
Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018

Hitomi's perspective:

With a sudden thrust downwards, Hitomi trapped Kasumi's hands underneath hers and sent a heavy fist thudding into her upper abdomen. Where Kasumi is lightning fast and accurate, Hitomi is stronger. Upon impact, she felt some resistance, but that had never stopped her fist. Inevitably, she felt her belly give a little.

"I got her now!" Hitomi thought. It's easy to tell, with Kasumi's eyes wide open, mouth open in shock.

Hitomi had problems dealing with Kasumi's speed, evading her strikes and countering with ease. But she had never gave up. The opportunity came when Hitomi feinted, and Kasumi automatically countered. Grabbing her wrist, she brought Kasumi close, where there was a brief struggle for control. Being the stronger of the two, Hitomi finally managed to trap Kasumi's arms and make her pay.


Kasumi's perspective:

The punch lifted her body off the ground.


She let out a small grunt as the fist dug in her upper abdomen with relative ease, momentarily scrambling her senses.

"T--that was a hard one.." she grimaced. She had tensed up her stomach muscles as best as she could, but still she felt her muscles give a little, sending a wave of throbbing pain through her. Once gravity finally exert its force on her, pulling her back towards the snowy floor, Kasumi felt the full effects of the punch; Her legs felt weak, she had to exert more effort to stand.

Kasumi has never liked getting hit by Hitomi; she is a hard-hitter. She had fought against Hitomi many times. Hitomi may lose to her in speed, but she has power. She once received an uppercut to her chin, and Kasumi would have lost if not for her strong will to stand strong. But win or lose, she had never come out of the bout pain-free.

Scrambling backwards, Kasumi did her best to cover up, to get her breath back. Hitomi never gave up on the pressure. The next thing she knew, Hitomi was advancing up on her left, her left hand snaking back around her neck.




Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018

Hitomi's perspective:

Hitomi knew that she had to keep up the pressure, denying Kasumi the chance to keep her distance and recover. She leapt to the right side of Kasumi, with her left hand snaking around the back of Kasumi's neck and pulled her close for a knee.

Right after the punch, Hitomi knew that her opponent would be breathless and hurting. She wanted to keep it that way. A breathless fighter is one who would be flat footed and not as mobile.

By pulling Kasumi towards her, and pushing her knee forward, she maximised the impact, and was satisfied when she felt the knee go in deeper than her punch, when she heard the gasp of pain, when she saw Kasumi starting to hunch over.


Kasumi's perspective:

Winded from the punch, and Hitomi being the heavier opponent, she couldn't escape from the neck clinch. The next thing she knew, a knee was digging in deep into her midsection, her body wrapping around Hitomi's knee.


If she hated the punch, she hated the knee even more. Her breath went out in an involuntary rush. At first, she felt nothing. Then suddenly the pain builds up rapidly, nearly reaching the point of being unbearable. Her knees buckled, and if she wasn't winded before, she definitely is now. She wanted to hunch over, to use her arms to press against her stomach, but if she did that, she would leave her open for more strikes.

Grittingher teeth, willing her body, she forced herself to remain upright, and managed to escape the clinch by bringing her left arm down, the upwards into the underside of Hitomi's clinch arm, using her right to push Hitomi in the chest.



Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Nicely done Nodern03, the pace of the action is good without being rushed or too slow as well as being descriptive and the pics help to put things into perspective.

If this your first attempt at a Ryo/Fem Fight fic?


Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018
Nicely done Nodern03, the pace of the action is good without being rushed or too slow as well as being descriptive and the pics help to put things into perspective.

If this your first attempt at a Ryo/Fem Fight fic?

Haha err, sort of. I usually do more on 3D though. The fiction is after.


Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018
Kasumi's perspective:

Kasumi's eyes widen as she saw the kick swinging towards her. Scrambling backwards, she managed to move her head out of the way in time.

"Close one.. if that kick had connected, it might have been lights out for me," she thought. As it was, she dodged it in time.

Maintaining her distance, she hunched over in her stance, one hand pressed tight to her belly. Something was wrong. The pain doesn't seem to be letting up, and it was interfering with her speed.

"Not good.." She winced.

She had to end this soon. Steeling herself, Kasumi prepared to attack.

Hitomi's perspective:

She threw a kick, and Kasumi narrowly dodged it.
As she regrouped, she notice Kasumi favoring her stomach.

About time the fight went her way. Hitomi had always taken pride in the power of her strikes. Smiling to herself, she noted how easily her punches and knees had broken through her defences. Kasumi may have a toned body, but it had been trained for speed, not toughness.

Growing confident, Hitomi figured out her attack strategy; target her core. Body blows can be devastating, and it pays dividends at the later stages of a fight. Already she knew that Kasumi's speed was halved, and probably her power too.



Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Kasumi's perspective:

Kasumi's eyes widen as she saw the kick swinging towards her. Scrambling backwards, she managed to move her head out of the way in time.

"Close one.. if that kick had connected, it might have been lights out for me," she thought. As it was, she dodged it in time.

Maintaining her distance, she hunched over in her stance, one hand pressed tight to her belly. Something was wrong. The pain doesn't seem to be letting up, and it was interfering with her speed.

"Not good.." She winced.

She had to end this soon. Steeling herself, Kasumi prepared to attack.

Hitomi's perspective:

She threw a kick, and Kasumi narrowly dodged it.
As she regrouped, she notice Kasumi favoring her stomach.

About time the fight went her way. Hitomi had always taken pride in the power of her strikes. Smiling to herself, she noted how easily her punches and knees had broken through her defences. Kasumi may have a toned body, but it had been trained for speed, not toughness.

Growing confident, Hitomi figured out her attack strategy; target her core. Body blows can be devastating, and it pays dividends at the later stages of a fight. Already she knew that Kasumi's speed was halved, and probably her power too.

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Nice pictures and story but I'll have to say one thing though, Hitomi is leaving herself *wide* open for a cunt punch *Evil Grin*


Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018
Kasumi's perspective:

Gritting her teeth, Kasumi swallowed the pain and countered with a high kick that connected with Hitomi's face. It was a snap kick designed to disorient an opponent, rather than cause heavy damage. Already she could see it working; Hitomi reeled back, senses momentarily scrambled. Her fight discipline, though, never left her, and her body automatically snapped into defence mode, raising her guard high to protect her head. This, however, left her body open. Kasumi, noticing this, had every intention of returning Hitomi the favor. That would give Hitomi something to think about as well.

Hitomi's perspective:

Not expecting Kasumi to recover so soon, Hitomi was surprised by the kick, and it slips through her guard. It connected heavily with her temple, sending her senses reeling and her legs unresponsive.


Note to self: Do not underestimate Kasumi. She had gotten complacent with the damage she inflicted on Kasumi, expecting her to shrink away like a wounded animal. Obviously she was wrong to assume that. Even so, she raised her guard automatically. Immediately, she cursed her body's natural reaction. She had left her body wide open. She tightened her core muscles, hoping that it would be strong enough to absorb her strikes.



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Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018
Hitomi's perspective:

As expected, Kasumi blasted a left punch right down the middle, into Hitomi's midsection. Her first real damaging blow. Luckily for her, she had tensed her muscles hard enough that the force of the punch didn't go through her that much. That said, it still hurt, and she still got a little winded from the punch.


Staggering back a little, the cobwebs clearing from the previous kick to the head, Hitomi prepared to counter. Her guard loosened up as she got into her stance, intending to throw a straight right through Kasumi. Little did she know, Kasumi is not done...

Kasumi's perspective:


She blasted a punch right into Hitomi's midsection. Her punch felt like it hit a rubber tire. Dammit! She had hoped that the kick had disoriented Hitomi enough that she wouldn't be able to react to the punch in time. Evidently, it did not work well enough. There's a small little consolation. Though her punch did not get through, she could tell Hitomi still got a little winded from the way her mouth parted.

Hitomi was winding up for a counter. Kasumi noticed that, and had to think and act fast. Well, she did not want to get into another big exchange with Hitomi. Her stomach is still hurting badly, and if she gets hit there again, she didn't think she would be able to get up from that. Distance. She needs to keep her distance. And if the punch doesn't work, how about trying again?? In that moment, Kasumi had decided on her plan of action.



Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Nicely done Nodren03 this story just keeps getting better and better, do you have a winner in mind or are you going to work on this a little more before you pick a winner?


Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018
Nicely done Nodren03 this story just keeps getting better and better, do you have a winner in mind or are you going to work on this a little more before you pick a winner?

Thanks! Actually, I am probably about 3/4 done for this story already. I started out by rendering the action shots. The ending sequence is yet to be done, still kinda on the fence on who would win. Right now, I am just filling in the story for the sequences that have already been rendered. Perhaps, once I have reached the end of that sequence, I might come up with a poll to decide who would win, once and for all. I currently have another project at the concept stage, Kasumi v Raidou. I have rendered the concept shot of it here.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Thanks! Actually, I am probably about 3/4 done for this story already. I started out by rendering the action shots. The ending sequence is yet to be done, still kinda on the fence on who would win. Right now, I am just filling in the story for the sequences that have already been rendered. Perhaps, once I have reached the end of that sequence, I might come up with a poll to decide who would win, once and for all. I currently have another project at the concept stage, Kasumi v Raidou. I have rendered the concept shot of it here.View attachment 77326

Ok then sounds like you should have a poll for the readers to decide not only who wins but how they win, I love the pic but I have no damn idea of who or what Raidou is.


Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018
Kasumi's perspective:

Before Hitomi could unleash her counter, Kasumi beat her to the count. Her foot lashed out, catching Hitomi right in the solar plexus. Any fighter could train their core to withstand strikes, but hardly any fighter would be able to withstand a strike to the solar plexus. The kick dug in the small area, just below the middle of Hitomi's breasts. The added benefit of the kick was that it created space for Kasumi, preventing any strikes from hitting her.

Hitomi's perspective:

Hitomi felt the kick stab into her solar plexus.
Immediately her breath whooshed out, her eyes scrunching up at the intense pain radiating from the center of her diaphragm. As she doubled over, her legs gave out under her, and the force of the kick propelled her backwards right into the metal crate behind her.

The moment her back crashed into the metal crate, Hitomi pushed herself off, wanting to get back into striking range. The problem with strikes to the solar plexus, was that it created sharp stabbing pains. As soon as she stood up, she crumpled over again as the pain flared up, sharp and stabbing.

"Urghhhhh...." Hitomi groaned out, her right arm pressing hard against the hurt, her left supporting her weight on the metal crate.
Thanks to her mistake, the momentum was gone, and now there's a lull in the fight, both fighters taking the chance to recover.



Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
This fine story just keeps getting better and better, well done Nodern.

Love the pictures they are of high quality as well as flowing well with the written part of this fine story.

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