Tera - Does anyone know why? (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Aug 11, 2013
Please move this if it's the wrong forum.
I was wondering if anyone knew why this tends to happen when I start putting mods into my game...This outfit does this regardless of whatever mod I put in. I can't figure out why:


or if anyone could tell me what the file name of that outfit is so I can try to fix it...or figure it out.

Also, does anyone know why the kill bam suit in tera online goes invisible with the original files of the bunny suit? And is it possible to fix?


Potential Patron
Feb 12, 2013
The issue with the sides could be clipping. I'm making an assumption, but are you using "xTera"? Clipping can occur when the original files cannot accommodate changes with the characters. This is mainly seen when the image is being overlapped. When you say that your kill bam suit is going invisible, is this occurring while the game is running or is it when you install the mod "Restore bunny suits?"

If for example you are in game and all of a sudden the Kill bam outfit dissappears, idk what to tell you. But if you meant that you are placing the .GPK file for the bunny suits into your Tera->Ch->PC folder directory, that could mean that the .GPK file is missing the Mesh for the Kill Bam outfit. (Which BtW I use that mod so it shouldn't). With that being said You aren't writing over your old files are you? (Such as when you are pasting the .GPK of the Bunny suit into your PC folder, you still have the original PC_Event_04 which should be the bunny suit file).

The reason you shouldn't overwrite is simply in case a mod is broken you'll have the original backup. Also when patch day comes Your edited files will remain and you won't have to wait a day for TERA to redownload the original files. I believe I said that somewhere before, but it's kind of important to save yourself time and a headache.


Potential Patron
Aug 11, 2013
Not using xtera. Whatever xTera is? I'm using the NA client. I haven't modded with that outfit at all myself...it just happens when I put other mods into my mod folder. More specifically when I use the underwear mods for the base armor.

The kill bam being invisible is a result of someone elses work with restoring the bunny suits to bunny suits. (NA removed the boytie and what not). This is also not my mod but I'm wondering what causes it and if there's a way to fix it. It's annoying to see invisible bodies in game :x But I want the bunny suits with cuffs and collars....

All my mods are stored in _PC. I don't overwrite the base game files at all. The missing killbam is a result of the bunny suit fix... Here's the link to the mod: http://www.gamevixenzone.net/mods-20/[tera]-restore-bunny-suit-cuffs-collar-tail-615/

I'm just wondering why (other peoples mods) cause the kill bam to go invisible and why the (underwear base model replacers) cause that particular (npc) outfit that is seemingly unrelated to glitch like that.


Potential Patron
Feb 12, 2013
As I stated before, as seen on your picture, it's just an issue with the original creators sloppy edit. If you've ever play WoW they have worse / tons of clipping issues. In other words don't worry to much about it (or you can edit the files yourself).

Now with the Kill bam outfit you can simply export the Female bunny girl files Delete the edited version that's causing the issue, and then import the files into the original GPK. The reason why they remain invisible is due to the system. (I know I've gone through it somewhere) But basically since it's reading the modified Pc_Event file, it doesn't import the missing files from the Original file. Basically it ignores the original and only loads from the modified.


Potential Patron
Aug 11, 2013
Doing that with the bunny file doesn't work pop. I found out what the problem is.... For some reason the "uncensored" version of the bunny outfit does not have the data for the blue kill bam outfit... It's not in the GPK. I have no idea how to fix that as I don't really know how to edit GPKS other then texture....

I also tried to take the DIFF File and Spec file from the restored bunny suit file and put them into the original NA version that has the kill bam in it...but no matter what I did the NA file, despite having the restored textures and alphas, still was missing pieces.

That outfit baffles me :x

I don't have a mod that edits the outfit that that NPC is wearing... which is what I was trying to say. One of my OTHER mods somehow affects that outfit... but that outfit is not directly modded. I was hoping someone could tell me what model that is so I could try to examine it in my game and fix it...but I really have no idea why it's doing that as I did not modify any of my NPCS.


Content Creator
Apr 23, 2012
I was wondering if anyone knew why this tends to happen when I start putting mods into my game...This outfit does this regardless of whatever mod I put in. I can't figure out why

It's called set 0, it's in all races and classes Popori_F_L.gpk -> Popori_F_L0
It can't be fixed.


Potential Patron
Aug 11, 2013
L0 is the popori female underwear file... I'm talking about the NPC that's standing next to my Elin that has her skirt all funky.
I'm not worried about the underwear clipping lol...

- - - Updated - - -

L0 is the popori female underwear file... I'm talking about the NPC that's standing next to my Elin that has her skirt all funky.
I'm not worried about the underwear clipping lol...

EDIT: It's High Elf Female NPC - Tropical
Model looks fine when I inspect it. Think I'll just remove the skirt....that'll solve the problem.
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Potential Patron
Feb 12, 2013
Sorry, my lack of focus is why I shouldn't give advice lol. My mind has been wandering and I completely missed that. I'm guessing it's an issue with the original files and weight. When I used to install skyrim mods similar effects were attested to Weighting or something. Sadly my professor at college let me down resulting in me never taking the class in the first place thus not gaining the proper knowledge to .... I'm rambling again, sorry.

Anyway, I don't know if the Skyrim nexus has a section where you can ask modders for advice, but that would be where I personally go. (Since I don't really have any friends with programming skills and such). Good luck

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