When Lara falls into that puddle at the beginning, she falls onto a strip of rebar, which spears her in the side and has to be ripped out. When she meets the cave's resident, he's a dreadlocked Tom Hanks in Cast Away lookalike with murderous eyes, grabbing your legs as Lara scrambles through a narrow passage. If you don't kick him off, Lara will get an ice axe in her throat, blood spraying everywhere. If you avoid him this time but not the next, you'll see Lara crushed by a giant bounder. And in another level, we saw Lara tackled by a wolf, which she tried to fight off by frantically stabbing it repeatedly in the flank with a knife as it tried to sink its teeth into her jugular. We saw both possible endings to this battle, one when Lara succeeded and one when she didn't - there was a lot of blood.