I'm having issues with both my browsers suddenly deciding that they need to ask me, every single time, what I want to do with .swf files. I tried editing the extension handling options, but the option to open it with (in Firefox, for example) 'Adobe Flash in Firefox' isn't there. Uninstalling the plugin, wiping the registry entry, and reinstalling doesn't work.
My best option would be to grab a standalone Flash player, but all searches lead me to standalone installation packages, rather than any sort of multimedia application that runs independent of any web browser (something like RealPlayer used to be, or WinAMP). I saw a site address marked as 'www.standaloneflashplayer.com', but it linked me to a shareware site to download it. Unless someone tells me otherwise, I'm writing that one off as adware or something.
My best option would be to grab a standalone Flash player, but all searches lead me to standalone installation packages, rather than any sort of multimedia application that runs independent of any web browser (something like RealPlayer used to be, or WinAMP). I saw a site address marked as 'www.standaloneflashplayer.com', but it linked me to a shareware site to download it. Unless someone tells me otherwise, I'm writing that one off as adware or something.