OK step by step5. And with an already given Disgaea body could you only make her face as an swf so that her expressions don't look like a lifeless doll.
I don't understand what you mean. There is no Disgaea body. I was suggesting that you abandon the idea of a body-mod and simply agree to use the standard SDT female body instead.
If you feel that
"the standard SDT girl's face is lifeless" and you're asking for a more expressive face ... then you'll need to explain in
much greater detail (with many examples, screenshots, sketches, etc). Please note that
face modding is very difficult (even moreso than body modding) and it's very unlikely that a total replacement or overhaul of the face will happen. Even
simple face mods (such as changes to the freckles or mascara) are rare because
@Konashion did not allow for such modifications when writing the game.
6. I will start searching immediately for more pictures (also fanmade) about her specific parts and will post them inclusive with their purpose.
Please take a look at the
reference shot guide. Almost all of the images that you've shared are
front or
oblique views. That's okay for establishing color schemes, and for illustrating how clothing is layered or how it fits the body. But we require
side views in order to demonstrate size, shape, and shading patterns. It's difficult to create an SDT mod
(regardless of whether we're talking about hair, clothing, or accessories) without a good side view image.
When you provide imperfect or low-quality references, an artist must put greater effort into the project. They must either
do more research in order to find references that you omitted, or
invest more creativity in order to guess at how the design would appear when seen from the side. Since you're asking people to work for free,
most modders will simply ignore your request unless it includes good side-view references. Others (like me)
lack artistic skill and therefore
rely on tracing, so we
cannot help you unless you can illustrate exactly how something ought to appear in SDT.
Also - please remember to
host your reference images on an offsite service rather than attaching them to your posts. There's a "Remote Upload Images" tool at the bottom of this page which will copy your files to Imgur and then insert them into your posts.
I would also encourage you to
gather the material that you've found into your first post (which you can
Edit). You can also organize the first post into sections (such as "Hairstyles", "Clothing", etc) for the convenience of modders.