
progressiveExhaustion 8.2

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Inspired by sby's 'moremoods' (also used some code from it).

This mod simulates progressive exhaustion after each pass out until she reaches a state similar to moremoods' 'spent' mood.

Compatible with moremoodsV12:



The following is a list of things that will change after every pass out, which can be customized in the settings file:

Upper eyelid droop
Lower eyelid droop
Eye motion target
Eyebrow angle
Pupil shock
Eye highlight fade
Pupil shock on wake
Eye motion on wake

Pass out speed
Pass out volume
Breath loss speed
Pull off power increase rate
Pull off power start
Pull off power max
Throat resistance
Pass out recovery speed

Cough rate
Cough strength
Cough breast move strength
Cough volume
Open cough rate
Open cough strength
Open cough breast move strength
Open cough Volume
Gag rate
Gag volume

Skin saturation
Periodic sweating
Blush reduction
Tap hands rate
Tap hands power
Waggle eyebrows rate
Blink Rate
Consecutive blink rate
Clench teeth rate
Swallow speed

The following are features that will activate/change after a certain number of pass outs, which can also be customized to various degrees in the settings:

'Normal' eyebrows (from angry)
No breathing
Arms on legs on wake
Arms loose on wake
Periodic tears
moremoods' 'spent' eyes
Tongue out
'Normal' mouth shape
moremoods' 'spent' off action cough
Eye jitter
Wince rate

Dynamic exhaustion:
- Exhaustion effect is now calculated by both pass out count and an exhaustion value
- Exhaustion value is affected by the following factors/conditions which can be customized in the settings file:
Penis in mouth (no breath loss)
Held (pretty much whenever passout/breath is dropping)
On deepthroat
Head grabbed/slapped
On wake
- This feature involves calculating a bunch of values every frame instead of just on pass out. If your computer is terrible, disabling this feature may or may not improve performance.

- There is a counter that appears up top with the other counters that can be disabled in the settings.
- This displays her current exhaustion value with the number of pass outs in parenthesis.
- Every 1 unit of exhaustion is equivalent to one pass out.
- To get total effective exhaustion, add the two numbers together.

There is a hotkey to reset her to her initial state, which is numpad 5 (101) by default, and a hotkey to increment exhaustion, which is numpad 2 (98) by default.

Character code support:
Adding 'exhaustionFactor:n' where n is a number, to a char code can be used to customize characters to exhaust more slowly or quickly.
ex. 'charName:SD chan;mood:Normal;exhaustionFactor:1.5'
More details on this can be found in the settings file.

moremoods compatibility:
This mod is compatible with moremoodsV12 if this is loaded after.

Let me know if anything's broken.
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 16 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Fixed bug that incremented passout past 100% while she still had breath

    Fixed bug that incremented passout past 100% while she still had breath
  2. Disabled breath decrease effect for some moremoods moods (numb, android, etc.), + a small tweak

    Disabled breath decrease effect for some moremoods moods (numb, android, etc.) Streamlined how...
  3. Compatibility with other mods, fixes, small new feature

    Added features to reduce overall passout speed, felt vanilla speed + mods were making it too...

Latest reviews

Very in depth mod, still trying to figure it all out. Great work so far!

I am encountering either a bug with deepthroatactions where if "moodinhilt" is on and set to specific moods, her breath will reset back to 100% when she moves out of hilt. The moods that seem to cause this are ones like "broken" and "spent" where her breath loss is greatly increased.
Thats working now thanks.
But is she supposed to not come back after a certain amount of time in passout?
cant delete the other rating
Yeah, you can change that in the settings
Now since update, the breath level goes up above 100% instead of down while blowing untill reaching 300% where she looks like her mind is about to explode
goes down in throat for the lower stat, upper stat still goes up untill lower stat is at 0%
Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix it right now
can't rate high enough. this is an absolutely incredible mod, the effect this has on the way i experience the game is one i can't go back from, and i don't see myself ever running a version of sdt without it installed. should be added to sby's loaderpack. stellar work, keep it up.
I hate to say it but 7.3 is still having the same issue for me while Throat Cum Bulge is enabled. Once she swallows she closes her eyes and won't open them again. Thanks for your hard work
Love the mod, but it seems like version 7 is incompatible with Throat Cum Bulge. It makes her close her eyes and never open them after swallowing. This post as the same issue
Por favor, alguien me puede decir, en español, como instalar mods como este? estoy tratando de añadir el juego mods de movimiento u otros teniendo el Loader pero no logro instalar nada. Explicarme por favor y gracias
love it, but settings is a little confusing. it says setting to 1 will be no hand tapping but at the top it say max is the maximum percentage? just wonderin how to change that and the rate
Awesome mod,but im having trouble to install it (maybe because i have almost no experience) i placed the archives in a folder, moved it to mods and wrote the respective line in CharacterFolders, i can load it but things like the counter dont appear and after like 5min the girl doesnt how any signals of exhaustion, hope you can help me
Hey, if you still need help, you can try this tutorial here:

One thing to note is that if you want it to load when the game starts, and not when you select a character in-game, you need to put the .swf in $INIT$ and put the line in mods.txt found within.
A great mod with good attention to detail, very fun to use. And I'd say it's a must have.

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