I wish every developer was like Yoko Taro ( Nier Automata Director ) (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
There are two questions asked to Yoko Taro in the past weeks regarding 2B's sexual design that I hoped every developer would learn from him

The First one was why 2B was designed in a sexy way

Q: Can we expect a reason as to why 2B is so sexily designed?

Taro: I just love women!

The Second one on why 2B is wearing high heels that is out of place of her character

To a question asking why a combat android wears high heels, Yoko Taro answered that the game is set 10,000 years in the future, so when he tried to imagine what it would be like, he thought about how it was 10,000 years ago, and people back then probably would not have been able to imagine what it would be like nowadays. That’s why he decided to think freely and willfully about it. Since a lot of western games feature space marines and that kind of concept, he let his ideas flow freely and came up with a girl wearing heels in the future. Yet, the biggest reason is simply that he just really likes girls.

See , It is very simple , The Director/Developer/Designer are illustrating their art and showing their work the way they like to do without paying attention to lousy noise outside , He didn't pay any attention to SJW or Feminist , Nothing at all And life went on without problems and Game became a success

Now Imagine if Yoko Taro was a western developer , I bet he would be hanged already by those Feminist and SJW , I remember that SJW and Feminist made their loud noise because they thought Tracer's Winning pose was out of Character and demanded for it to change , Then Blizzard gave them the middle Finger by changing it to a pose from a 1950's sex model Pinup poster

So what are your opinions on this matter ? Will a world full of Yoko Taro would be better for us
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A Fighter
Content Creator
May 11, 2012
I wish most Dev's were like Yoko Taro but not just for the sake of Ryona fans, we ALL need some more push-back against this "don't objectify women" stupidity, these are fictional characters and Men or Women in these games should be made to the Dev's likes and the Fan's, nobody else should have any say.

I think he even asked to have fans send him any Sexy/Nude images they could find on the internet of 2B after seeing some, not just to be a big perv but also to learn what about her the Fans liked and maybe build on those aspects in future Games, even left a like and comment on at least one Fanart that was very sexual (but it had no nudity).

Its funny how SJWs attacked the old Lara Croft, that was smart, skilled, confident, well-equipped, and while having a bit of an impossible figure was a sign of empowerment for Women with curves...
Yet they love the Reboot Lara, who is whiny, needs to be saved constantly, nearly dies to everything (even just snow!) and gets abused in horrific ways without really fighting back half the time, showing she's basically powerless and worthless, and has more of a perfect Real-Life Model's figure.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I wish most Dev's were like Yoko Taro but not just for the sake of Ryona fans, we ALL need some more push-back against this "don't objectify women" stupidity, these are fictional characters and Men or Women in these games should be made to the Dev's likes and the Fan's, nobody else should have any say.

I think he even asked to have fans send him any Sexy/Nude images they could find on the internet of 2B after seeing some, not just to be a big perv but also to learn what about her the Fans liked and maybe build on those aspects in future Games, even left a like and comment on at least one Fanart that was very sexual (but it had no nudity).

Its funny how SJWs attacked the old Lara Croft, that was smart, skilled, confident, well-equipped, and while having a bit of an impossible figure was a sign of empowerment for Women with curves...
Yet they love the Reboot Lara, who is whiny, needs to be saved constantly, nearly dies to everything (even just snow!) and gets abused in horrific ways without really fighting back half the time, showing she's basically powerless and worthless, and has more of a perfect Real-Life Model's figure.

Yes I agree for all what you said , You convinced me to change the the word "for us ryona fans" to "for us" in general :)

Creators and directors character's are their "fantasy" , something they love to see made based on their minds and tastes , Why they be forced to work on certain something fictional they aren't pleased to make in order to please the "Utopia" for a portion of people , If all women becomes generic copycats from each others like what SJW/Feminist wanted then where is the creativity whether it is appearance wise or clothes wise or characteristics wise , If those SJW/Feminist don't like what a certain creator is showing then don't buy his/her fictional works , ignore it and look for what they prefer , but forcing ALL the creators to do a certain Fictional type of work you desire is an unacceptable thing


Club Regular
Apr 25, 2015
Yoko is a hero

But I disagree with a lot of thing. What we need is different games to cater to all. I like being open minded to all sides. Yoko is also smaller development studio but game such as Mass Effect have AAA backing and in that way we should expect more and better games.

When something become big and gain enough recognition you need some degree of check and control. It is just the way the world is in entertainment. The larger you get the easier it is for others to find ways to disagree and harass you. Yoko doesn't get as much harassing part because his games are not as big and not as marketed compared to some of other ones.

A world full of Yoko wouldn't be good. We need people like this to be niche so the popular stuff can be more focus at trying to cater for all tastes.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010
For the vast majority of cases, a game can cater to few but very deeply, or cater to many but very shallowly. Not everyone can be Minecraft.
The ideal future is for as many deep pools to exist as possible, not to demand that every one that hits a sweet spot shallow itself just for the sake of "check and control". That very notion is an affront to the idea of creative freedom.

When it comes to this particular argument, however, the people harassing developers are not even buying games themselves. This is pretty clearly evidenced by the fact that Anita Sarkeesian's endorsement of games could not even manage to show any visible bump in their respective sales charts. Without even getting into the piles of financial flops that are the products made to appease these people...
As such, there is no reason to cave to such lunacy. All you'll accomplish is feeding the egos of people who were never going to support you to begin with, and alienating the people that do enjoy your work in the process.


Club Regular
Apr 25, 2015
Exactly. We want more like Yoko who are special instead of everyone trying to be special which become normal. Then they try to distinguish themself from the new normal by adding or being different or inclusive ultimately changing games.

But to speak of Yoko and how he uncommon way of PR... It is unique and interesting to be sure. I would hate this if all do the same.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Sausage&Eggs Sausage&Eggs

Thanks for your reply :) , I just want to correct something , When I said world of creators full of Yoko Taro I didn't necessary mean a world full of extreme designs for games and "being different for the sake of being different" , What I wanted is a world that is full of creators that are proud of their content and of their original vision and have the full freedom in showing their ideas and don't give any attention to any noise outside whether it is from Feminist or SJW or any related group , If every developer gave attention to the noise outside then the products available would be clones from each other one way or the other , For example modern Lara and Evie Fry may have different personalities but both of them share that they are liked by the SJW but at the same time both are sharing the dull boring one-dimensional "make it safe" personality which makes me worry if that is the future , For myself I don't care that much what Fictional Female Playable character look like or dress as long as the core game is solid , If they look eye candy and sexy then .. thats good , If they don't look too attractive and wears normal then No problem but I will start to worry if they are clones of each other which is what the SJW and Feminist are doing to the industry

It looks like Japanese Companies and creators are way way more open in that matter than western companies and creators and have more freedom for the products , Look at Kojima , Kamiya or Suda51 , They don't give any attention to the noise outside and Japan doesn't object to any of their content unlike the west and their games are successful to varied degrees

An example I would like to give is Dontnod Entertainment , They said that Multiple western publishers rejected "Remember Me" and demanded changes to the whole game and one of them is changing the female protagonist into a male one , Until Capcom accepted to publish their game without any changes to it and gave them full freedom , The same happened with "Life is Strange" , Multiple Western publishers rejected the game and wanted to turn it from Teen girls stories into Teen boys stories and some of them wanted to erase the "Time Rewind" mechanic until Square Enix accepted it and like Capcom they gave them Full Freedom to do whatever they want to do and the result is that the game became a critical hit sales wise and reception wise

Unrelated Unrelated

Thanks for your reply :) , Regarding SJW then I don't think they have much interaction with the outside world either , I mean Who in the hell gets offended from Tracer's outfit when the majority of this Generation's girls wears bare leggings in the public ? and Who in the hell gets offended from her Winning pose ? I remember also they made some noise for RE6 saying that How come ladies in Tight elegant clothes and Full make up are fighting Monsters , I was like " What is your problem ? , That is a Fictional work after all " , I'm Glad Blizzard gave them the middle finger in Tracer's case :D

Like what you are saying and like I said above to Sausage&eggs , Forcing the creators to certain pool of ideas will make the games being clones of each other and that will get dull and boring by the time , Will generate by time less tastes and less opinions in the industry , Sudden Attack 2 is a sad example , The game gets released with a certain Vision on its creators mind whether you accept it or not , Then the SJW attacked and forced them to remove a bug chunk of the game which is Female Characters and that led to the game's early demise

History shows that good games gets received well from the majority and probably sell well regarding its content so I don't know why especially western developers try to Cater to those living in a cave called SJW and those idealist called Feminist and the likes , For Myself If I don't like a certain product then I won't buy or support it but I won't force every developer to change it to suit my tastes , The world is too open and too big and I am sure I can find my tastes anywhere


Club Regular
Apr 25, 2015
Then I afraid don't see your point. Sorry. My English is not 1st language and you use very many words so I find it very hard to follow. :confused: A like long descriptions but I am having difficulty in understanding meaning.

I think Japan is very behind in many ways. You see their games good in creative freedom. Maybe true but if you care to take look at woman's position in Japan you know the balance is far, far behind that of western society. The culture is very much different and what they accept as normal is already in poor taste for west, some place even ban i think. They only stop child porn I think in 2014...

Fact is. When you release your game to world audience you must accept critic from world views. Some are harsh in one area. It is ideal for develop to have more fans and more sales but they must find a balance. We see success stories but you only take a look at indie developer forums to see how many devs with many freedom do not succeed for different reasons. At end our hobby is still their business. It is expensive business which make it hard to balance creative freedom and opening to more sales.

If I am developer and I do not want to cater for female group then I will not but publisher may not want to take my business because it is poor publicity if it get notice. Everyone want good publicity because it only take a bit of bad to sink reputation and in that case you must rely on your niche fans which might be loud and supportive but are smaller in number.... And they probably only buy your game once so the sales is harder.

I give example. Compile Heart is Japanese studio. They release many shit JRPG with generic everything. Young girls. Poor translation. Rubbish story. Slightly improving gameplay but nothing special. They earn offensive nickname in Japan for being... well, shitty. :D
But they know their fans. They disregard this noise from outside. They keep making these games for a few years and their loyal fans buy them. You look to their numbers in sale and you notice it is around the same number and not too high. This is catering to niche which is fine. The also recycle much to save on cost and as result changes are not as much as I like but no one can blame them when they aren't really a success either. It is tricky to balance. It is ok to stay small and focus on what you like if you can break even or achieve small success. Of course I won't mind them improve so I too can enjoy those games and the ones I play I didn't enjoy. They not for me but I don't mind they exist and some people like it. The noise i make are to hope if they improve, they change things I care and I can enjoy the game. I think many feel this way, whether girl or otherwise. It is just internet fight make it ugly.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010
Indie failures tend to fall into a few categories:
1. People who only look at it as a means to grab a few quick bucks and just pump out garbage. (See the flood of RPG Maker product using default assets on Steam Greenlight, as an easy example)
2. People who make an okay game but do literally zero marketing and then don't run any kind of support cycle. (These are the tragic ones, especially since I've seen success stories where all the dev did was "run a fucking twitter account semi-actively")
3. People who just want to "tell a story" and forget to make a game that they themselves would even play to begin with. (I've noticed a heavy overlap between these people and the sorts of GMs in RPGs that railroad all to hell. Just write a fucking book or even a VN or something, would you?)

Global markets don't mean a damn thing when it comes to what developers "should" listen to, however. You're basically asking that all culture be watered down for hypothetical sensibilities.
This has been a common tactic as well, trying to present a facade that westerners can't handle Japanese games in an attempt to gatekeep the hobby has hard as they fucking can because they know that the games will sell just fine (look at the sales numbers on Senran Kagura, or Nier Automata, etc. now that they're hitting Steam)...


Casual Client
Sep 30, 2012
I feel a lot of the outrage is either fake or it's a really dumb minority. A lot of the weird outrage I see is just mindblowingly stupid. Noone in reality actually thinks that way or gets outraged over Wonder Woman's armpits or not liking Ghostbusters or whatever.

I don't think any of the stuff Anita says is representative of the average feminist, just like how giving death threats to anyone who gives my favourite games mediocre reviews, jumping off a bridge to catch a Pikachu, or wanting to marry my favourite Fire Emblem character isn't representative of me (well... number 3 maybe!) or the average gamer

I swear a lot of this fake feminism is either:
a) someone (like Anita) playing a character, trying to push some sort of an agenda
b) an AI that taught itself to generate click-bait articles/tweets

The average feminist probably just wants to see interesting characters, and to see female characters' depth be on par with male characters. If the see that, then cool. If they don't, they just move on with their lives. You know... like normal people

As for creative freedoms, I agree that people should just build the games they want to build but at the end of the day, a lot of these companies are multi billion dollar companies and a lot of decisions are made by businessmen and CEOs, so I imagine that a lot of these companies are just going to throttle your creative freedom, regardless of feminism. Businesses getting in the way of creative freedom is a thing that happens across all media


A Fighter
Content Creator
May 11, 2012
I tend to think there is 3 "levels" of Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) and Feminists (FemNazis), I'm adding it to a spoiler so you can skip reading it if you wish.
Level 1 (most call themselves "Activists")
They actually make a few good points and are willing to talk about real issues from both/all sides, they actually do want equality for all and understand that Games are an artistic medium so not all stories must fit in with what they want, but are upset with how few are even trying to include them, or do only as a "token" character (example, the running joke that the only black man in a horror movie is doomed) but they are still a bit too extreme with what they expect and should tone it down about 10-25% to be fair.

Level 2 (the true SJWs start at this level)
Only Games that include their "type" of character are valid, everything else is evil and must be talked badly about purely because the kind of character they like or that represents them isn't included in the Game, also anything they see as "offensive" needs to be removed immediately, doesn't matter if it would change the game drastically from the artistic vision or gameplay and the patch would be nearly the size of the game itself, they care nothing for what the Developers were trying to do or the fans that love it, they live in a vacuum.

Leval 3 (most FemNazis live here)
Its impossible to please them, everything is too little, too much or not done the right way, you can never get anything even close to "ok" for them, they will attack you personally and if that doesn't work will try to physically hurt you if you don't constantly apologize for not being just like them, they are dangerous psychopaths that need to be locked up until they can be reformed, if they refuse life in prison would be best for them (I really wish I was kidding, but sadly I'm not).

You see, since the Level 2 and 3 types (the more extreme ones) have now focused on gaming and general nerd-culture, a lot of Developers are running scared, trying to appease all of them all the time and its shown in the lack of quality in our games, from Halo 5 to Mass Effect: Andromeda, or from Tomb Raider Reboots to Resident Evil 5-6, the stories are bland, characters that are "diverse" are forced in our faces with little development of them, the games are buggy as a roach motel (except Tomb Raider) and they have all the best parts moved into DLC to make room for the elements we care nothing about.

Resident Evil 7, Halo Wars, Dead Or Alive, Hyperdimension Neptunia, and more are showing that there is hope we will get back to what Gaming is about, namely - Gameplay 1st, Story 2nd, Visuals/Audio 3rd, who/what the characters are isn't even a concern past what the Developer wants.
So there is hope for AAA Games to correct themselves and ignore the evil blight on us that is SJWs and FemNazis, as sales continue to drop when they are listened to and sales rise when they are ignored, big business will learn what is needed to make $$$ and just listen to us again, so hang in there everyone we'll see more Developers like Yoko Taro eventually.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
NiteGuardian NiteGuardian

Totally agree with everything you said except .... Replace Resident Evil 7 with any other game and i will give you a "like" daily for a month :D , whenever i see the name of this game makes me totally frustrating , they turned my beloved series into the most thing i hate in my gaming life , A First Person game , Thankfully sales are laughable compared to past games so i bet they will make other third person games in the future


A Fighter
Content Creator
May 11, 2012
NiteGuardian NiteGuardian

Totally agree with everything you said except .... Replace Resident Evil 7 with any other game and i will give you a "like" daily for a month :D , whenever i see the name of this game makes me totally frustrating , they turned my beloved series into the most thing i hate in my gaming life , A First Person game , Thankfully sales are laughable compared to past games so i bet they will make other third person games in the future

I was more making a point they moved away from "action" and "diverse" characters and back to the horror roots of the RE franchise, with real scares around every turn so its a good step in the right direction, but yes they need to go back to third person.


Dec 5, 2022
However, in this specific case, the folks bugging devs aren't even those who purchase games. The fact that Anita Sarkeesian's support of games failed to even produce a discernible increase in their individual sales charts serves as very good evidence of this. Without even mentioning the mountains of financially disastrous goods created to placate these folks...
Thus, there is no justification for giving in to such madness. You won't achieve anything other than alienating those who do appreciate your work and stroking the egos of those who were never going to support you in the first place.


Jul 16, 2024
There are two questions asked to Yoko Taro in the past weeks regarding 2B's sexual design that I hoped every developer would learn from him

The First one was why 2B was designed in a sexy way

Q: Can we expect a reason as to why 2B is so sexily designed?

Taro: I just love women!

The Second one on why 2B is wearing high heels that is out of place of her character

To a question asking why a combat android wears high heels, Yoko Taro answered that the game is set 10,000 years in the future, so when he tried to imagine what it would be like, he thought about how it was 10,000 years ago, and people back then probably would not have been able to imagine what it would be like nowadays. That’s why he decided to think freely and willfully about it. Since a lot of western games feature space marines and that kind of concept, he let his ideas flow freely and came up with a girl wearing heels in the future. Yet, the biggest reason is simply that he just really likes girls.

See , It is very simple , The Director/Developer/Designer are illustrating their art and showing their work the way they like to do without paying attention to lousy noise outside , He didn't pay any attention to SJW or Feminist , Nothing at all And life went on without problems and Game became a success

Now Imagine if Yoko Taro was a western developer , I bet he would be hanged already by those Feminist and SJW , I remember that SJW and Feminist made their loud noise because they thought Tracer's Winning pose was out of Character and demanded for it to change , Then Blizzard gave them the middle Finger by changing it to a pose from a 1950's sex model Pinup poster

So what are your opinions on this matter ? Will a world full of Yoko Taro would be better for us
Yoko Taro's approach to character design is definitely refreshing and unapologetically honest. It is interesting to see how his personal preferences and creative freedom shape his work, without getting bogged down by external criticisms. While his style may not resonate with everyone, it's important to respect artistic expression. A world full of creators like Yoko Taro, who stay true to their vision, could definitely lead to more diverse and unique content. However, it's also essential to consider varying perspectives to ensure that media remains inclusive and respectful. Ultimately, finding a balance between creative freedom and sensitivity to different audiences could lead to the most enriching experiences for everyone.


Potential Patron
Oct 11, 2024
Anita Sarkeesian’s support failed to boost sales, proving this point. Many financially disastrous products have been made just to appease this crowd. So, there's no reason to cave in—you'll only alienate true supporters while pleasing those who were never going to back you anyway.

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