Zakolite Imperial Expeditionary Force (Discussion Thread) (1 Viewer)


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
The Zakolite Empire is a proud and noble empire, spreading out to bring peace and order to a chaotic galaxy. Its efforts are spearheaded by its elite troops, carried to its furthest reaches on great Cloneships. This is where you come in: you, the Empire's best and brightest. You will have no fear in even the direst situations, because your clone awaits, ready to step in and take your place should you fall in battle, ready to take up the fight.
You will be as implacable as the Empire itself, an endless tide to smash the Empire's enemies and bring them beneath its heel! For the Empress!

This is the discussion thread for the Zako sci-fi tactics RPG. I've posted some background and basic rules and character creation below. Lemme know if things look too complicated - I don't mind simplifying options, or feel free to suggest changes! I'll add the critical tables as I complete them. Feel free to give creating a character a go. I'll post a sample character later.

Edit: I've updated some of the prices and weapon damage.

The Zakolite Empire is an empire ruled by an iron-fisted Empress in a galaxy at war. Unruly colonies, other empires, powerful aliens, and creatures from Beyond threaten its existence and expansion.

Though the Zakolite Empire is 95% female, there is little gender discrimination, and males tend to not be treated very differently from females. However, this attitude does not apply to any beings outside the Empire. Though this isn't universal, subjugated humans and aliens are often treated as lower-class citizens and beings outside the empire are thought of as savages at best.

Part of the Empire's success can be attributed to its advanced cloning technology. Soldiers are often cloned and once the originals have fallen, the clones are sent in waves at the enemy, wearing them down with an endless tide of troops. This is how the Empire has expanded in a galaxy full of enemies with better technology, stronger soldiers, and strange and unusual abilities. However, due to Empire doctrine and tactics, the life of an individual soldier is worth very little. Any amount of casualties are acceptable so long as the mission is a success.

In most other settings the Zakolite Empire would be the Evil Empire, but like the Imperium of Man of the Warhammer universe, most of its foes are even worse.

Basic Mechanics
The game will take place on a grid map. To attack, you'll roll a d20. Rolling 10 or higher means you hit and can roll damage. If you've been stationary this turn before firing, add +2 to the roll. If your target is behind cover, take -2 to the roll. Using a gun against someone in melee range is also -2. Traits and gear will help increase your chances of landing a successful hit. During a turn, you can both move and attack in any order, but you cannot move, attack, and then move again. Rolling a 20 is an automatic hit, and you roll your damage twice and add them together. Some abilities increase the chance by 1 or more, which lowers the critical hit number by that much (i.e. +1 crit chance means you critical hit on a 19 or 20).

Instead of attacking, you can enter overwatch. This means that your character gets one attack on the first enemy that enters their range.

When your character reaches 0 HP, she does not die. Instead, she's in a Critical state, and whenever she takes damage at this point, she'll roll on the Critical Hit table. Some results will be blank, meaning it was a glancing hit or near-miss and nothing happens. Other rolls will result in increasingly messy ends!

Due to Imperial doctrine, you are never allowed to retreat. Imperial troops are expected to fight to the last woman or man, and the drop pods that carry you to combat zones are one-way vehicles.

Character Creation
You'll want to name your character, maybe give them a callsign, and describe them.
All characters start with the following:
  • 2 HP
  • 0 PP (psychic points)
  • +0 accuracy
  • 0 evade
  • 0 crit
  • 6 movement
  • Standard-issue carbine (assault rifle) (1d6 damage, range 8)
  • Standard-issue pistol (1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed)
  • Standard-issue body armor
  • 2 weapon slots
  • 2 inventory slots (anything not a weapon or armor)
  • 3 trait points

You can use trait points to buy from the following lists:

Training and personality:
  • (1 pt ) Weapon specialist: +2 accuracy with that weapon type
    • Assault rifle, SMG, pistol, sniper rifle, LMG, melee
  • (1 pt ) Explosives training: -3 deviation* with grenades
  • (1 pt ) Marksman: +1 accuracy
  • (1 pt ) CQC expert: +2 accuracy at 4 or less range
  • (1 pt ) Sniper: +2 accuracy at 8 or more range
  • (1 pt ) Survivor: +2 critical save**
  • (1 pt ) Determined: +2 critical save**
  • (1 pts) Medic training: allows use of certain advanced medical gear, +1 HP regained with medkits
  • (1 pt) Stealth training: better effect from stealth suit, +1 evade if you haven't moved this turn
  • (1 pt) Gearhead: weapons upgrades for this character are 50% cheaper
  • (2 pts) Command training: allies within 5 spaces get +1 accuracy - does not stack with multiples
  • (1 pts) Melee specialist: +2 accuracy in melee, +1 evade in melee
  • (2 pts) Assault/shocktrooper training: no penalty for moving and firing, +1 armor
  • (1 pt ) Low-profile: +1 evade
  • (1 pt ) Brave: +1 HP
  • (1 pt ) Headstrong: +1 HP
  • (1 pt ) Tough: +1 HP
  • (1 pt ) Lucky: 1 re-roll per mission
  • (1 pt ) Merciless: +1 damage
  • (1 pt ) Clever: +2 crit chance
  • (1 pt ) Savage: +1 damage
  • (1 pt) Precise: +1 damage
  • (1 pt) Encouraging: adjacent allies get +1 accuracy
  • (1 pt) Protective/Guardian: any fire directed to adjacent allies is redirected to this character instead, +1 HP
  • (1 pt) Lone wolf: +1 crit chance, +2 evade when 5+ spaces away from allies
  • (1 pt) Fast reflexes: +1 evade
  • (1 pt) Fast: +1 movement
  • (1 pt) Organized: +1 inventory slot
*Grenades and rockets go off course when they miss - this is deviation
**The critical save is the roll you make when your character takes damage at 0 HP

Cybernetic parts:
  • (1 pt ) Cyber eye: takes form of eye patch or replaces original eye. +1 accuracy
  • (1 pt ) Cybernetic arm(s): +1 melee damage
  • (1 pt ) Cyber legs: +1 movement
  • (1 pt) Adrenal glands: +1 evade

  • (1 pt ) Psychic potential: +1 PP***
  • (2 pts) Pyrokinesis (combustion (single target damage), inferno (set area on fire), corona (adjacent units are set on fire))****
    • combustion: range 8, target is set on fire (1d6 damage per round at the start of that unit's turn, fire goes out on a roll of 1 or 2)
    • inferno: range 10, AoE 1 on fire for 3 rounds (1d6 damage to everything in the area at the start of that unit's turn)
    • corona: gain an aura that causes all adjacent units (friend or foe) to be set on fire, lasts 3 rounds or if ended
  • (2 pts) Electrokinesis (shock (single target damage with chance to stun), overload (stun a medium-sized mechanical unit or disable technological weapons), electric field (damage all adjacent units with chance to stun))
    • shock: range 6, 1d6 damage, stun medium-sized target for 1 round on roll of 1 or 2
    • overload: range 6, stun target medium-sized mechanical unit or disable all tech weapons on target for 3 rounds
    • electric field: deal 1d6 damage to all adjacent units, stun for 1 round on roll of 1 or 2
  • (2 pts) Precognition (forewarning (auto-succeed on a crit), prescience (reroll an attack or damage roll), doom (allies gain accuracy vs doomed target))
    • forewarning: auto-succeed on a crit save
    • prescience: re-roll an attack or damage roll
    • doom: all allies get +2 accuracy vs the doomed target for 3 rounds
  • (2 pts) Telekinesis (crush (single target damage), push, pull)
    • crush: range 8, 1d8 damage, automatic hit
    • push: range 8, push up to 6 spaces away
    • pull: range 8, pull up to 6 spaces in
  • (2 pts) Telepath (daze (debuff acc/movement), hallucinate (enemy targets nearest unit), coordinate (nearby allies gain +1 accuracy))
    • daze: range 8, target enemy has -4 accuracy and half movement
    • hallucinate: range 8, enemy's next attack targets the nearest unit, whether friend or foe
    • coordinate: allies within 5 spaces gain +1 accuracy, lasts 3 rounds, stacks with command training
  • (2 pts) Biofeedback (rejuvenate (heal), boost (physical buff))
    • rejuvenate: target heals up to 2 hp
    • boost: target gains +1 move, +2 melee damage, +1 hp for the duration of the battle, can only be cast on a target once per battle
***PP is like HP, but is used when activating psychic powers. Some attacks may also damage PP instead of HP.
****When you use a psychic power, reduce your PP 1. Trying to use a psychic power at 0 PP forces you to roll on the Psychic Critical table

You start with 300 credits, which can be spent on items from the following list. One thing to keep in mind is that when your character dies, unless someone is able to bring her gear back, it will be left on the battlefield, and the next clone will need to purchase new gear, or retrieve the old gear on a successful mission. You WILL lose your first character. Standard-issue gear comes free.

  • (0 credits) Carbine (Assault rifle): 1d6 damage, 8 range
  • (25 credits) Assault rifle: 1d8 damage, 10 range
  • (0 credits) Pistol: 1d4 damage, 6 range, 1 handed
  • (15 credits) Heavy pistol: 1d6 damage, 8 range, 1 handed
  • (25 credits) Shotgun: 1d10 damage, 6 range
  • (20 credits) SMG: 1d6 damage, 8 range, no penalty for moving and shooting
  • (80 credits) LMG: 1d6 damage, 10 range, attack twice, cannot move and attack
  • (15 credits) Sword/Axe: 2d6 damage melee, 1 handed
  • (15 credits) Spear/Halberd/Whip: 2 range, 1d10 damage, counts as melee, 1 handed
  • (80 credits) Sniper rifle: 1d12 damage, 14 range, +2 crit, cannot move and attack
  • (120 credits) Rocket launcher: deviation 1d4, 3d6, AoE 1, range 12, 1-shot, additional rockets sold separately
    • (15 credits) 1 rocket ammo
  • (120 credits) Medgun: dart-launching gun, heal 1d6, must still roll successfully to hit, requires medic training

Weapon mods (applies to weapons individually):

  • (20 credits) Heavy caliber: +1 damage
  • (20 credits) Armor-piercing ammo: ignore 2 armor
  • (30 credits) Laser sight: +1 accuracy
  • (30 credits) Advanced scope: +1 accuracy
  • (20 credits) Barrel extension: +1 range

  • (30 credits) Monoblade: ignore 3 armor
  • (30 credits) Energized blade: +2 damage
  • (30 credits) Custom grip: +1 accuracy

  • (35 credits) Scout armor: +1 movement
  • (50 credits) Jump armor: +2 movement
  • (40 credits) Tactical armor: 1 armor
  • (80 credits) Assault armor: 2 armor
  • (80 credits) Stealth suit: Can't be targeted past 5 spaces

Inventory gear:
  • (50 credits) Scanning suite: arm-mounted scanning device, while it's active, you can "mark" an enemy within 10 range. Anybody who targets a marked enemy gets +2 accuracy and deals +2 damage. However, while the scanning suite is active, you can only use pistols.
  • (20 credits) Smoke grenade (provide cover for 4 rounds, aoe 1, range 6)
  • (10 credits) Frag grenade (2d6 damage, aoe 1, deviation 1d4, range 6)
  • (20 credits) Incendiary grenade (1d6 damage/round for anyone who starts their turn in flames, aoe 1, lasts 3 rounds, range 6, deviation 1d4)
  • (20 credits) Medkit: 1 use, cure a status effect and heal a character +1 HP (with medic training, recover +2 HP and you can exceed your normal max HP)
  • (50 credits) Tactical visor: +1 accuracy
  • (25 credits) Tactical harness: +2 inventory slots, does NOT take an inventory slot.
  • (25 credits) Portable shield: +1 armor, stacks with armor, wield one-handed weapons only
  • (60 credits) Deployable cover: Drop a 3x1 piece of cover, no action required. Can only be retrieved after the battle.
  • (50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
  • (50 credits) Neural stabilizer: +3 to psychic crit saves (1 max).
  • (50 credits) Neural amplifier: +2 range on psychic abilities (1 max)

-modified stealth training, equipment prices, melee specialist, added "2 weapons max", modified psionic skills, added grenade range, added psionic ability ranges
-added overwatch/reaction rule
-added biofeedback psionics type, added "doom" ability to precognition, buffed daze to halve movement speed, added "corona" ability to pyrokinesis, added "coordinate" ability to telepathy (not trying to subtly imply you guys should take psionics with the buffs heh, just adding neat new abilities that I think fit. Also... adding them because some enemies might use them against you >:D)
-added electrokinesis psionics type
-buffed deployable cover, added rocket launcher ammo rules, added boost psi power duration
-psychic ability cost reduced to 1
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Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
the system is very similar to that of a miniature game I know. I only have one question if I have two guns I can attack 2 times in a round? The gun cen be use in melee combat?


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
the system is very similar to that of a miniature game I know. I only have one question if I have two guns I can attack 2 times in a round? The gun cen be use in melee combat?

One attack per round, regardless of the number of guns equipped. Guns can be used in melee with a -2 penalty to accuracy. I've added it to the rules paragraph.

Out of curiosity, which miniatures game is that? And yeah hehe, I basically just pulled together some basic rules I liked from across a few different miniatures game systems.

Please let me know if there seem to be too many fiddly stats! I can combine some of them into one another if that's the case.
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Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
The game is infinity,
Although a much simpler version fortunately. Thanks for the information so avoided the 2 guns XD


Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
  • The Tactical harness occupies a space in the inventory? Then questioning the movement. If I move 3 and then shoot? Can I use the remaining 3 to move?

    Same question to aim. When it's my turn. I decide to shoot and only after I move. I have the +2 bonus?


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
  • The Tactical harness occupies a space in the inventory? Then questioning the movement. If I move 3 and then shoot? Can I use the remaining 3 to move?

    Same question to aim. When it's my turn. I decide to shoot and only after I move. I have the +2 bonus?

The tactical harness does not occupy a space in your inventory. I've added that detail to the description.

Yep, you can move, shoot and then move again. As long as you shoot before you move that turn, you get the +2 bonus. (Edit: you can only shoot before or after movement, not in between)
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Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
What is the general look of the squad? Is it like Overwatch were everyone is very unique or is there a uniform and general look to the squad?
(I only ask cause I'm a fan of a bare midriff on my characters personally xD)


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
I'm thinking uniform but with individual modifications, so someone might have a bare midriff while someone else might have a skirt, or be sleeveless or something.


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Sample characters! Probably didn't need this many examples, but it was fun making them.

Firona Reinmark (Valkyrie)
Name: Firona Reinmark
Callsign: Valkyrie


HP: 3
PP: 0
Armor: 3
Evade bonuses: none
Movement: 6
  • Heavy pistol: 1d6 damage, range 8, 1 handed
  • Spear: 1d10 damage, range 2 melee, 1 handed
Tactical armor: +1 armor
Inventory (2): portable shield

(2 pts) Shocktrooper training
(1 pt) Protective

(15 credits) Heavy pistol
(40 credits) Tactical armor
(25 credits) Portable shield
(15 credits) Spear
=95 credits

Kaina Lotte (Reaper)
Name: Kaina Lotte
Callsign: Reaper


HP: 2
PP: 1
Armor: 0
Evade bonuses: none
Movement: 6
  • Sniper rifle: 1d12 damage, range 14, +2 acc at 8+ range
  • Standard-issue pistol: 1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed
Standard-issue body armor: +0 armor
2 inventory slots: psi-implant, empty

(1 pt) Sniper
(2 pt) Precognition
  • forewarning: auto-succeed on a crit save
  • prescience: re-roll an attack or damage roll
(60 credits) Sniper rifle
(50 credits) Psi-implants
=110 credits

Eria Mahazi (Dervish)
Name: Eria Mahazi
Callsign: Dervish
HP: 3
PP: 0
Armor: 0
Evade bonuses: +1, +1 in melee
Movement: 6
  • Sword: 2d6, melee, +2 acc
  • Standard-issue pistol: 1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed
Standard-issue body armor: +0 armor
Inventory (2): none

(1 pt) Fast reflexes
(1 pt) Melee specialist
(1 pt) Headstrong

(15 credits) Sword
=15 credits



HP: 2
PP: 0
Armor: 0
Evade bonuses: none
Movement: 6
  • Standard-issue carbine: 1d6 damage, range 8
  • Standard-issue pistol: 1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed
Standard-issue body armor: +0 armor
Inventory (2): none

(0 pts) None

(0 credits) Nothing
=0 credits
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Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Oh also, here are your first mission options (I'll put up a poll soon):

Infested ship: An Imperial ship has gone silent. Fight zombies and spore monsters.
Gynoid outpost: A rival empire, the Gynoid Combine, has established a threatening outpost. Fight an army of deadly robot girls.
Barbarian colony: A long-lost imperial colony was recently rediscovered. Fight barbarians and dinosaurs.
Rebel base: A rebel base has been found. Fight an army of similarly zako-like soldiers.


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
Name: Abigail Wynter
Callsign: Raven

Description: Abigail had a rough upbringing. Born into a poor family, her house has struggled on through the harsh backstabbing enviroment of the Zakolite Empire. The Wynter house has long lacked any real estate of significance and barely staves off complete povety each finincial decade. Of all the existing houses, the Wynter House lies all but bottom amongst other struggling Houses in the mud of society. As such, Abigail has always been looked down upon by her peers during her upbringing. However, in recent years, a discovery began to change the state of affairs.

If nothing else, the Wynter House has always possessed a bloodline of beauty, and an unusual abudance of men which is rare in any House. All their women are beauties to behold and their men as handsome in comparison. As such it was not unheard of for Royal's to visit their estate in the dead of night away from eyes and ears, looking to bed members of the poor house in exchange for favour and fortune to keep the House from completely decaying.

As such, Abigail Wynter is of Royal Blood and holds relation to the Empress herself, the news propelled the Wynter House to prosperity over a single year. However she is a bastard child and has little to no claim to the throne should anything ever befell the Empress. Despite her origin however, the Empress is well aware of Abigail's existence and has accepted her as part of the family despite not being of pure Royal Blood. As such Abigail has brought fortune to the Wynter House.

Though life has improved, for Abigail it is not enough to be accepted and simply be given a place in royal life. The young bastard child wants to do more then take the easy way, she wants to earn it. As such she seeks respect over acceptance, looking to display her worth instead of relying on name and heritage and thus has joined the ranks of the Zakolite Imperial Expenditionary Force, looking to serve the Empire and earn true favour from the Empress, something that would propel her House above all those that have looked down upon them. Abigail beleives there is no better way to prove ones ability then to serve the Empire on the front line.

HP: 2
PP: 0
Armor: 1
Evade bonuses: none
Movement: 6
  • Sniper rifle: 1d12 damage, 14 range, +2 crit, cannot move and attack
  • Heavy pistol: 1d6 damage, 8 range, 1 handed
Tactical body armor: +1 armor
Inventory (2):
Tactical Visor: +1 accuracy

(1 pts) Weapon Specialist: Sniper Rifle +2 accuracy with that weapon type
(1 pt ) Sniper: +2 accuracy at 8 or more range
(1 pt) Precise: +1 damage

(80 credits) Sniper rifle
(15 credits) Heavy pistol
(50 credits) Tactical visor
(40 credits) Tactical armor
=185 credits


Name: Katherine (Kat) Bridge
Callsign: XXIII (13)

Description: Katherine Bridge made a name for herself during the Dark-Fall Rebellion for all the wrong reasons. When Gideon Gray caused an uprising across multiple colonies against the Empress and her Zakolite Empire, Kat was all too eager to join the fight that seperated mutliple planets from the Empire. Gideon was against the prospect of cloning, and thus many cloning stations were destroyed when the Dark-Fall Rebellion was formed. Kat herself rose through the ranks of the Rebellion and became Gideon's right hand woman, key in many significant victories that spanned across the stars.

The Rebellion spread across multiple galaxies and the war lasted eight years, but the Zakolite Empire proved to be far too vast for the insurgence, and with their clones were able to whittle down the Dark-Fall Rebellion in spite of their many victories. Gideon was finally killed, and all his followers were exterminated... save for a select few soldiers which had caught the attention of the Empress during the duration of the uprising and long Rebellion. Of near a million volenteers who had entered the Rebellion to fight as soldiers, only a mere fifty were spared.

Kat, despite causing the Empire much inconvienace, and despite how significant of a rank she held in the Rebellion as Gideon's right hand was amongst those spared. The Empress did this not to be merciful to her, but to have her genetics entered into the cloning database, to have her become a part of what she had fought so hard to stop and resist. For several years Kat and the rest of the 50 survivors were subjected to torture until their bodies perished, only to be cloned and for the process to start again.

When the Empress finally deemed the criminals to have been punished enough, all were offered a place to rejoin the Empire as her soldiers, or once more suffer long years of torture. Though some resisted, Kat was not amongst those. Stripped of her name and simply known as XXIII, she has been conscripted to the Zakolite Imperial Expeditionary Force. Having been one of the strongest fighters, she was deemed skilled enough to contribute.

Despite the long years of torture XXIII was subject to, she has managed to retain her arrogant and rather brash personality, proving that she is strong willed... and since rejoining the Empire, proving that she is not without intelligence given what the alternative was.

HP: 3
PP: 0
Armor: 3
Evade bonuses: none
Movement: 6
  • Shotgun: 1d10 damage, 6 range
  • Sword: 2d6 damage melee, 1 handed
  • Smoke grenade (provide cover for 4 rounds, aoe 1, range 6)
  • Frag grenade (2d6 damage, aoe 1, deviation 1d4, range 6)
Assault body armor: +2 armor
Inventory (2):
  • Smoke grenade
  • Frag grenade
(2 pts) Assault/shocktrooper training: no penalty for moving and firing, +1 armor
(1 pt ) Brave: +1 HP

(25 credits) Shotgun
(15 credits) Sword
(80 credits) Assault armor
(20 credits) Smoke grenade
(10 credits) Frag grenade
=150 credits
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Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
I have not yet found images that fully satisfy me. If someone can give me a hand is good

NAME: Atria Weston

DESCRITION An enemy of the empire. Now source for "Crash" clones. The original is kept in a coma induced while clones modified to be obedient to the empire carry out the missions.
Atria's clones are just a shadowy shadow of the "Psiker", in fact, the first versions suffers from personality disorders, and tended to die after only one use of their powers.
But their seductive look has nothing to envy the original.

For a height of 162 cm and a weight of 46kg at the incised, slim and attractive body, broad breast and tonic ass. Long, smooth, dark red hair, with heavenly eyes. Despite the age of only 18 years of age. The face looks very feminine, although mood control systems make the face of the clones virtually inexpressive. Indeed they seem a little silly

2 HP
3 PP (psychic points)
+0 accuracy
+2 accuracy whit Assalt rifle
0 evade
0 crit
6 movement
standard-issue carbine (1d6 damage, range 8)
standard-issue pistol (1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed)
(40 credits) Tactical armor: 1 armor
(25 credits) Assault rifle: 1d8 damage, 10 range
-(30 credits) Laser sight: +1 accuracy
-(30 credits) Advanced scope: +1 accuracy
(25 credits) Tactical harness: +2 inventory slots
1°(50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
2°(50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
3° (50 credits) Neural stabilizer: +3 to psychic crit saves.
-(1 pt ) Psychic potential: +1 PP
-(2 pts)
Telekinesis (crush (single target damage), push, pull)
  • crush: range 8, 1d8 damage, automatic hit
  • push: range 8, push up to 6 spaces away
  • pull: range 8, pull up to 6 spaces in


NAME: Serina Devur.

Black hair beauty. The hair is smooth and well groomed. Light and smooth skin makes for a contrast to dark or camouflage clothes that wear in the missions.

Amber eyes with a bit of makeup, the girl's face with delicate and subtle lines a little French.

Its body shapes are athletic and formative, especially legs and ass are very tonic. The breasts are often bundled so as not to impede the mission.

High 167 cm for 48 kg

2 HP
0 PP (psychic points)
+0 accuracy
0 evade
0 crit
6 movement
standard-issue carbine (1d6 damage, range 8)
standard-issue pistol (1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed)
(80 credits) Stealth suit: Can't be targeted past 5 spaces (with stealth training, 2 spaces)
(15 credits) Heavy pistol: 1d6 damage, 8 range, 1 handed 10 range
-(30 credits) Laser sight: +1 accuracy
-(30 credits) Advanced scope: +1 accuracy
(15 credits) Sword: 2d6 damage melee
-(30 credits) Monoblade: ignore 3 armor
(25 credits) Tactical harness: +2 inventory slots
1°(50 credits) Scanning suite: arm-mounted scanning device, while it's active, you can "mark" an enemy. Anybody who targets a marked enemy gets +2 accuracy and deals +2 damage. However, while the scanning suite is active, you can only use pistols.
2°(10 credits) Frag grenade (2d6 damage, aoe 1)range?
3°(10 credits) Frag grenade (2d6 damage, aoe 1)range?

(1 pt) Stealth training: better effect from stealth suit, +1 evade of you haven't moved this turn
(1 pts) Melee specialist: +2 accuracy in melee, +1 evade in melee
(1 pt) Lone wolf: +1 crit chance, +2 evade when 5+ spaces away from allies


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
I was planning on doing some character art for you guys!

Also, looks like we'll be subjugating a barbarian world. What could go wrong? :D


Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
THX puca!

Look at the positive part! We would probably have to deal only with arrows and stones in long-range combat. And what will a T-rex ever be? Simple XD

I plan on lashing on spears and eating from dinosaurs XD

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