any loader specific add-ins,functions,proxies created
    //add reset code here that removes vanilla compatible stuff such as listeners that were created
    bottoms.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameRefresh);

function evaluateModStatus()  //if the mod has some sort of listener code registered, this should be called so vanilla sdt can also clear up uneeded code, as well as cleanup for extra stuff processed in loader char folders.
    //this checks if the mod is still placed on something                          //this check is to weed out the duplicate instances of the mod that are never placed when using loader char folders, as the modtype container is still the modpiece's parent
    if((evaluationModpiece.parent == null && !registeredinmoreclothing ) || evaluationModpiece.parent == evaluationParent)

function tryToSetFill(param1:MovieClip, param2:String, param3:ColorTransform) : void
            if (param1)
                tryToSetFillChildren(param1, param2, param3);
        }// end function

function tryToSetFillChildren(param1:MovieClip, param2:String, param3:ColorTransform) : void
    var _loc_4:* = param1.numChildren;
    var _loc_5:* = 0;
    while (_loc_5 < _loc_4)
        if (param1.getChildAt(_loc_5).name == param2)
            param1.getChildAt(_loc_5).transform.colorTransform = param3;
        if (param1.getChildAt(_loc_5) is DisplayObjectContainer)
            tryToSetFillChildren(param1.getChildAt(_loc_5) as MovieClip, param2, param3);
        _loc_5 = _loc_5 + 1;
}// end function
First release
Last update
4.71 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. hotfix to adjust commented example code

    hotfix to adjust commented example code
  2. reworked initialization code, added rgbFill tracking

    flexingbuttplugV12 turns out when loading as a char folder, the code was being evaluated in the...
  3. bugfix for loading through character folder

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Latest reviews

Super awesome. However, there's still some problems I have with it. My main problem is that it prevents any other mod in my character folder from loading. Also, it would be nice if her anus could stretch out even further. Great mod, would've rated it 6 stars if it weren't for these setbacks

Note: The character folder in question has 10 other mods, including an Extra Mod Core mod, and a dynamic hair. Maybe my character folder is just too complex for this mod
Hey, mod looks amazing but i have no idea what i'm supposed to do with the code you showed, is that a required step for installation or can it also work using the normal steps?
sby with yet another mindblower, awesome stuff. Great accessory.
Holy FUCK I had no idea I needed this. This is amazing.
Absolutely love it, way better then the "vibes" I had before.
can you maybe add a scaling to the bodysize? (inkl AnySizeHer)
it is a body mod, so i imagine it scales already. didn't test for that though

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