In the pristine mat room of Knockoutman's World, Sahryn and Kumiko stand facing each other. The tension between the two formidable foes is unmistakable, hanging in the air like a draping banner. The blue mats and white walls serve as a backdrop to what promises to be an intense confrontation...
The camera flickers to life, revealing the stark clinical mat room. Three thick blue mats lay on the floor, setting the stage for a confrontation. The walls, a pristine white, form a stark contrast to the drama about to unfold. The camera, operated by the owner of the league Knockoutman, focuses...
The warm, inviting ambiance of Knockoutman's mat room was softly illuminated by the camera lights, creating a serene atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the intensity soon to unfold. Montana Charming, a fusion of grace and combat readiness, entered with an effortless poise that belied her...
As the camera pans across the mat room, capturing the white walls and the three 4-inch thick blue mats, it finally settles on a sight that demands attention. Standing proudly in the center of the room is Nikki Soaring, a striking Asian beauty with piercing brown eyes. Her slender yet athletic...
As the camera's focus sharpens, a room materializes before our eyes. It's a room of intensity and anticipation, where physicality and strategy collide. The mat room comes into view, dominated by a trio of royal blue mats, each measuring 12 feet by 6 feet and a formidable 4 inches thick. These...
Hey, for anyone interested, I have a pixiv page for sketches (mixed wrestling themed, of course!).
I try to update at least every few days.
ghost13 [pixiv]
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