This mod is essentially an add-on for sby's chokercollarresistance mod; included in the .zip is a slightly modified version of chokercollarresistanceV3.swf which you will need to use. (Make sure you have the required chokercollarresistanceV3settings.txt from sby's original version).
Update: chokercollarresistanceV4+ contains support for this mod so you don't need to use the modified chokercollarresistanceV3.swf included here
Added dialogue lines for snapping and resetting the collar, which can be used like so with parameters in the settings file:
Let me know if there are any problems.
This mod is essentially an add-on for sby's chokercollarresistance mod; included in the .zip is a slightly modified version of chokercollarresistanceV3.swf which you will need to use. (Make sure you have the required chokercollarresistanceV3settings.txt from sby's original version).
Update: chokercollarresistanceV4+ contains support for this mod so you don't need to use the modified chokercollarresistanceV3.swf included here
- This mod adds a 'collar durability' parameter to the game, and additions to the UI for chokercollarresistance
- When durability reaches 0 the collar will 'snap', which is simulated by a number of effects adjustable in the settings file
- Durability decreases per frame based on whether there is resistance, and the amount of stretching which gains a bonus from vigor
- In order to be able to snap a collar, 'Resistance' and/or 'Stretching' must be enabled
- Durability is restored slightly per frame the collar is at rest
- The rate is based on the 'rigidity' of the collar - durability is restored fastest for collars with 0.0 rigidity, and is not restored at all for collars with 1.0 rigidity
- The choker can be reset with a hotkey (Default = 78 = 'n')
- Screen fade in and out during reset can be enabled in the settings file
- Toggling 'Snappable' on will enable snapping
- Toggling 'Disappearing' on will cause the collar to disappear after snapping (rather than popping out)
- Collar durability can be set with the 'Durability' slider and the range of the slider can be set in the settings file
- The sound effect that plays can be changed by clicking the 'Sound' button
- None - No sound effect
- Rip - A ripping sound (ex. most fabrics)
- Snap - A snapping sound (ex. stretchy stuff, synthetic materials)
- Pop - A popping sound (ex. denser materials like leather)
- Break - A 'shattering' sound (ex. really rigid materials like glass or metal maybe?)
- Example: collarSnap:1,0,0.5,2;
- Value 1 - 1 = Snappable on, 0 = Snappable off
- Value 2 - 1 = Disappearing on, 0 = Disappearing off
- Value 3 - 0.0 to 1.0, Durability slider value
- Value 4 - 0 = No Sound, 1 = Rip, 2 = Snap, 3 = Pop, 4 = Break
- Note: make sure collar is not snapped if adjusting collar attributes or else some things won't save correctly
Added dialogue lines for snapping and resetting the collar, which can be used like so with parameters in the settings file:
Let me know if there are any problems.
Keep in mind you will need to install both included .swf files, and will need the settings.txt file from here as well: