Anybody know the skin/eye/body code used in this SDT Nepeta leijon screenshot? (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter SamtheAce
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


I found this just recently and I love how it look.It's the perfect SDT code I was looking for as it's just awesome.
Does anybody know the code that was used for this shot?


Potential Patron
Aug 9, 2011
There is no way to know what the code is without the guy that made that screenshot posting it. Your best bet would be to use that image as background in SDT and try to copy the colors from the background with the ingame color picking tool. You'll have to trial and error things like hair or skin color though, since they have no color picking tool in their settings.


Potential Patron
Nov 15, 2015
Hey Sam I'm the creator of this image cardcounter, theres two things you need here though, the hair and the SDT code. so i have both attached, here ya go


nepeta char.txt
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