The Auto Test v1.2 (Work in Progress) (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jun 3, 2013
Hey guys,

I've been following SDT for a few months now and after playing through (and reading the text files of) the dialogues of many other authors I decided to jump in.

First, I'm not very crafty with what I've learned. It's very brute force, very simplistic, as you'll notice if you open up the text file.

The basic premise is this: the whole dialogue is about me testing out the DialogueActions mod triggers for myself. It's one thing to see it in action in the capable hands of Slingerbult, but it's another thing for me to take it apart and try to put it back together.

As this dialogue started out as a stream of consciousness--firing off triggers and calling lines--I started to add a bit of a story into it. It's fourth wall breaking, but what the heck, right? It's about a guy who knows he's in SDT with a girl who also knows she's in SDT and they're participating in a hands-free test so to speak.

It's totally incomplete; there's a lot of story I left off for the sake of figuring things out, and the dialogue itself kinda breaks down into porno-flair, but my whole goal was to create an SDT micro-movie.

So, without further ado here are the particulars:

-If you don't have it installed, you'll need DialogueActions mod originally by gollum and currently being worked on by Pim_gd found here
-I didn't use any particular characters or any other mods besides the latest DialogueActions mod and the latest Loader version
-The dialogue calls for *YOU* so you'll have to enter a name in Options -> Custom -> "Dialogue Name"

So, in creating this thread I'm essentially asking for help with a few things (in spoilers for those who want to experience the dialogue first):

Aside from just general 'tidiness' of the dialogue's coding and what not, I'm having trouble with:

-Keeping the male character's Hand off of her head the whole way through. Each time I call for a change of speed I have to interject a [RELEASE] trigger, so it looks like he's slapping her on the head each time.

-At varying points in the dialogue turning on Auto takes awhile to wind up. Is this just the way it is?

-I'm trying to get a situation where the male character is being forced to orgasm repeatedly, but I'm concerned about trigger lines being confused. I wouldn't mind ideas/suggestions to keep all of this untangled. Maybe a clever use of restart/fin lines? (SOLVED! Thanks, Pim!)

Any other advice, or critiques, would be helpful.

-v1.2: Made cum line triggers neater and more refined
-v1.1: fixed errors found by Pim and the checker

I've tried v1.2 a couple times and it seems to now be playing all the way through! I'll continue to tighten up the coding so it's less all over the place, and will start adding more in the way of content, and adjusting the scenario so it makes more sense. Stay tuned!


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Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: The Auto Test (Work in Progress)

Also made by me is ...
the DialogueChecker!
It's your friend.

Here's what it has to say...
Dialogue was checked in 27 ms with v2.09 of the DialogueChecker.
I found 6 issue(s) with your dialogue, of which 0 were severe, 3 were major issues, and 3 were minor issues.
Grammar - Minor: The following issue was found after stripping the line of delay characters, triggers and variable substitutions:
Grammatical error (space before exclamation mark) on line 32, col 69 near "(...) test, !"{"style":"Him"}"
Line 32: intro2:"Now I'd like to introduce my special assistant for this test, *ME*![HAPPY_MOOD][intro3]"{"style":"Him"}
Stripped Line 32: intro2:"Now I'd like to introduce my special assistant for this test, !"{"style":"Him"}

Grammar - Minor: The following issue was found after stripping the line of delay characters, triggers and variable substitutions:
Double space on line 33, col 49 near "(...) with on (...)"
Line 33: intro3:"Hi guys! Glad to be here and working with *YOU* on this test.[intro4]"
Stripped Line 33: intro3:"Hi guys! Glad to be here and working with on this test."

Grammar - Minor: The following issue was found after stripping the line of delay characters, triggers and variable substitutions:
Double space on line 43, col 23 near "(...) something rarely (...)"
Line 43: slowbj8:"It's something *YOU* rarely does. Too much of a gentleman. Sigh![OPEN_EYES][slowbj9]"{"style":"Thought"}
Stripped Line 43: slowbj8:"It's something rarely does. Too much of a gentleman. Sigh!"{"style":"Thought"}

Syntax - Major: An uneven amount of opening and closing {} was found on line 56. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 56: hardbj1:"Mmm, you're too good to me sometimes...ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[hardbj2]"{"check":{"chapter":4},"style":"Him"}}

Syntax - Major: An uneven amount of double quotes was found on line 60. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 60: pull_off:"[AUTO_OFF]Mmm...let me just catch my breath, babe...ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[po2]"{"check":{"chapter":5"}}

Syntax - Major: An uneven amount of opening and closing {} was found on line 79. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 79: cum2:"Mmm, yummy...ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[SWALLOW]I want more, babe![RIGHT_ARM_HAND_JOB][AUTO_HARD][cum3]"{"check":{"chapter":5}

Once you've fixed these issues, try letting me look your dialogue over again. Maybe I'll find something new.

Now I understand you've been using it a bit already, so let me explain to you how you can use the checker to maximum advantage.
First off is issue levels. Checker reports 3 levels: Severe, Major and Minor.
Ignore Minor issues if you don't care about them. Minor issues are about the quality of your writing and/or coding - it works, but it's dirty/nasty kind of issues.
Major issues are the ones you need to fix. These affect how your dialogue will or won't play. For instance, "Syntax - Major: An uneven amount of opening and closing {} was found on line 79. This could indicate a coding error."... having that issue could cause SDT to not use the line attributes. So the line would always play, instead of only if it was chapter 5. Last type is severe issues - these are the kinds of things that might cause SDT to crash and or explode in a ball of fire (in terms of dialogue, stuff like 0 lines get loaded). You HAVE to fix them if you have them.

Okay, so you gotta fix major issues and severe issues. You don't have any severe issues.
Now there's a couple things you gotta keep in mind:
The checker is dumb. It looks smart, but it's dumb. It's made to look for certain things in certain ways and it will look for those things in those ways, even if it can't. This means that if you misspell a variable name in initial_settings, you'll get an issue raised for every usage of that variable. The checker doesn't know you made a typo; it's just seeing 1 unused variable, and about 15 usages of different variable which is undeclared. So to deal with this, you have to look at the first issue. The rest of the issues could just be caused by the first issue. Once you've fixed the first one, you let the checker recheck it, and then you can see what the next real issue is.

Alright, that's the use of the checker explained. Moving on to your dialogue...

You seem to be lacking understanding of some of the common tricks used in vanilla dialogues, as well as the troubles surrounding the check line attribute.
Since you're using DialogueActions, you can make use of instant lines.
So... instead of this....



cum1:"Ohhhh fuuuuuuck!ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[AUTO_OFF][cum2]"{"check":{"chapter":5},"style":"Him"}
cum2:"Mmm, yummy...ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[SWALLOW]I want more, babe![RIGHT_ARM_HAND_JOB][AUTO_HARD][cum3]"{"check":{"chapter":5}
cum3:"Fuck, babe, I don't think I can...ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББfuuuck...[handjob1]"{"set":{"chapter":6},"style":"Him"}

cum5:"Ohhh yeah, that's it! That's a good boy![cum6]"{"check":{"chapter":6}}
cum6:"Fuck, oh fuck...god, babe...[RIGHT_ARM_HAND_JOB][AUTO_HARD]ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББwait, stop...I can't...[cum7]"{"check":{"chapter":6},"style":"Him"}
cum7:"Yes, oh yes you can![AUTO_OFF][RIGHT_ARM_LEGS][facefuck1]"{"set":{"chapter":7}}

try this:

cum_on_face:"[cumDialogue*chapter*]" {"style":"Him"}
cum_in_mouth:"[cumDialogue*chapter*]" {"style":"Him"}
cum_in_throat:"[cumDialogue*chapter*]" {"style":"Him"}
cum_in_eye:"[cumDialogue*chapter*]" {"style":"Him"}

cumDialogue5:"Ohhhh fuuuuuuck!ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[AUTO_OFF][cumDialogue5Line2]" {"style":"Him"}
cumDialogue5Line2:"Mmm, yummy...ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ[SWALLOW]I want more, babe![RIGHT_ARM_HAND_JOB][AUTO_HARD][cumDialogue5Line3]"
cumDialogue5Line3:"Fuck, babe, I don't think I can...ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББfuuuck...[handjob1]"{"set":{"chapter":6},"style":"Him"}

cumDialogue6Line2:"Ohhh yeah, that's it! That's a good boy![cumDialogue6Line3]"
cumDialogue6Line3:"Fuck, oh fuck...god, babe...[RIGHT_ARM_HAND_JOB][AUTO_HARD]ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББwait, stop...I can't...[cumDialogue6Line3]"{"style":"Him"}
cumDialogue6Line4:"Yes, oh yes you can![AUTO_OFF][RIGHT_ARM_LEGS][facefuck1]"{"set":{"chapter":7}}

- You don't need to have checks like this on the native cum lines (cum_xxx_location ones)
- You don't need to have checks on every line, as you can only reach a line from a certain path

Ideally, you want to separate content and coding as much as possible. That's because you don't want changes in content to affect the coding of your dialogue, and vice versa.

Oh and... take a look through the dialogue guide thread to see a list of tricks people have come up with. That might help.

"start with xxx"

Why tell people that? Just put it in the dialogue in the start: line (yay DialogueActions!)


Potential Patron
Jun 3, 2013
Re: The Auto Test (Work in Progress)

Thanks for the speedy reply, Pim! I'll work on updating the dialogue asap! This is the kind of critique and breakdown I needed but would never have gotten just poring over it by myself :D

EDIT: Haha, all it took was for Pim to look at it and now it's playing all the way through. Thanks, Pim!

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