If you intend to be a member of this community, please put more effort into your posting. People have created a lot of stuff over the years, and if you can't be bothered to spend five minutes looking for it, then you're not showing respect for the work that they've put in.
There's a
Molesting dialogue on the
first page of the Dialogue subforum.
Venom has written some mother-son incest stories and he's
accepting requests.
If you ask an author to create something for you, then please be specific about what you want. Describe the characters and motivations, their prior relationship (if any), the basic plotline, power dynamics within the scene, the setting or location, etc... The author may not adhere exactly to your plan; he may add some of his own ideas. But you should still offer a complete idea rather than a 1-sentence summary.
Please be aware that some authors or modders are not comfortable working on child-related content and may refuse to help you. Proceed with tact.